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In Happier Times

Posted on Tue Dec 13th, 2022 @ 5:44am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Tanaka Miyahara & Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Edited on on Wed Nov 29th, 2023 @ 4:28am

1,177 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Christmas Vacation
Location: USS Myogi
Timeline: December 2393

Captain Maho Takahashi stood by the window in the commanding officer's quarters, watching the stars zoom by. In the months following Captain Aisaka's trial, her belly had grown quite a lot, and there was no longer a shadow of a doubt as to her pregnancy. It was Christmastime, and that meant the Myogi was on its way back to Sol for a winter layup; a Christmas tradition that started under Miyahara, and was being continued under Takahashi. At their current rate, Maho had estimated that they would be back in Spacedock later in the week, from there, the Myogi's crew could make further arrangements to head home for the holidays.

Maho had allowed her husband, Keisuke, to clean up after their dinner while she took some time to take in the view that Miyahara must have enjoyed in happier times.

Well, she would have taken further enjoyment if she didn't have a little martial arts warrior training in her womb...

"Oof, you are a little kicker, aren't you?" She asked, her question being met with a punch/kick combo.

The doors to the quarters/bedroom area swooshed open, and Keisuke stepped through, yawning.

"It's all picked up and cleaned up." He said, stretching; thoroughly worn out from the day. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to hit the hay."

Maho turned to her husband and smiled.

"Well, that depends on when our little martial arts warrior decides to call it a day." She said, placing her hand on her belly only to have it kicked. "Seriously, she gets more active the closer we get to Earth; almost like she's excited for Christmas as well."

Keisuke chuckled.

"Well, that makes three of us." He chortled. "Anyhow, I'm going to get ready for bed; Come join me when you're able."

As Keisuke went into their private bathroom, Maho turned to look back out the window as her mind flitted to a simpler time:

====Two years earlier...====

The Myogi had made it back to Spacedock for winter layup following a successful season of catching bad guys, and Admiral Tanaka Miyahara wanted to treat his top three officers to a non-replicated feast, which he had prepared by two of the finest chefs he knew of; his brother and sister, and this year, they had really outdone themselves.

As Miyahara was putting the finishing touches on setting up the feast, Captain Maho Nishizumi, Lieutenant Commander Keisuke Takahashi, and Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato arrived.

"Ah, welcome!" He greeted warmly. "You're right on time; and I must say, Tazuko and Tadashi have really outdone themselves this year, and I think you're all in for a treat."

Takeshi smiled.

"Well, I look forward to it." He said. "Though surely, Tazuko can't think to rival Sayuki's pumpkin pie."

Miyahara grinned.

"I don't know, my boy:" Miyahara responded. "I think one slice, and you'll be begging Tazuko for the recipe."

The three officers and the Admiral assumed their seats at the table, and Miyahara led them in grace:

"Lord, we thank you for the feast which we are about to receive, as well as for blessing us with the best ship and crew in the quadrant and a magnificent season of catching bad guys; may 2394 be just as fruitful as 2393 has been. Amen."

"Amen." Maho, Keisuke, and Takeshi all echoed in unison.

As the four of them dug into the feast, Miyahara took the opportunity to engage his command staff in conversation:

"So, any of you have big plans for the holiday?"

"Well, boss;" Keisuke responded. "I'm pretty sure you know how Maporin and I plan to spend our Christmas..."

"Oh, boy, don't I ever?" Miyahara said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Though, truth be told, we're still deciding on who we're going to bunk with on Christmas Eve." Keisuke explained. "Whether it'll be her folks or mine; regardless, we'll be starting Christmas morning with one family and later in the day, heading over to pay a visit to the other."

"Well, whatever you decide, be sure to tell the Commodore and Nishizumi I send them season's greetings." Miyahara said. "What about, you; my boy?" He asked Takeshi.

"Well, to be frank, boss;" Takeshi responded. "I'm honestly just looking forward to being home for Sayuki and the kids."

"A respectable plan." Miyahara responded. "Keeping it simple: I respect that."

"I take it then you're not planning on attending any admiralty Christmas parties?" Maho asked.

"Oh, lord no:" Miyahara responded. "They understand my views in remaining connected to the everyman. No, I'm going to keep it simple like Nakazato here and spend the holiday with the two people in my life who matter most to me; the ones who made this feast, as a matter of fact."

"Sounds like fun:" Takeshi said. "Well, you be sure when you wish those amazing siblings of yours a Merry Christmas to also thank them for this amazing feast."

"Indeed." Keisuke agreed. "Seriously; we're so lucky that those two took the time out of their busy schedules to cook for people they barely know."

"That's bullshit and you know it, Takahashi:" Miyahara responded. "I like to think that we're a family here on the Myogi, and that you three are just as much siblings to me as Tazuko and Tadashi are. Because if a captain doesn't treat his crew like family... Well, what's the point then?"

"But surely, you don't tell them everything about us?" Keisuke said.

"Well, at least what you've given me the liberty to share:" Miyahara said. "If any of you make me proud, or you disappoint me; they'll hear about it, because they can't just hear the good without the bad and vice versa, if you know what I mean."

"Prevents an idealized or stigmatized image of us from forming in their heads." Maho said. "And that's what keeps us human in their eyes."

"Exactly!" Miyahara responded.

When everyone had eaten enough, what was left was packed into containers, and each of the three officers were given portions to take home. While Miyahara would certainly be taking home a large portion of the leftovers, in a gesture to his crew, Miyahara would set up a table by the docking hatch with the remaining leftovers for disembarking crewmembers to take as they pleased.

Leftovers in hand, Maho, Keisuke, and Takeshi bade Miyahara farewell. They would spend one more night on the Myogi before disembarking on their Christmas shore leave the next morning. As they made their way back to their quarters for the evening, the three officers further discussed their plans for their shore leave; as the three of them agreed that they would see each other again at least once on their shore leave.

"See you then, Zack!" Keisuke called as he and Maho went their separate way from Takeshi.

Posting by

Admiral Tanaka Miyahara
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Maho Nishizumi
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato
Third Officer
USS Myogi


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