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Early Rising Son

Posted on Tue Jun 15th, 2021 @ 8:39pm by Lieutenant Dominic Costa

419 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Starfleet HQ, Earth


{Starfleet HQ, San Fransisco, Earth}

Dominic Costa and his parents had travelled to San Francisco from their hometown of Consenza in Italy. Dominic held his baggage close to him as he stepped off the transporter padd that had brought him and his family here. He looked around Starfleet’s Headquarters with awe. It wasn’t the first time he had been here, but it was the first time he’d been here in just over three years. The sights and sounds never got old.

“Are you sure you have everything?” His mother, Sofia, fussed. She brushed his shoulder in a motherly fashion, and straightened his uniform. “A starship can be a lonely place.”

Dominic rolled his eyes and smiled. She still treats me like a kid, but why fight it. “Yes, I’m sure I’ve got everything, mama. Besides, if I’ve forgotten anything important I can just replicate a new one.”

Dominic’s father, Angelo, saw the cheeky glint in his son’s eyes and nodded approvingly. “You’ll be just fine up there, Dom. Just send us a video message now and again to let us know what kind of adventures you’re finding yourself in.”

The young Starfleet officer raised an eyebrow, “No adventures for me, Papa. I’ll be down below in engineering, making sure the ship doesn’t run out of gas, remember?” He winked and let out a chuckle.

Suddenly his comm-badge bleeped, reminding him that his departure slot was quickly approaching. He hugged his parents tightly and kissed them both on their cheeks. “Give my love to Georgio.” He sighed, “He may be out on his own adventures onboard the USS Winters, and he may be the biggest pain in my ass, but he’s still my twin brother.”

And with that, he started making his way towards the main personnel transport hub. When he arrived moments later, he placed his hand on the security scanner, and allowed it to scan his palm print. When the scanner bleeped enthusiastically, the security turnstile allowed him to continue through. Dominic nodded and smiled towards the security officer onsite. “Ensign, which transporter padd for the USS Myogi please?”

“Padd 4, Lieutenant.” The woman answered, returning the smile. “Happy trails, sir.”

Dominic hopped onto the padd, still clutching his baggage. A second later he was engulfed by the shimmering blue light of the transporter activating.


Lieutenant Dominic Costa
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Myogi


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