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Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 5:07am by Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara 'Tak'

460 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Bridge, Deck 1
Timeline: Concurrent with "An (Emergency) Meeting of the Minds"

Takumi had showed up to the bridge to relieve Jane on the helm so his boss could attend the senior staff meeting the captain had called. Takumi's attention was split between making sure the Myogi remained on course and observing FNN'S coverage of the situation at Starfleet Headquarters. During one of his checks of the Myogi's course, his PADD went off. As he returned his gaze to the news coverage, his PADD went off again, and again.

Finally, Takumi gave in and glanced down at the PADD, noticing that an old friend seemed to be desperately trying to get in contact with him:


Hey, Takumi.

Yo, Takumi!

Knowing that Itsuki would just keep messaging until he was acknowledged, Takumi decided to respond:

What is it, Itsuki? I'm a little busy right now.

Itsuki's next reply made Takumi's blood run cold:

Wasn't this your girlfriend once upon a time?
(+1 attachment)

The attachment to Itsuki's message was an amateur video taken on the ground in San Francisco, evidently not too far from Starfleet Headquarter, as the amateur cameraman panned to a young Andorian woman draped in a Miyahara flag being helped along by someone out of frame.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" The camerman asked the Andorian.

"I got maced." The Andorian woman responded.

"You got maced?" The cameraman seemed surprised.

Takumi recognized the Andorian's face and voice, and while he suspected he knew who this person taking the video was talking to was, he was still holding out hope that this wasn't her:

"And what happened? You were trying to go inside Starfleet Headquarters?" The cameraman asked.

"Yeah," the Andorian responded. "I made it like a foot inside, and they pushed me out and they maced me."

"What's your name? Where are you from?"

"My name's Natsuki, I'm from Andoria." The Andorian, Natsuki, said.

Takumi couldn't believe what he was hearing: Natsuki had just confirmed it herself! the shock was now fast giving way to anger.

"And why did you want to go in?"

"We're storming Starfleet Headquarters! It's a revolution!" Natsuki explained.

As the video finished, Takumi sat back in the helm chair, running his hands through his hair. Though he shouldn't have been surprised, given how in his recent communications with Natsuki, she sounded like she was going to do something this stupid, Takumi still felt like he had been blindsided.

It was like learning that Natsuki was dating an older man all over again, except this time, Takumi would have to take action and turn Natsuki in. Takumi was really hoping he wouldn't have to take action with this, but Natsuki had left him very little recourse otherwise.

Posting by

Ensign Takumi Fujiwara
Flight Control Officer


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