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Even Captains Need Their Beauty Sleep

Posted on Thu Aug 1st, 2024 @ 10:25pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.'

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Takahashi Quarters
Timeline: Sometime following 'Immediate Action'

To say that recent events had overstressed Maho was an understatement to say the least. The USS Myogi's young captain had spent the past few days riding the razor's edge, and the situation with Lieutenants Sinclair and Amaro had been the last straw. Maho had been an out of control GT-R careening towards the guardrail for quite some time, and now it was time for the moment of impact:

"Takahashi to Takahashi:" Maho tapped her combadge. "Report to our quarters at your earliest opportunity."

"Understood." Keisuke responded. "Is everything alright?"

"I'll debrief you when you arrive." Maho explained. "Takahashi out."

Maho arrived back at her quarters first and breathed a sigh of relief once the doors swooshed shut behind her. She turned to the windows providing her a view of the planet below: A reminder of her responsibilities- responsibilities she desperately wanted to shed in this moment...

"Window opacity, 80%" Maho ordered, the computer beeping in acknowledgement.

As the windows darkened to block out the view of the planet, Maho made her way towards the comfortable couch that she had found Miyahara asleep on in similar high stress situations and settled into its plush cushions, tapping the controls on the armrest to activate the nearby viewscreen.

What immediately came on was the news station that Maho had left on when she had last used the screen. Maho had kept one eye on the news ever since she had taken command of the Myogi, but at the moment Maho turned on the news, FNN was covering a different story out of the H'atoria Sector:

"Still no word from Starbase 234 about the missing Starship in the H'atoria Sector:"

Maho began surfing the channels until she found her favorite sports channel, which held the exclusive broadcast rights for the MFG; and as luck would have it, the station was re-airing the previous week's race for viewers who had missed it.

As Maho settled on the MFG channel, the doors swooshed open and shut again, indicating Keisuke's arrival.

"You wanted to see me, babe?" He asked.

"Yes, have a seat..." Maho instructed, patting the empty cushion next to her as she undid her tunic, revealing her maternity undershirt. She had been advised to wear it as additional support for her rounding belly, though that combined with her tunic meant that in order to get comfortable, one garment or the other had to go. In fact, she was contemplating getting rid of her bra as well...

Keisuke and Maho had been together long enough for Keisuke to understand that anything Maho instructed him to do, especially in her current condition, he did, and without protest, he made his way over to the couch and sat down next to his wife in time to see Maho pulling her bra out from her shirt and flinging it behind her, aiming for a chair at the desk behind the living room. She missed, and her bra wound up on the floor, but Keisuke could tell that she could care less where it went as long as it was out of her sight.

"Exhaustion must really be getting to you." Keisuke commented. "If you're undoing your tunic and shedding your bra, that is."

Maho wordlessly sighed in acknowledgement as she shifted to find a more comfortable position.

"Here, let me." Keisuke said as he grabbed a throw pillow and put it behind Maho's back. "There. That better?"

"Yes, much..." Maho said. "Any more, and I might fall asleep..."

"Don't worry about it if you do." Keisuke said, reaching over for another throw pillow. "Misono, Anzai, and I can handle it..."

"No, please stay." Maho urged. "I just want it to be the two... three of us..." Maho stroked her belly. "No responsibilities, no galactic stakes, just... A young budding family..."

"Well, I suppose Misono and Anzai can cover for me..." Keisuke sighed, sitting back on the couch and finally turning to the screen.

"Oh, hey, this was an intense race." He commented.

Keisuke was a man who was hard to get to relax and forget his responsibilities. Yet, for his wife, Keisuke would at least try. Fortunately, she had put on the MFG channel, and the race that was being aired was one that Keisuke had gotten heavily invested in when it had originally aired, so he was able to get sucked up in it again.

He wasn't sure how much time passed, but eventually the sounds of snoring began to cut into his enjoyment of the race. Keisuke looked over to see Maho fast asleep, her belly prominently jutting out. He wasn't entirely sure what came over him, but he moved closer to Maho and leaned over onto her, placing his hand on her belly.

"Hello there, little one." He cooed softly. "Are you making mommy tired?"

A faint kick from a tiny foot within Maho's belly met Keisuke's hand in response to his question.

"Mmmm..." Maho muttered tiredly, her eyes fluttering open briefly to notice Keisuke leaned against her with his hand on her belly. "Are you making the baby kick again?"

"Is that a problem?" Keisuke asked.

"No..." Maho responded. "Just remember whose fault it is when she's awake later tonight..."

Keisuke chuckled.

"Alright, then..." He said, sitting up and pretending to refocus his attention on the race.

What Keisuke was actually doing was waiting for Maho to doze back off- something which was evident when the snoring began again- before quietly getting up and making his way over to a storage bin and fetching from it a throw blanket in the three primary division colors and unfurling it and draping it over his sleeping wife.

"Sleep tight, babe." Keisuke whispered, gently pecking Maho on the cheek before leaning over to Maho's covered belly. "And you, you're going to get daddy in trouble behaving like that."

And with his final words given, Keisuke proceeded to pick up Maho's dropped bra, setting it neatly on the desk for when she was ready to put it back on.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
USS Myogi


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