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Fact And Fiction (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 7:26am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Seiji Iwaki 'Hawk' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Commander Ichika Misono

1,615 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: Interrogation room, Deck 8
Timeline: After 'Fact And Fiction (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"He's completely lost it," she reported. "He seriously believes that the Federation is a puppet government of far-left extremists, and yet he'd rather laugh at me than try and provide evidence to prove his superstitions."

"That story does seem to be making its rounds in far right circles as of late, whenever you're not hearing about how 'Taiga Aisaka didn't win,' that is..." Maho commented. "I did warn you going in, Commander, that you might not get the answers you're seeking out of him, and that he's best left to the prosecutors and the JAG."

"I suppose you're right," Ichika sighed, before shifting her attention over to Tristana. "You think you might have a better shot at getting through to him, Lieutenant?"

Tristana shrugged.

"I've never been the good cop in a good cop/bad cop routine before, but I could certainly give it a try..." She said.

And now, the continuation:

The door to the interrogation room opened, and Tristana stepped through. Upon her entry, Seiji immediately took notice of Tristana's unbuttoned uniform:

"Hello, honey;" He said with a whistle. "So tell me, what's your standard rate?"

"More than you can afford, slick." Tristana responded flatly as she buttoned up her uniform before settling down in the chair Ichika had sat in moments before. "And that's before all the hospital bills you'll face."

"Hospital bills?" Seiji chuckled. "What are you going to do? Beat up a defenseless man you already have handcuffed to a desk? That's quite low, even for Starfleet."

"No, not hospital bills related to physical assault, but rather those relating to STD treatment." Tristana said. "I'm told I'm something of a walking petri dish when it comes to these things, and I'd hate for you to be too sick to attend your trial."

"What the hell..." Ichika muttered.

"Before joining Starfleet, Tristana was a young con artist, ripping people off on the streets of her native Mexico." Maho explained. "She's known how to weaponize sex since she was 14."

Ichika looked on in disbelief.

"My God... if I had known, I would've..."

"Treated her with a little more respect than you have?" Maho suggested. "It's alright: We all suffer lapses in judgement from time to time."

"Well, for a pretty little thing like you, it's a risk I'd be more than willing to take." Seiji said.

"I've heard that a lot from cocky men like you." Tristana replied. "But that confidence vanishes the moment they start exhibiting symptoms of an STD, and they instantly regret their decisions... Tell you what, knowing what I cause my customers to go through, I might be willing to cut you a discount on my rate, but; it will only apply if you fully cooperate with me and tell me what I want to know."

"What the hell is she doing?!" Ichika gawked. "She's willing to offer him sexual favors in return for a confession?!"

"Like I said, she's a master of marketing herself in a manner to get what she wants." Maho smirked.

"You can't be serious!" Ichika protested. "Are you insinuating that you would allow the prisoner to exploit a member of our senior staff?!"

"She's a natural born swindler, Commander:" Maho replied. "Swindling comes as naturally to Tristana as breathing does to you or I. She has no intention of actually allowing Iwaki to court her!"

"So, tell me then, Commander;" Tristana said, running two fingers along Seiji's jawline. "What makes Seiji Iwaki tick? What would make a man want to ignore the second Khitomer Accords and search Klingon ships in their space unprovoked? And what would make him want to disobey direct orders to report in for a court martial?"

A few seconds of uneasy silence passed before Seiji finally spoke:

"Well, since you ask so kindly, I'll tell you: All of this stems back to my father. Not that fool of a husband that my mother tricked me into believing was my father when I was a child, but my actual, flesh and blood father. He died during an engagement with Klingons while I was in high school, before I even knew he was related to me."

"What kind of man was your father?" Tristana asked.

"Well, frankly, he was known as a 'halfling bastard' to his people." Seiji explained. "But, that didn't stop him from getting a position in the Tal Shiar. According to his widow, he believed that it was his duty to attempt to breed out his half-Human side. But, I suppose he made an exception to have his way with a human prisoner. I'm sure you can guess who that prisoner was?"

"Your mother?" Tristana asked.

"Ding ding ding ding ding!" Seiji responded. "Johnny Olsen, why don't you tell the folks at home what our contestant has won?"

"So, you're telling me you're part Romulan, Commander?" Tristana asked.

"One quarter Romulan, to be precise." Seiji said. "I know it's difficult to tell because I don't have pointy ears, but I do bleed green. I've always required Vulcan blood whenever I've needed a blood transfusion."

As Seiji talked, Tristana looked up on a PADD notable Romulan-Klingon engagements that fit the time frame that Seiji was talking about.

"According to our database, the only Romulan-Klingon engagement that fits your description would have been the Second Battle of Narendra III, considered to be one of the Tal Shiar's worst tactical blunders in recent history. It happened on stardate 50151.9, and our records indicate you would have been 21 at the time. Does that line up with what your father's widow told you?"

"This is the Tal Shiar we're talking about here;" Seiji said. "It is possible that they might have covered up some of the information. Tell you what, if you have a casualty list for that battle, look up Vochrom."

Tristana pulled up the casualty list and scrolled down to V.

"I might have something;" She said. "I do have mention of a Vochrom, but his file is heavily corrupted, and what's readable has been defaced with Romulan slang, some of which roughly translates into derogatory words for 'halfling.'"

Tristana turned the PADD around and showed it to Seiji. "This him?"

Seiji looked at the PADD for a few second before responding.

"Yeah, that's him alright." Seiji said. "Not surprising that she got the details wrong, they were probably deliberately given to her that way."

"All of this in the line of vengeance?" Ichika surmised. "But if that was the case, what would have to gain from harassing the Klingons, rather than just a straight-forward revenge-killing?"

"It's never straightforward when dealing with Romulans, not even part Romulans." Maho commented. "It's a lesson I've learned the hard way through the trial that Senpai is now claiming was rigged and stolen."

"So, you're telling me that your father was a Tal Shiar officer, who was seen as a fuckup by his people, and was kiled in one of the Star Empire's worst tactical blunders in recent history, and because of this, you're willing to endanger peace in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants just to fulfill a petty act of vengeance?"

"Of course;" Seiji said. "Isn't that what any good Tal Shiar officer would do? Upset peace in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants? Of course, I didn't stand a snowball's chance in hell getting into the Tal Shiar, so I chose the next best vessel to enact my plan: Now, of course, my plot to cause a war between the Klingons and the Federation had been in motion for years before the Tal Shiar decided to make things a little spicy with a trial that's proving to be splitting the Federation to its core. I mean let's face it, this is now far more than just that one fucking Romulan colony. What was it's name? Avatar or something like that? It's now a battle of two different ideologies: The Militarists vs the Pacifists. Like it or not, it's a line we're all about to cross. Judgement Day is coming, my friend; and the question you should be asking yourself is are you prepared?"

"Interesting..." Tristana muttered before standing up. "Well, I'll be in touch."

"Hey, not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon." Seiji quipped as Tristana left the room.

After leaving, Tristana made her way to the adjoining room where Maho and Ichika were waiting.

"I hope that was the confession you were looking for, Commander." She said.

"It only raises more questions than answers," Ichika sighed, stealing a glance over at Commander Iwaki. "Is he just trying to intimidate us... or is there more going on then we might have initially believed?"

"One thing he has consistently mentioned is Alvatar and Captain Aisaka's trial." Maho said, standing up."Surely, that can't be a coincidence. It makes me wonder if the so-called "Judgement Day" he alluded to is somehow related to the huge Stop the Steal rally that Senpai has been talking about to his friends in the conservative media. I shall be in my ready room if anybody needs me."

Having stated where she would be, Maho promptly left for the nearest turbolift back to deck 1. She'd had just about all the Taiga Aisaka references that she could handle.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Seiji Iwaki
Commanding Officer
USS Nikko


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