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Triaging Necessary (Backpost)

Posted on Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 3:55am by Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Commander Victor Delling MD

1,143 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Returning to Myogi after the Events on the ground

As the transporter beam faded, the redhead sagged as if the gravity were higher than Earth's normal, but it wasn't, they were unfortunately the same. She was still wearing the same faded flannel shirt over a white t-shirt and blue jeans that she'd worn down on the ground, although the body armor she'd been fitted with was long gone, having been been taken off by the triage crew down on the planet. She sighed as she tried to straighten up, then started to hobble her way over to an empty biobed and leaned up against it. The sickbay was busier than normal and she was willing to wait.

Victor had just finished a round of the patients still on life support measures and came in to see the transporter beam bring someone in. Someone who didn't want to bring attention to themselves, and so his sharp eyes watched where the female went.

As she arrived at the empty biobed, Alisha first leaned up on it, then made the effort to hop up onto the edge of the bed and glanced over to where the doctor had just come around.

He waited, caught her gaze and raised an eyebrow in a gesture of do you need urgent assistance. He was essentially triaging her from across the room.

For a heartbeat or two, Alisha considered the unspoken question, then shook her head slightly, accompanying it with a with a very slight wavery hand gesture. It was intended to tell him that she was generally good, but when he had time.

Truthfully, he had nothing but time. This was the entirety of his job today, any day actually. He was not the triaging doctor, but something in her demeanor told him that he'd be doing her a disservice If he waited to assess her.

Alisha noted the doctor actually coming over rather than waiting like she'd signaled he could do and only felt a wash of relief come over her and gave a weak smile, "Good to see you, Doctor Deling, I really can wait if you need to tend to others. If it helps, the medical team on-planet diagnosed me with a sprained ankle and whatever it is that follows up being hit and knocked out by a stun shot."

"You got stunned by one of ours?" He asked switching on the scanner and running it over her body as he helped her up onto the biobed. There was a note of anger in his voice as he asked a follow up question "How exactly did that come about?"

"One of ours." Alisha confirmed with a wry smile, "It's a bit complicated... To be fair, I was screaming at them to shoot me and I suppose they took me up on the offer. But I was on the ground gathering information, without a comm, but found more than I'd bargained on finding out, decided it needed to get into friendly hands before things on the ground had gotten worse. Getting taken 'prisoner' seemed like the best way to get into our lines without compromising my identity before getting out of the mob. Was hoping I'd get dragged inside our lines rather than dropped with a shot, but can't always get what we want, right?"

He paused for a moment to take in her words before cocking his head to the side "I suppose not. Still...You waited too long to come see me. How bad are the tremors?"

"They just released me downstairs, so I did get here as soon as I could..." Alisha demurred, holding out one arm, which trembled visibly, "The tremors are... Moderate. Not debilitating to me, but they definitely don't feel good or right. Nerve damage, right?" She cringed at the thought of that, but she also wasn't certain that was what it was.

"Possibly." Victor acknowledged the possibility of that as he finished the highly detailed scan he was doing. "We will just see how much I can do for that in the now."

“Anything that keeps me from looking like I’ve got cerebral palsy would definitely count as an upgrade.” She figured that if she kept making jokes, she couldn’t be all THAT bad off, “Anything else they didn’t catch while I was being checked out below?”

Victor snorted and shook his head "Working on that. Stunners are not something to be taken lightly, though we use them fair frequently. I can't say that I'm always a fan of our methods."

"Beats death all hollow, doc." Alisha said quietly, remembering a point where she couldn't have used a stun shot no matter what she'd desired to do. She knew she HAD to break herself out of the loop again, "But mission accomplished! Got the information to the people who needed to know about it, don't know if they did anything with it, but my job was complete. And here I am."

There was something in her eyes that made him pause and look at her. Gently, his hand rested on her shoulder and squeezed. Just enough to convey his support should she feel the need to unburden herself.

She shook her head slightly even as her hand covered his own, "I'll be... Fine. Nikko." She said quietly so that he'd understood, "I'm going to be going and seeing the counselor soon.. And she's going to rip me a new one because I went down there to get information, kind violated a tentative agreement we had."

"Good, Brennyn will be helpful I am sure." he said softly, and then added in a quieter voice "If you ever want a different perspective, my door is always open."

"And Jane... And Mia even gave her own measure of support."

Alisha added, gaining strength in her voice, "But I think I'll be fine, eventually. I need some time off, though, or at least some sort of thing."

"Time off is easy to arrange, I'll put in for a week off entirely, and an additional 2 weeks of light duty. I would like to see you after the first week is up, because I can always extend that time should you need it."

"Let me talk to Lieutenant Scott first?" Alisha asked him, "She's not going to be happy with me in any case, might have a thing or two to say to me about what I did as well."

"She might at that." he nodded slowly in agreement with her statement "Very well, just let me know how it goes."

"Will do. Do what you think is a good deed? Sometimes the piper still needs to get paid. We'll see what I can do to put off that reckoning if possible." She gave a slight smile.

OLD Mission Post By:

Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer
USS Myogi


Lieutenant(jg) Alisha Reno
(then)Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


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