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The Next Step

Posted on Sat Sep 24th, 2022 @ 11:38am by Commander Seiji Iwaki 'Hawk' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Master Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos & Chief Petty Officer Kozakura Kikuchi

852 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: USS Nikko
Timeline: After 'Storming the Nikko'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"Make it so, Lieutenant" Ichika authorized, dusting herself off. "And have Dr. Delling send over a Medic or two; we've got wounded on both sides, and they're in need of immediate medical attention."

Nodding, Tristana tapped her combadge.

"Tristana to Myogi:" She spoke. "Team 3 is clear to beam over."

"As for you," Ichika continued, shifting her attention over towards Petra. "Nice save back there, Petty Officer; I understand that killing him wasn't the most desirable outcome, but given the situation, I don't think I would've done things all that much differently."

"Thank you commander. I do not mean to correct you but I am just a Crewman 2nd Class, and this is my first boarding action." replied Crewman 2nd Class Petra Silika, her checks burning red from the praise.

And now, the continuation:

The third wave now beamed over consisting of the medical staff whom had been standing by while the first two waves cleared out the transporter room. Only two additional Security officers beamed over so that Lieutenant Reno was able to beam over.

Senior Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger materialized onto the transporter pad in a crouch, weapon at the ready. He had learned through hard fought experience that ship boardings were extremely hazardous. He smelt the familiar smells of combat and quickly scanned the transporter room. He turned to the two medics with him "Set up triage and any red are to be beamed over immediately to sickbay on the Myogi. Remember we treat the wounded by their wounds, not by their uniforms or ship they serve. If it is a Nikko personnel that are red remember to inform the Myogi. Also, once you have treated a Nikko member ensure they are restrained." With that he looked around for Commander Ichika Misono.

Alisha put her hand phaser back into it's holster as soon as she'd rematerialized into the apparently secure transporter room. She glanced around and stepped off the pad before heading over to Ichika and keeping her voice low, just hoping that no one would shoot her given that she wore the Nikko's insignia, "Ma'am, I'm ready to head off on my own mission. Hopefully I'll get there before you get to the bridge, help cause some confusion along the way."

"Affirmative, Lieutenant," Ichika authorized. "We'll rendezvous with you after we've secured all the major facilities."

Alisha took a deep breath while she checked her phaser, yes, on stun. She saw one of the enlisted security officers and approached her, the small woman rubbing her neck which appeared bruised, "Kozakura, I need your help." And she was out the door as she explained to the smaller woman.

"As for the rest of you," Ichika continued, shifting her attention towards the remaining officers assembled and awaiting her orders. "From here, we'll be splitting up into three groups: Lieutenant Tristana's team will be tasked with securing the main computer core on deck 12, Lieutenant Johnston's team will be tasked with securing engineering on deck 27, and my team will be working to secure the armories on decks 11 and 15, respectively. All medical personnel who lack combat training are advised to remain back here, and focus on setting up a makeshift triage for stabilizing the wounded. I expect all of you to be on your guard at all times; Commander Iwaki has shown that he is desperate to avoid persecution, and he's going to use every trick in the book to evade capture. Are my orders clear, or are we ready to move out?"

Crewman 2nd Class Petra Silika was unsure which team she was supposed to go with and thought it would be wise to ask "Sir, which team will I be assigned to?"

"You're with Lieutenant Tristana, Crewman," Ichika instructed, motioning Petra towards Tristana. "We should expect the computer core to be easiest to take, but I wouldn't count on expecting it to be a cake walk.

"Your orders are clear, ma'am." Tristana responded, accepting a phaser rifle from one of the security officers that had just beamed aboard. "My team is ready to move out."

"Same here." Terry said. "Waiting on your signal, commander."

"Lets go, the likelyhood of wounded is high. I don't want to waste time." Doctor Erebos said quietly, her bright eyes intent on her tricorder which she held ready in her hand.

Chief Pitsenbarger looked at Commander Ichika and inquired "Which team should I tag with, and before you ask been in plenty of action, both shipboard and planet side." he said with a dead serious look. "In fact, Sir, may I make a suggestion and allow me to tag along with your group. I have a feeling you're going to encounter very strong resistance."

"I would concur with that assessment, Petty Officer," Ichika nodded in approval, before turning back to address the rest of the officers gathered. "You all know your roles, and while this is going to be far from easy, Starfleet's counting on us to bring this sonofabitch to justice. So, if there'll be no more questions... let's move out!"

To be continued...


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