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Herbie Rides Again (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Jul 1st, 2023 @ 1:57am by Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke

1,059 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: USS Akina, Holodeck Three

Leaving the second officer in charge of the Akina's bridge with orders to alert her to any new developments, Mio made her way down to the Akina's holodeck. Minna had already retired for the evening, and had given orders to not be disturbed, hence why the orders Mio left in the hands of the bridge crew were to alert her specifically.

Mio made her way down to Holodeck three. She had previously booked an appointment for it. However, Minna had come to her last minute asking if Mio absolutely needed the holodeck at that time or if she could reschedule. The Akina's executive officer had told Minna to just cancel the appointment Mio had made, as she knew the holodecks tended to have more open availability later into the night and into the early morning hours. However, Mio didn't feel like going back to her quarters yet, so she had made her way down as if she still had her reservation.

When Mio reached the doors of Holodeck three, she noticed that the program running was one of the Wolfsburg area. Figuring it was safe to assume that it was likely Minna running the program, as the Akina's new captain hailed from the Wolfsburg area, Mio decided to step inside and see what Minna was up to.

As Mio stepped through the arch, she found herself standing in a dimly lit German barn. The singular light source in the storage structure hung down from the ceiling, illuminating an old ground car on a jackstand. The car's shape, even in the 25th century, was instantly recognizable as a Volkswagen Beetle, though the Beetle had a few additional details on it; namely a set of offset red, white, and blue racing stripes running from the front bumper to the rear bumper, as well as gumballs with the number 53 on the doors, hood, and rear decklid. Bolted to the front bumper was a black California license plate with gold lettering reading "OFP 857"

Mio made her way towards the open decklid, where there was the sound of a turning wrench coming from under the car.

"So, this was what was so important I had to cancel my reservation?" Mio asked. "So you could restore a classic car?"

Minna had been working on the car when she had heard the arch appear and Minna step through. She had been hoping that Mio would be curious for a few seconds and then turn and leave, and went back to her work until Mio spoke, indicating her XO wasn't going anywhere fast. Gripping the rear bumper, Minna slid out from under the car and sat up.

"The original was junked a long time ago." Minna responded, stroking the car's rear fender and taillight. "So holographically is now the only way I can honor Kurt's memory."

Mio blinked and the color drained from her face. Of course, she had been inconsiderate in her selfishness...

"I... Didn't realize..." Mio said sheepishly, going red in the face.

"It's not your fault." Minna responded, turning to Mio and standing up. "I've not been as open to my number one as I should be."

Minna began to lower the car from the jackstand.

"Kurt really loved Herbie prior to his accident;" She explained. "He had always wanted to paint him up like this, but he died and Herbie was scrapped before that could happen."

"You wanted to turn a Volkswagen Beetle... Into a racecar?" Mio asked, confused.

"The car has a name, you know;" Minna said. "It's Herbie."

Mio raised her intact eyebrow in curiosity.

"You named the car Herbert?" She asked.

"No, not Herbert, Herbie." Minna clarified, closing the decklid. "It's from an old film series from the 20th and early 21st centuries."

"I see..." Mio said, making a note to look up the old movies Minna was referring to at a later time. "So... Herbie, here... He was your...?"

"Boyfriend's car." Minna completed the sentence. "He was just a plain ragtop beetle in L87 Pearl White. Kurt always had it in his head that one day, Herbie was going to look just like this, and had even taken to calling the car Herbie in anticipation of that day."

Minna opened the driver's side door and sat in the driver's seat.

"Unfortunately, Kurt lost his life before that day ever came." She explained. "Herbie was horribly damaged from the accident, and Kurt's family made the decision to scrap him. And now, just like how Kurt only lives in my memories, Herbie only lives on in this... Holographic fantasy."

Minna then proceeded to turn the key in the ignition, and the air-cooled boxer 4 engine roared to life. Minna looked evidently pleased that she had solved the problem with Herbie's fuel system. Once the car was holding idle by itself, Minna reached over and opened the passenger door.

"Care to go for a ride, Commander?" Minna asked.

Mio was unsure what to make of Minna's offer: If Minna's boyfriend had been killed and the car had been damaged in the accident which claimed his life, then it should speak volumes that such an antique was a death trap.

But, if Minna was also extending an offer a friendship and opening up about a particularly dark chapter in her past...

Before Mio knew what she was doing, she was climbing into the passenger seat. As she closed the door, she found the old car lacking in safety features, not even a primitive version of safety belts found in hovercars, and she had only a handle on the dashboard to hold onto.

"It's quite... Basic." Mio commented.

"That's the point;" Minna responded, pulling the headlight switch and activating the Beetle's lights. "Simple transportation that's easy to work on."

Before putting the car into gear, Minna turned to Mio.

"Since we're in the Wolfsburg area, I can take you to the exact spot where it happened..." She said.

"The... Accident?" Mio asked.

Minna nodded.

"I've been there multiple times. Both in a simulation and the actual site." She said.

Mio nodded.

"Well, by all means." She said, gesturing for Minna to get the car underway.

Nodding, Mio proceeded to back the Beetle out of the barn and turn around before setting off down the dirt road which led up to the barn.

To be continued...


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