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The Battle for Starfleet Academy (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 @ 3:18am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Master Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger & Commander Rize Tedeza & Chief Petty Officer Kozakura Kikuchi & Petty Officer 2nd Class Mai Ichihara

987 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Starfleet Academy

At Starfleet Academy, cadets had been given orders to shelter in place. They had barricaded themselves inside wherever they were, and were doing their best to remain quiet as rioters stalked the hallways outside.

"Attention, Cadets of Starfleet!" One rioter with a megaphone called out as other rioters banged on doors. "Starfleet's not what you think it is: It is a corrupt organization that favors murderers over true patriots. Don't continue to let this stand and stand up for what's right!"

"Defend your liberty!" Another rioter called. "Defend your constitution!"

"With pleasure, dirtbags," Rize whispered from her team's vantage point.

"Alright, everyone," she began, turning to face the group. "On my signal, I say we rush them; these patrols are small enough in size that we can easily overpower the next one that comes around before the others have a chance to realize that something's wrong. Everyone here cool with this game plan?"

Kiki glanced at the rest of the team and once again reminded herself that they were mostly medical personnel, "We're the front line, ma'am. Get in close or shoot on the way in?" She reached over to where most security officers would carry a blunt force weapon and checked to make sure that her wakizashi wouldn't stick being pulled out if it came down to it, withdrawing it a half centimeter before sliding it back closed, her rifle never leaving a ready position.

"The success of this operation will hinge on two main factors: speed and silence," Rize explained. "We want to subdue them without drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves, and part of that will necessitate us getting the leg up on them before they have the chance to shout."

"No problem, ma'am." Kozakura Kikuchi stated softly, setting the safety on and handing off her rifle to one of the medics, "Hold this for me, please." She stretched her fingers and took a deep breath before nodding to Rize.

"Alright," Rize sighed, shifting her gaze back to the corridor. "Everyone on my signal: 1... 2..."

She watched as the next patrol rounder the corner; a small group of three, with two of them toting shotguns and a third toting a flag, his gun nowhere within reach.

They could take them.


All at once, the group burst out from their hiding spot and proceeded to rush the patrol; Rize body-slammed the nearest one with such force that he practically dropped his gun in shock.

"Kill them!" One of the panicking rioters exclaimed. "Kill them with their own phasers!"

Kiki had followed Rize's bulldozing and even as the senior officer had bowled into one of the gun-wielding rioters, the other had begun to swing the shotgun towards her. Kiki stopped that as both hands grabbed onto the gun and twisted, her strength mostly belying her size. It only turned so far before she felt herself lifting herself off the ground and pushed off, swinging her 'down' leg in a violent snap kick against the temple of the third, knocking them back a step as it briefly staggered them. She landed with her back to her foe as they struggled for the gun, slamming down onto his instep and releasing with her left hand to slam a sharp elbow into his gut, doubling him over. His grip weakened on the shotgun, which she grabbed with both hands again and ripped out of his hands, coming around
with it and smashing it into the side of his head, causing him to groan and fall limply to the ground as she brought it to bear on where that third rioter was.

William shook his head and looked at Petra "Cover our six. Kayode and McCormick on me three against one; we have the flag holder." With that William tensed and sprang forward. Hell of a way to introduce these young pups to combat medicine he thought, then he barreled through and slide into the floor kicking out with his feet to catch the flagbearer in the groin. Crewman 1st Class Alaba Kayode slammed the man in the left side of his head with her fist, as he doubled over from the kick to the groin. Crewman 3rd class Aideen McCormick wrenched the flag away and decked the man with it in his back. Once the man hit the floor William took a hypo and jabbed the man delivering 5cc of Tetrovaline, rendering the individual unconscious; William was not worried about the lowered immune response.

Mai had waited until everyone was down and then rushed to one of the unconscious rioters, making sure he was okay before moving on to the next.

Kozakura rolled her shoulders and contemplated the shotgun in her hands before removing the shells and tossing it to the side, reclaiming her rifle from the medic, "Arigato."(Thanks)

"We'd best hurry," Rize grunted as she got up from where she was laying. "They've already sounded the alarm; they'll be on top of us in a matter of-!"

However, the group didn't have much time to catch their breath, as the sounds of more rioters coming down the hall could be heard. This group could be heard chanting one word, over and over again at the top of their lungs:

"Treason! Treason! Treason! Treason!"

"Ma'am, I think we should either get moving or get ready to make a stand." Kozakura said quietly to Rize, taking the safety off of her rifle but verifying it was still set to a heavy stun, "It's about to get pretty busy here if we just stay put."

"We take our stand here," Rize ordered, cocking her phaser rifle. "If these filthy bastards want our Federation, they can have it over my cold, dead body!"

To be continued...


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