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New Kid on the Block

Posted on Wed May 24th, 2023 @ 12:21pm by Commodore Tohru Honda & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa

973 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After 'Watching the Captain's Address'

Tohru sat in Maho's ready room. The portrait of Miyahara that hung on the wall that the desk overlooked had been covered up. Maho had not specifically instructed Tohru to cover it; Tohru had done so of her own volition to ensure the crew knew that the Myogi, despite its historical connections to the man, no longer stood for what Miyahara had done.

Tohru had been submitting the reports from each of the Myogi's remaining crewmembers to Starfleet Command when she had received a notice of a new officer being sent aboard the Myogi: Apparently, Starfleet Command was not satisfied that Lieutenant Tristana had failed to serve her probation following the abrupt departure of Lieutenant Satt and Captain Takahashi's subsequent reinstatement of the Miyahara's last Chief of Security, and they were sending a new officer to take over as the Myogi's Chief of Security.

As Tohru was reading over the officer's personnel file, the ready room chime rang.

They really weren't kidding with their timetable: Tohru thought as she rose to her feet.

"Enter." She called out.

A short security officer walked through. Lieutenant Kurumi Ebisuzawa had been called personally by the commodore. There was a phaser attached to her belt and she walked in and stood at attention in front of the desk. "Reporting as ordered Ma'am" she stated.

"Perfect timing, Lieutenant." Tohru smiled. "I was just in the middle of going over your personnel file."

Kurumi nodded simply. "Yes Sir. I just arrived, I only recieved the orders to transfer here this morning."

"It would seem short notice is Starfleet's style as of late." Tohru commented. "I'm not this ship's regular commander. I've been watching over it on her behalf, and I don't think she's going to be too pleased that Starfleet has chosen to replace her trusted Chief of Security with someone new."

Kurumi nodded again. "Yes Sir. Although orders are orders. I believe Starfleet wanted me to secure this ship. At least, thats what the orders stated." she paused for a moment. "What exactly am I required to do here sir?" she asked.

"I'm sure you're aware of the situation on the ground, Lieutenant?" Tohru asked. "You don't look like you've come from the surface."

"I am briefly aware. However I do not know all the details Commodore. I have recently come aboard from my previous starship" Kurumi replied simply.

"Well, the situation on the ground is the reason why we're here, Lieutenant." Tohru explained. "This vessel has a... Rather deep connection to the man who incited the violence on the ground. It's because of this connection that Starfleet has decided to designate the Starship Myogi as a crime scene. That means that all personnel are prohibited from leaving the vessel unless they receive my express written approval. That means that the docking port, as well as all airlocks, escape pods, and auxiliary craft are to be secured and a 24 hour watch is to kept over them. Our orders are to maintain this alert condition until Starfleet Headquarters have been secured."

Tohru handed Kurumi a PADD.

"Engineering has requested that they be permitted to conduct repairs." She continued. "I'm not thrilled with the idea, but I'm permitting it to move forward."

Kurumi took the PADD. "I see. So that is why I was escorted here by armed security personnel" she replied as she quickly skimmed the PADD. "Do you believe that Engineering will cover up or destroy some of the evidence needed for some sort of investigation?"

"That is one thing I am concerned about." Tohru sighed. "Engineering's continued persistence on the matter leads me to believe that they might be attempting to tamper with evidence, especially as my orders were to preserve the vessel in its current condition. But currently, I have no proof towards such intent."

Kurumi raised an eyebrow. "Exactly are we looking for?" she asked.

"If we're going to prove that Engineering is tampering with evidence, we need three things: The person has to know that there's an investigation ongoing, know that the object (in this case the entire ship) they're altering is evidence, and the person has to have altered the evidence with the intent to impair its ability to be used in the investigation. It's the third point that I can't definitively prove." Tohru explained. "Perhaps you should start by speaking to Victoria Aries. She's been the most... Vocal about allowing these repairs to proceed."

The security officer nodded. "What do you think could Admiral Miyahara be trying to hide in the Myogi systems? I know he was an admiral and everything, but surely he couldn't had tampered with a Starships systems without anyone noticing?" Kurumi asked.

"Citizen Miyahara, Lieutenant." Tohru corrected. "Though, frankly, with everything that's happened today, it's stretch to even call him that much... Miyahara might be many things, but a saboteur is not one of them... Well, not in the way you think, anyway. It's unlikely that Miyahara left us a parting gift. Captain Takahashi would have discovered and reported it by now if he had."

Kurumi nodded. "I understand sir," she replied.

"Very well." Tohru nodded. "Is there anything more you'll be needing from me in regards to your accommodations?"

Kurumi shool her head. "No sir. I'm sure it will all be fine sir,".

"You've been temporarily assigned to some junior officers' quarters on Deck 3 until Lieutenant Tristana returns and has time to pack her quarters. At that point, you'll be moving into her quarters on Deck 2 and she will be moving down to Deck 3." Tohru explained. "Providing there are no further questions in regards to your accommodations, you are dismissed."

Kurumi nodded and swiftly left the ready room without another word.

Posting by

Commodore Tohru Honda
Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer
Temporary Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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