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Satt Coming Aboard

Posted on Thu Aug 26th, 2021 @ 6:28am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Satt

1,773 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: USS Myogi


Reflexively tugging down on his uniform, Satt glanced out of the window as the shuttlepod made its final approach to the Myogi. He had seldom seen a New Orleans-class vessel up close, but he could appreciate her lines. There was a clarity of purpose in the design.

Probably why Myiahara enjoyed her so much, thought the Bolian as he reflected on the demise of the former Admiral. Satt ground his teeth when he thought of the Dominon War veteran being capable of such acts. It made his blood boil.

The Myogi's new Chief Security and Tactical Officer sat with his own brooding thoughts, ignoring the excited chatter of the other officers as the shuttlepod linked up with the ship's airlock.

He presented his credentials to the crewman signing them in while he cast glances around the ship. She was certainly clean, neat and tidy, Satt thought. With the duffel bag in his hands, he glanced down at an updated itinerary on the PADD issued to him.

Meet and greet with the new CO. Should be ... interesting. Satt had been bored enough at the Academy that he had accepted the first assignment out of there, and had done no research on his fellow crewmembers.

He pondered this as he took the turbolift to the Bridge, and chimed the Ready Room door. It was probably for the best. Satt wasn't here to make friends.

Maho had stepped out of the ready room for a few moments to use the restroom, and had missed the turbolift back to the bridge, meaning she had to patiently wait for it to come back down empty, or with crew travelling to her level.

When Maho stepped off the turbolift, she noticed the Bolian standing outside the ready room door and approached him from behind, hoping not to startle him too badly.

"Is there something I can do for you?" She asked.

Satt turned stiffly, the cranial ridge and bands across his head darkening in some embarrassment. 'My apologies, I was looking for you, Captain. Lieutenant Satt, your new Chief Security and Tactical Officer,' he rasped.

Maho nodded.

"Of course." She responded. "Commander Maho Takahashi, if that wasn't obvious enough." She extended her hand for Satt to shake.

Well, she isn't going to like this too much... She thought to herself.

He took the proffered hand, and shook it firmly. The Bolian wanted to make a good first impression, though he did think his record spoke for itself. 'Yes, I read the Command Team's file before transferring over.' He trailed off for a moment, 'you were the First Officer here for some time, as I understand it before Myiahara's ... retirement.'

"Forced retirement, you could say..." Maho responded. "Shall we continue this in the ready room?" She asked, gesturing towards the door they were standing in front of.

'Please,' replied Satt quietly. 'It would be more appropriate and discrete.' He flashed a quick, sour smile, 'this hasn't been been easiest of transitions I'm sure.' He indicated the door. 'After you, Captain.'

Maho nodded, but before proceeding to open the ready room's door, she tapped her combadge:

"Tristana, report to my ready room." She instructed to the person on the other end. "We have some terms to discuss regarding your plea deal."

"Si, Senori-! (Yess, Mi-!)" A hispanic voice came over the other end. "I mean, Senora (Mrs.) Takahashi." The voice on the other end then muttered something unintelligible, presumably in Spanish, before saying "I'll be there in five minutes."

"Oh, and one more thing, Lieutenant:" Maho quickly added. "Button up: This is a Starfleet vessel, not a brothel."

"...Si. (...Yes.)" Came the response over the combadge.

With confirmation that Tristana was coming, Maho then opened the ready room and stepped inside. As Maho hadn't been expecting company when she stepped out, she had left the news on. At first, she didn't think much of the ambient noise until she listened a little closer to the story being covered:

"One of the speakers at today's 'Stop the Steal' rally; Bajoran prosecutor Rugi Mitsu: Who also made unfounded claims of fraud over the acquittal of several ex-Bajoran Militia members:"

"If you're from Bajor, you know what they did to me: They did to me what they did to Tanaka Miyahara! They stole my conviction!

At that point, Maho reached the desk and shut the news off. When she did so, the ready room descended into an almost deathly silence. A silence that Maho could tell was making both her and her Bolian security chief uncomfortable:

"So, where were we?" She asked.

'Miyahara,' responded Satt simply as he stood at ease in the middle of the room. 'I imagine it came as quite a shock to the crew of the Myogi. The way he was removed and dealt with, I mean.' The Bolian saw little reason to mince words. 'He is very popular amongst Dominion War veterans. Even amongst some of my friends. None of them are happy. Me? The man disgusts me. He put loyalty to himself before loyalty to the flag and paid the price. I would be ... eager ... to know your position on the matter.' Satt cleared his throat as he finished.

"I should know of Sen- I mean, Miyahara's popularity:" Maho responded. "I was there by his side and saw all of the veterans and gold star families who came up to shake his hand: Some of them were even in tears when they finally met him; the officer with the balls to stand up to the corruption in Starfleet. It's safe to say, he has been a major influence in my life, and that without him, I'd likely be some deadbeat engineer on some science vessel somewhere in the Delta Quadrant, and I never would have met the love of my life. I still believe that Miyahara is a good man, and that he knows what it takes to raise an army of patriots who love the Federation, and would do anything to defend her."

Maho looked down sheepishly for a moment before looking back up at Satt.

"With all of that being said, I hope that our differing views on Miyahara won't stop us from serving together." She said.

He weighed her words carefully and considered them. 'No,' he said, finally. 'They won't. Thank you for being so candid. He did do good during the War, no question. But he has sullied his reputation.' Satt sighed, 'but don't allow me to rehash the recent past. The Myogi must look to the future.'

"Indeed." Maho responded. "The demons that favor the Tokyo might have won, but there's not much we can do to change the past, and the only way we can overcome this evil is by looking to the future."

At that moment, the chime for the ready room rang.

That's probably Tristana... Maho thought as she stood up.

"Enter." She called.

The door to the ready room swooshed open, and a young Mexican woman dressed in gold stepped through.

"You wanted to see me, Senora? (Ma'am?)" She asked.

"Yes," Maho responded. "Tristana, this is Satt, and as of today, he will be taking over your job as Chief Security and Tactical Officer, per the conditions of your plea deal."

"I see," Tristana responded, offering a reluctant hand to Satt.

"Satt, this is Tristana;" Maho reversed introductions for Satt. "She's a good officer; better than this ship deserves. But the higher ups in Starfleet don't see it that way; all they see is someone who conspired to treason..." Maho bit her lip and fought back tears as she thought of the reason why. "And she was forced to accept a plea deal to save her career. Either that or get kicked out of Starfleet."

"Si... (Yes...)" Tristana muttered.

The Bolian looked at the hand for a moment, weighing up whether or not to shake it. They are Starfleet, he conceded in the end. He took the hand. 'I'll say to you the same as I told the Captain there,' he rasped thickly. 'Miyahara did good during the War. But his recent actions have sullied what could have been one of Starfleet's greatest careers. But we cannot let the past bind us. We have to move on, and redeem the Myogi's name. i'll not allow personal feelings stand in the way of that. Agreed?'

"Agreed." Tristana responded.

'Good,' replied Satt after giving her a firm handshake. 'My specialities are Security Investigations. Over my career I've assisted or headed up several investigations into unravelling smuggling rings. Starfleet sees that there is some crossover with investigating clandestine groups as they had me lecturing at the Academy about it over the past year,' he said matter-of-factly. 'Your specialities cover?'

"Combat tactics." Tristana replied with a smirk. "I learned from the best, and whenever a strategic deployment is needed, you can expect nothing short of a force to be reckoned with. Granted, it's not enough to stop a Starfleet Intelligence operative dead in their tracks," She muttered as she reflected on her own failure to defend Commander Takahashi's wedding. "But, any other threat to the safety of this ship and its crew, you can guarantee that I will be able to neutralize it."

Maho held her tongue and fought back tears when Tristana mentioned that she wasn't good enough to stop a Starfleet Intelligence operative, for she knew exactly what the young Mexican woman was talking about when she referred to that.

"Like I said," Maho said when Tristana finished speaking, her voice cracking when she spoke. "She's a better officer than this ship deserves. It's good to see that you two are getting along. Perhaps, if there is nothing more you need of me, then maybe Tristana can show you around the security offices?"

'I would be delighted,' Satt replied. 'Nothing like getting to know one's own workspace. Lieutenant Tristana, if you would care to lead the way?' He turned to the Captain, 'I take it we are dismissed then, ma'am?'

"Absolutely." Maho responded. "Tristana, if you would show Satt the way back to the security office?"

Tristana looked at Maho and grinned.

"Si, Senora. (Yes, Ma'am.)" She responded.

"Very good." Maho said. "Dismissed."

Posting by

Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Satt
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Tristana
Assistant Chief Security Officer


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