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"The Haruna is personal to me."

Posted on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 10:06am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Tristana
Edited on on Thu Jun 22nd, 2023 @ 10:12am

605 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After 'A Contest of Teamwork, Courage, and Sacrifice'

Lieutenant Commander Tristana made her way to Maho's ready room on the bridge. She had caught wind of the Haruna's captain challenging the Myogi's crew to a street racing competition, and she wanted to know why she hadn't been invited, as it was the Haruna she had originally been assigned to, and if there was anyone who would love to see Captain Zh'gero and her cronies put in their place, it was her.

Maho was just about to head down to the Holodeck to show a street race of the kind they'd be running to some of the members of her senior staff who didn't know what it was they'd be doing when the ready room chime rang.

"Enter." Maho called out, as she was already standing.

"Hola, Capitan! (Hello, Captain!)" Tristana greeted as she entered. "Word on the street is that Capitan (Captain) Zh'gero and her crew challenged us to a street racing competition, and furthermore, that I was not invited."

"That is correct, Commander." Maho responded. "And if you were still senior staff, I would have invited you. Frankly, it wasn't my decision to bring Commander Ebisuzawa in."

"I don't hold that against you, Capitan. (Captain.)" Tristana said. "But you must know, that the Haruna is personal to me; I was originally assigned to her under Capitan (Captain) Tsuchiya before I was assigned here. And I must say, I do not appreciate what Capitan (Captain) Zh'gero has done to the old girl."

"I understand your sentiment." Maho said. "I don't like what that bigot has done to the Haruna any more than you have."

"Then do something about it!" Tristana pleaded. "Let me at them, just give me a chance!"

"Well..." Maho sighed. "It's a long shot, but I could get in touch with Shimakaze and see if she would be interested in dragging her assistant Chief Of Security into this."

"If they'd be interested, I'd gladly take them on." Tristana said. "Otherwise, make me senior staff. Something like acting Directora de Operaciones (Chief Operations Officer), I'd be more than happy to give that arrogant ass of an Ops Chief they have a fat lip and to whip their butt at a street race."

"That could be easy enough to arrange." Maho responded. "Since Ensign Kurosawa has stepped back from her chief duties, and Shimakaze won't want to add to the number of participants, I think we can accommodate that, so long as we don't get a new Ops Chief transferred in sometime over the next two weeks."

"Gracias, Capitan! (Thank you, Captain!)" Tristana said, shaking Maho's hand with both of hers. "I'm looking forward to serving those Haruna freaks some Mexican humility. So... What time's practice?"

"Tomorrow morning at 0800 hours." Maho said.

"Okay, I'll be there, contra viento y marea. (hell or high water.)" Tristana said.

"Before you go, Commander; there's one thing I want you to think about, which we'll be requiring the answer from you at first practice:" Maho stopped Tristana. "Traditionally, a touge street race is split into two different segments; the hill climb and the downhill. I need you to decide which segment you want to run by practice tomorrow morning."

"Oh, you'll get my answer soon enough:" Tristana responded. "See you maƱana, Capitan! (tomorrow, Captain!)"

And without further word, Tristana left the ready room. Maho smiled, glad to see that other members of her crew were interested in taking on the Haruna. She would inform Ensign Kurosawa later on that her services wouldn't be needed for the task at hand.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Tristana
Acting Chief Operations Officer


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