What Happened To The Lounge? (Part 2)
Posted on Sun Jan 9th, 2022 @ 10:24am by Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries & Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston
983 words; about a 5 minute read
Handling the Fallout
Location: Forward Lounge "Five Forward", Deck 7
Timeline: After 'What Happened To The Lounge? (Part 1)'
Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:
The call came through on Terry's combadge, and he tapped it in response.
=A= "This is Johnston: I'm on my way." =A= He said.
From behind him came another voice, a slight Irish lilt, =A="I'm coming too, did ask for a pair."=A=
Alisha sighed and quickly walked over to where she'd placed her PADD and keyed it to life, already reviewing what she'd had planned, "Ma'am, this is going to be rough and tumble... I might have to 'finish' it and then tweak things later to adjust certain things. The plan is to let this be standalone, self service and all that."
And now, the continuation:
"You can work out the details later; just make sure it's up to modern safety standards before you begin letting in patrons," Ichika mumbled.
"That's what the sign outside was all about..." Alisha gestured towards the open door, "I'm sure a couple people were in here for the view alone, but I for one wouldn't have visited it for the decor or amenities." She shook her head, "The place should be good for more than staring at the stars, keeping up peoples' spirits is important."
"What sort of mess have you MADE in here?" An Irish accent made itself known as another woman walked in, followed by a black haired Lieutenant, but looked around briefly and shook her head, "I know I didn't know anything about this... Lieutenant, what about you?
"Clearly, someone was interested in takin' a few shortcuts." The lieutenant responded in a thick Brooklyn accent, shaking his own head. "Not followin' the proper channels and all that."
"Channels... Everyone thinks it should go through channels." Alisha sighed as she brought her PADD forward, "Try to do something nice for everyone and all anyone does is complain." She brought out a bright smile as she handed the PADD to the Engineering officer, "So this is what I'm trying to do... I want a stage over in this corner over here, the bar on the opposite side, it'll have to be self-service, so replicators as well as some... limited supply items." She didn't stop, wanting to show the design in its entirety first, "Dart boards can be installed easily enough, but the biggest trick is going to be the wireless ground connectors for the gaming tables. If we can do that, it just needs to be a power transfer in any case, then we'll have the ability to move the gaming tables off to the side or even out of the room if we need the space for a more formal event. Oh, and can't forget the sound system for the entire room." Alisha waved at a small pile that held the sound system mentioned, "What do you think?"
"Dart boards, gaming tables..." Ichika muttered as she stole a glance over the Lieutenant's shoulder. "You weren't by any chance planning on converting Five Forward into a gambling venue, were you, Lieutenant? I'll be the first to tell you that's not going to fly with Commander Takahashi."
"And I'll be the second:" Terry said. "Having served with Takahashi back in the Miyahara days, I could tell you that neither officer would be appreciative of an on board casino."
“Of course I was planning on a gambling house,” Alisha rolled her eyes, sarcasm very obviously in attendance, “I was also planning on knocking that wall out for my prostitution bordello, use Cargo Bay Three for my smuggling ring and eventually get into trafficking sentients for profit.” She huffed once, “No, but seriously, just like I was telling the Commander here, I just wanted to set this place up for somewhere for the crew to have fun even if the Holodecks are all booked and in use.” She turned to Terry and Victoria, who herself was looking over the deck plan and trying not to laugh, “I was even going to do most of the work myself, and only borrow people for the things I couldn’t do.”
“More fool you, then.” Victoria muttered out loud, “This is going to have some complications,” She glanced up at Ichika and Terry, “Oh, not with Terry and myself here, but if sweet cheeks here had tried it herself.” The NCO smirked at Alisha, “Boss, I can handle that trick she’s got planned with the deck, think you can spare we girls from the actual heavy lifting?” Her question was directed to Terry.
"Of Course," Terry responded with a smile. "But, within reason: I ain't breakin' my back tryin' to lift somethin' too heavy for me to lift myself."
"I'm sure I can help you with a corner or something in that case." Victoria grinned, she was a hockey player at heart and in body, she was definitely stronger than she looked. Of course, there was something about Reno's voice that was familiar, but she couldn't place it. "Commander, ma'am, we'll get this done, pretty quick too if I have it right. I'll make sure the Lieutenant here doesn't do anything shady."
"Like they used to say in Brooklyn, we'll get it done on time and under budget." Terry added. "And if the lieutenant here tries to pull somethin' funny, well, it ain't no phaser, but a good old-fashioned pipe-wrench oughta do the trick."
"Please worry less about assaulting one another with pipe wrenches and more about getting the work done?" Ichika groaned as she made her way back towards the exit. "It's bad enough that I'm going to have to explain this to Commander Takahashi, I don't need you three killing each other as well..."
Posting by
Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
Lieutenant JG Terrence "Terry" Johnston
Engineering Officer
Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer
Lounge Manager
Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries
Computer Systems Specialist