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Course Reversal

Posted on Thu Jan 5th, 2023 @ 5:08am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Elisabeth Churchill

309 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1

The news coming from Starfleet Headquarters had been coming into Elisabeth's quarters, and as she watched, her decision to leave Starfleet vanished. She could tell that trying times were ahead for the Federation, and that the worst possible thing she could think of doing was walk away from all of it. Now, more than ever, Starfleet needed Elisabeth Churchill.

As there were still a few more hours before the Myogi arrived in Sol, Elisabeth made her way to the bridge to speak with the captain about her decision to stay, pressing the ready room chime once she reached the ready room doors.

"Enter:" Came Maho's voice from the other side.

The doors opened and Elisabeth stepped through.

"Ah, Commander Churchill:" Maho said, sitting back down and motioning for her guest to do the same. "How goes the packing?"

"Actually, that's what I came here to talk to you about:" Elisabeth said, drawing in a breath. "Captain, I wish to retract my resignation and remain aboard as Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer."

Elisabeth could tell by the way Maho looked at her that she was surprised by Elisabeth's decision, even if the captain's face remained stone neutral.

"Very well." Maho nodded. "I shall alert Commander Queed to this development. Since you'll be sticking around, is there any chance I could persuade you to volunteer to go planetside?"

"I hate to disappoint, but I'm a diplomat." Elisabeth sighed. "I wouldn't be very good in a fight."

Maho nodded. She understood that volunteering wouldn't be for everyone.

"Understood." She said. "Anything else you require me for, Commander?"

"No, ma'am." Elisabeth said. "That is all."

"Very well:" Maho said. "You're free to unpack your quarters, Commander. Dismissed."

"Thank you, Captain." Elisabeth nodded, getting up and leaving the ready room.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer


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