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Here Come The Crazies

Posted on Tue Sep 7th, 2021 @ 5:15am by Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'

693 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: USS Myogi (NCC-65918), Entry Gangway
Timeline: TBD

Tristana stood at the entrance gangway, checking the credentials of all Starfleet personnel that came aboard the ship. It was routine work, but that didn't make it any less boring. The young Mexican woman yawned during a particularly long and boring stretch of staring down an empty gangway. When she had finished, she spotted the familiar figure of a middle aged-looking Brooklynite approaching her from down the gangway. Tristana smiled as the man approached her post:

"Welcome back, Johnston:" She greeted. "It's good to know someone has the balls to appeal their transfer orders."

"Well, it sure wasn't easy:" Johnston responded as he handed Tristana his credentials. "Took some friends in high places to make it happen, but I'm back, baby."

"Well, this will certainly put Commander Takahashi at ease to have you back in engineering." Tristana responded as she eyed Johnston's credentials for signs of tampering. "So, tell me, Johnston; what made you appeal your transfer orders to come back?"

"Well, I had some shore leave while I was waitin' for my reassignment to show up;" Johnston responded. "I watched 'em screen like 3 engineers or something for the job, but they all had transfer orders in hand shortly afterwards. That was when I decided the Myogi was worth fighting my transfer orders over. By the way, did I hear you, right? That Captain Takahashi got demoted?"

"Did you think Starfleet wouldn't punish absolutely everyone who had even the slightest affiliation with Miyahara?" Tristana asked.

"No, I just didn't think it'd be this bad:" Johnston replied.

The two of them were so busy talking that neither Tristana nor Johnston noticed someone else approaching them down the gangway.

"Excuse me, lads, but you wouldn't happen to know if they serve snacks on this flight?" the newcomer greeted with evident sarcasm.

Tristana looked up at the newcomer, whose jacket made it difficult to distinguish that she was wearing a Starfleet uniform.

"I'm sorry, are you lost?" Tristana asked. "This is a Starfleet facility and vessel: If some Jane Doe can just wander right up to a Starfleet vessel, then no wonder Starfleet Security's screwed."

The newcomer threw her head back and cackled. "I could likely say as much of the security officer that's standing around and gossiping rather than doing her job," she retorted with a cheeky smirk, "But you're cute, so I'll let it slide."

"Sorry, sweetheart;" Tristana responded, getting the newcomer's hint. "This merchandise is intended for a different demographic."

"Well, I'll be sure to keep my door open if you ever decide to dip your toes in the lady pond," the newcomer chuckled as she unclipped a PaDD from her belt and passed it over to Tristana to review.

Terry looked back at the holdup he had caused.

"Perhaps we'll continue this later;" He said, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "You'll know where to find me."

Terry then stepped through the docking ring, leaving the other two women standing in the gangway.

"Well, it looks like your credentials check out, Lieutenant." Tristana said, handing the PADD back to the newcomer. "Though, I think I'll take a pass dipping my toes in the pussy pond: I'm way too fond of my dicks."

"Well, you do you,>" the Lieutenant shrugged. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know where they keep the fighters, would you? I wanna get a lay of my squadron before I report in to Commander What's-Her-Face."

It's a smaller ship, so the fighter wing operates out of the shuttlebay." Tristana explained. "It's nothing glamorous, but frankly, if you've joined a smaller ship like this, than you should already know that glamor is overrated."

"I'm sure I'll survive," the Lieutenant chuckled as she tightened the straps on her duffel bag and proceeded on through the docking ring. "Be seeing you around, Lieutenant~"

And with a playful wink, she rounded a corner and disappeared from sight.


Lieutenant Tristana
Assistant Chief of Security, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant JG Terrence Johnston
Engineering Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Nightkids Squadron Leader, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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