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A Hand Extended Is A Favor Returned

Posted on Fri Sep 10th, 2021 @ 8:10am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Ichika Misono
Edited on on Sun Nov 5th, 2023 @ 7:48pm

1,662 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: USS Myogi (NCC-65918), Captain Takahashi's Quarters, Deck 2
Timeline: After Ichika Finishes Distributing Duty Rosters

After a long day, it was nice for Maho to finally be able to relax in her new quarters she shared with Keisuke. Of course, the quarters had formerly been Miyahara's, but as he was no longer there, occupation of the quarters fell to Maho, and she and Keisuke had moved into them following Maho's promotion to the command chair. Even though Keisuke as Second Officer was still permitted to sleep in the Second Officer's quarters, he hardly ever used them, and the quarters looked unoccupied.

"So, how did meeting Misono go today, babe?" Keisuke asked as he was preparing their dinner; teriyaki chicken served on Yakisoba noodles.

"Fine," Maho muttered. "Though it seems I had to beat her over the head with Senpai's principles before she finally realized what she was meant to be doing."

"Well, let's hope that behavior doesn't persist." Keisuke responded. "Especially if what you're saying is true, and that we're supposed to meet with the Klingon ambassador tomorrow."

"I hope so too." Maho sighed. "It would leave a very bad impression for the ambassador."

At that moment, the chime to the quarters rang.

"What the hell?" Keisuke asked. "Who could be calling this late in the evening?"

"I'll get it." Maho said.

Getting up from her comfy spot, Maho made her way to the entrance of the quarters. She realized she looked less than dignified, having already removed her bra for the evening, and whoever it was that was calling would have to put up with it.

When she reached to door and swooshed it open, she found none other than Misono standing there.

"Um... Can I help you?" She asked.

"Pardon the intrusion, Captain," Misono began. "But I came to inform you that the duty rosters were distributed to our senior staff, as per your request."

"Very good, Commander." Maho responded. "If you come seeking my permission to turn in for the night, you need not do so, you know. It's not like I'm running a prison ship."

Commander Misono chuckled. "It hardly ever crossed my mind, Captain. I actually came up here to talk to you about something you'd mentioned earlier; mind if I come in?"

"Of course:" Maho said, stepping aside and gesturing for Misono to come in. "Commanding and Executive Officers should get to know each other both on duty and off. You fancy some teriyaki chicken?"

"I appreciate the offer, Captain, but I'm afraid I'll have to refrain," Ichika apologized as she stepped inside. "All that soy sauce, sugar, garlic... none of that's really good for me."

"Well, I guess that's more for us, then;" Keisuke responded, stepping away from the stove for a moment to get a better look at their visitor. "I take it you're Commander Misono? Nice to finally meet you myself instead of relying on my wife here's word." He said, a hint of bitterness in his voice that the new XO had not bothered to meet him at all beforehand

Ichika took a moment to size up her rather... strapping Second Officer.

"My, my," she giggled. "I must hand it to you, Captain-- if your husband's anything to go off of, you have an exceptional taste in men; those shoulders are a work of art..."

"Excuse me; I'm talking to you!" Keisuke said, annoyance entering his voice when Ichika proceeded to talk to Maho as if he didn't exist. "HEY!"

"Keisuke, mind your manners!" Maho responded sharply.

Keisuke was taken aback slightly by his wife's sudden snapping at him.

"Sorry," He said, running his hand through his hair on the back of his head. "It's just that I don't do well with being ignored, especially if it's someone I'm supposed to trust."

"Oh, don't worry about it," Ichika dismissed. "I didn't take any offense."

"So, anyway; what was it you came here to talk to me about?" Maho asked, bringing to conversation back on track. "If it's about the whole Academy thing; it was really nothing; Zh'gero was always an arrogant ass. How she landed command of our sister ship, I'll never understand. Senpai works in mysterious ways, I guess..."

"Well, about what you said earlier about that Inuto you stood up for back in the Academy..." Ichika began, shuffling her foot as she searched to find the right words to put her suspicions forth. "If I'm not mistaken... I think that cadet was me."

[Starfleet Academy, Circa 2390]

"And you knocked her up on your LOA?" Maho asked. "Zack, you sly dog!"

It wasn't uncommon for Maho to eat with Takeshi. What with the two of them being in the same major and all. Usually they ate Japanese food from the replicator, but for once they had decided to shake things up and see what Chef Hayes was cooking up that day, which happened to be some New Orleans-style dish he claimed was better than Sisko's Creole Kitchen, which Maho doubted for some reason.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that..." Takeshi admitted sheepishly, running a hand through his hair on the back of his head. "Anyways..."

However, Maho had suddenly stopped paying attention to what Takeshi was saying, as her sharp hearing had picked up on an altercation happening a few tables down:

"I told you before, and I'll tell you again; Inuto belong as deadbeats: Wasting away in Engineering or Ops." Came the familiar voice of an arrogant Andorian who took many of the same classes as Maho. "They have no business wearing red other than looking silly. Now move your furry ass before we make you move!"

"Funny, because I don't remember the instructors saying anything about bullies having a place in the Captain's Chair..."

"A favorite table is like having your own Starship under you." The Andorian leered. "You don't just let others take it without a fight: Not like you'll ever experience the captain's chair, because Inuto have such low IQ that they should just stay away from this major, isn't that right, girls?"

"That's enough, Zh'gero!" Maho's voice rang out. "Find someplace else to sit for today!

The Andorian, Zh'gero, turned around. Maho had stood up to shout at her, and was glaring at her intimidatingly.

"That's funny," Zh'gero said. "Because I don't remember giving you permission to speak, Nishizumi: You're not even supposed to be in this major in the first place. But, since that Admiral has a stiffy for you, I suppose we just have to let you slide!"

"I have every right to be in this major, as does that Inuto!" Maho responded. "Every right as you or Zack. So, I'll only say this once: Shut your windpipe before I close it for you!

"Are you trying to give me orders?" Zh'gero responded, dropping her voice down. "Ooh, well, sweet cheeks; I hope your tits and your ass are big enough to compensate for your new dental plan I'm about to give you!"

However, it was Maho that threw the first punch. A surprise right hook just as Zh'gero finished speaking. By that, the conversation had attracted the attention of several cadets, and what was about to happen next was almost inevitable:

"MESS HALL FIIIIIGHT!" Someone yelled.

As the scene quickly descended into a free-for-all and the lunch staff scrambled to get Security on the scene, hardly anyone noticed as the Inuto Cadet who had been the source off all this commotion stumbled from the room in shock...

[Present Day]

"I would have remembered if it was you." Maho responded. "I never heard from that Inuto cadet again, not even a thank you."

"It took me about a month to get my thoughts in order," Ichika admitted truthfully. "And by the time I finally got around to it, I could never seem to locate you. That Andorian who you socked? She avoided me like the plague after that incident, so I couldn't even get her to open up about it."

"Zh'gero was always a bit of an elitist around what she called 'pink skins.'" Maho explained. "I wouldn't necessarily call her xenophobic, but it wasn't a secret she believed Andorians to be superior because they can stand much colder temperatures than someone like a human could. Sounds like typical Zh'gero to avoid one she deems to be a 'pink skin.'"

"What she thinks about us pinkies is irrelevant," Ichika remarked, waving her hand dismissively. "What I mean to say is that I owe you my gratitude for standing up for me all those years ago; your simple act of selflessness inspired me to work harder and take bigger risks, and I don't know if I'd be where I am today if it weren't for you."

"We are all members of Starfleet, commander;" Maho responded. "It is all of our duty to cooperate, and look out for one another. To stand up for those unwilling or unable to stand up for themselves, even if sometimes, the person you're standing up to happens to wear the same uniform as you do."

"And for that, I am in your debt, Captain," Ichika smiled, bowing her head respectfully. "Should you need me for anything, I'll be at your beck-and-call."

"If that's the case;" Keisuke piped up. "I'd like to meet up with you at 0600 hours tomorrow. We're expecting the Klingon Ambassador at 0800 hours, and I'd like to get to know you a little better beforehand. I mean, since you blew me off today...:

"Babe, Commander Misono is here right now." Maho pointed out. "Why not spare yourself the redundancy and do so now?"

To be continued...


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