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Rescue (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Jan 8th, 2022 @ 8:52am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Alisha Reno

1,866 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Christmas Vacation
Location: Security Office
Timeline: After 'Rescue (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

“Yes, ma’am, I do answer to you, however I’m constrained to remind you that as far as I’m aware, I am not in the chain of command to assume command excepting in dire emergency when no other capable officer is available. This is deliberate, to cut an Intelligence Officer out of that chain, so that the information I provide you can be done without any potential corrupt bias that would put myself in some sort of advantageous position. I am intentionally put into a neutral position.” Alisha had to word things carefully, because she didn’t want to cause any further rift between the Fleet and Intelligence, though they were indeed one bad the same, “Captain Martine isn’t just the Academy’s senior Inteligence instructor, ma’am, she is also one of the senior Intelligence officers in the area and is used as a common point of contact for ships in the region. My duties aren’t just on board the Myogi, ma’am, my skill set is also one that may be called upon if they are required for investigations in my local area.” She stopped to take a breath, “And while yes, standard operating procedure is for the ship’s commanding officer to be informed of these sorts of summons, it is typically done by the requesting officer. I don’t know why you weren’t informed, ma’am, however that isn’t under my purview. I assumed that the appropriate notification was sent, because that’s the way it’s supposed to happen. If you weren’t informed, I don’t have the reason why. I’m not refusing to tell you why, ma’am, I genuinely don’t know why.”

And now, the continuation...

"And that is why it is of utmost importance that you notify us of any absence that you must take. Because we cannot count on someone from Intelligence to do so on your behalf." Maho sighed, placing her hand over her eyes. "I swear, I'm going to have a meeting with my husband and Commander Misono to mandate that. Anyway, what's your side of the story, Lieutenant? I don't believe you've had the chance to speak." Maho turned to Tristana.

"Senora, (Ma'am,)" Tristana responded. "Several crates arrived on board addressed to Lieutenant Sinclair; and a tricorder scan revealed at least five bottles of Romulan Ale contained within the crates. As you, me, or any respectable Starfleet Officer should know, Romulan Ale is illegal, and possession of it is criminally punishable up to and including charges of treason against the United Federation of Planets. When I called Sinclair to my office, she continually ducked my questions and lied to me, and even tried to make one of my own officers arrest me. Thus, I made a decision that Sinclair had malicious intent with that Romulan Ale, and I placed her under arrest. I was not aware that Senorita (Miss) Reno required Sinclair's services, and I am frankly disappointed that she is unable and unwilling to find a replacement pilot, such as Fujiwara, whom we have both mentioned to her."

Maho's eyes widened as Tristana talked.

"Those are some serious offenses and breaches of regulation." She said, turning back to Alisha. "Lieutenant, Tristana here and I have served together long enough that I trust her judgement, and will stand by it. If the allegations against Sinclair are true, which they most likely are, then it'd be a hell of a security risk to let her accompany you on your mission. Because of how close the two of you are, what's to stop you two from going rogue? If that were to happen, I'd be responsible for conducting the manhunt to apprehend the two of you."

"If there is credible evidence that they are indeed accurate, ma'am, then my appointment on Earth will have to wait." Alisha stated simply, eyes growing hard and flint-like "However, then there are additional standing orders in regards to treason investigations, Captain Takahashi." Alisha straightened even more, "To which I will have to insist that Lieutenant Sinclair be turned over to my custody and a shuttle be provided for me to transport her and all evidence and reports to the nearest local Starbase or governmental facility, which in this case would be Earth, for a formal investigation by Starfleet Intelligence. If it is required, I will make contact with said local authority to confirm these order." She paused for a moment, clearly to make the point that the next statement was separate from what she'd just stated, "And meaning no disrespect, ma'am, if you truly believe that I would forsake my duty to the Federation because of my personal feelings towards Lieutenant Sinclair, then be damned to you and Lieutenant Tristana both. Have the evidence logged and verified here, then it will be logged and verified as received on the ground by IIS and a receipt transmitted. If they differ, if I fail to turn over Lieutenant Sinclair to IIS, I'll have more issues than you conducting a manhunt for me. You have my oath as a member of Starfleet Intelligence, my word of honor that Lieutenant Sinclair will be delivered to Earth for formal investigation and, if applicable, court martial for the charge of treason against the Federation." Her eyes dared either woman to challenge that statement, that oath.

Maho stared at Alisha, stone-faced for several moments before she spoke.

"Lieutenant: If you genuinely believe you can undercut my authority on my ship, you've got another think coming:" She said. "Let me remind you that your job, as an intelligence officer is to gather intelligence, not be some clandestine law-enforcement agency. You want to know the reason Starfleet Intelligence gets a bad rap with the rest of the fleet? It is the actions of its members such as yourself and higher ups, believing they're some kind of Section 31 that does our dirty work. If this issue is as important as you say it is, we'll make headway for Earth at maximum warp, where Sinclair will be transferred off to a more secure holding cell, and at which point, the trial shall proceed according to all proper Federation operating procedures. If you or Starfleet Intelligence has a problem with this process, you are more than welcome to take your grievance up the chain of command."

Maho paused for a moment to let what she had just said sink in.

"And if I might add;" She continued. "My predecessor never tolerated insubordination, and I don't intend to start. Do I make myself clear, Lieutenant?"

For half a moment, Alisha considered firing back with the imperiousness that had been the hallmark of much of Intelligence, but that would be the wrong tactic to take here and she knew it. She spent another half-heartbeat to construct what to say, then nodded slightly, "Ma'am, if you believe I am being insubordinate, I apologize. Like you and the others on this ship and her lineage, I am only doing my duties to the best of my abilities. I have never, not once attempted to undercut your authority on board Myogi, else I would not have waited for your arrival and done something rash." She paused for yet another heartbeat, "I understand that Intelligence gets a bad reputation because we tend to assert ourselves in high stress situations, however we are far more than the purveyors and evaluators of information. Because we squirrel information and sources away, we have more of a capability to perform high-value investigations faster than the normal elements of Starfleet Security."

She shook her head slightly, "I certainly don't believe I'm 'more valuable' or 'more powerful' than you, ma'am, in fact, my primary skill set is data gathering and analysis. I'm also subject to rapid reassignments for undercover operations because I can alter my appearance and mannerisms to get into locations where a more overt approach would fail, in order to gather information. I am not a 'James Bond' of Intelligence, nor would I ever associate myself with Section 31. But in the history of the Federation, ma'am, Treason within the Fleet has always required an investigation by Starfleet Intelligence, due to it being one of the few crimes that comes with the potential for the death penalty or 'mental rehabilitation' of the guilty party. I admit, I came on very heavy-handed with this particular situation, because of my personal attachment to the subject in question and I regret that. It is my duty to ensure that this investigation is performed as impartially and accurately as possible and if you believe that it's required that Myogi transports Lieutenant Sinclair and myself to Earth herself, I would certainly abide by that decision, ma'am. I am of the belief, though, that I could save the disruption of the entire ship by taking a shuttle personally, with Lieutenant Sinclair in my custody, for the investigation." She gestured wide with both hands, empty, unthreateningly. "I would prefer that the least amount of official Intelligence attention be focused on this ship, because of the Admiral Miyahara and Captain Aisaka situations, for the good of the ship and crew. More scandal officially attached to Myogi could be bad."

This time, almost a full minute passed before anyone spoke.

"Lieutenant; you do make valid arguments:" Maho said. "If nothing else, more controversy being linked to the Myogi could be a bad thing. As such, though this goes against my better judgement, I shall be willing to authorize Lieutenant Sinclair's release on parole for the required legal proceedings." Maho remembered how Miyahara had done the same for Zack.

"But-!" Tristana attempted to object.

"That's an order, Lieutenant:" Maho said. "Besides, it's Christmas time; surely, during this time of year, we all should be a little nicer to one another?"

"Very well," Tristana sighed.

"Thank you, ma'am." Alisha said firmly, "I'll prepare one of the shuttles for immediate departure. I'll make sure that the Lieutenant is delivered to justice. Lieutenant, ma'am, if you'll have someone escort Lieutenant Sinclair to the shuttlebay, please, I would appreciate it. Cuffed, please, if you would."

"Lieutenant;" Maho said, turning to Tristana. "I trust that you can handle that part?"

"Hmm... Senorita (Miss) Sinclair won't be happy to see me, so I'll get someone else to do that." Tristana said. "In the meanwhile, I'll handle compiling the evidence, what little we've been able to attain, and forward it all to you. Will that work for you?"

"Yes, ma'am, that would be appreciated." Alisha agreed with Tristana as neutrally as possible, "And the physical evidence if you could have someone put into the cargo hold and seal it? I want to ensure that the chain of custody remains unbroken. Would an hour be convenient for everything to be delivered to the shuttle? I'll take Anko."

"An hour should be plenty of time, given how little evidence we have." Tristana responded.

"Very well;" Maho said. "I believe you can consider yourselves dismissed, then."

Posting by

Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer


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