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Backpost - Hockey Night on Myogi, Part 2

Posted on Sat May 20th, 2023 @ 3:48pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Commander Victor Delling MD & Commander Queed & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Master Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger & Lieutenant Wyndon Rapisarta & Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries

2,458 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Aft Lounge
Timeline: After Part 1, but before we reach Earth

The arena on the screen went dark gradually and a spotlight appeared on on the ice where a door had opened, the announcer's voice boomed out, "And now, to sing the national anthems, Country Music Superstar, Elena Girardi!"

Stepping out onto the ice, a redheaded woman in a pink and white sweater of the Paper Cranes with the number of double-zero and Girardi plastered across the back waved at the crowd. No one could have realized it was a hologram unless they noticed the drone that hovered there along with the news drones. "Kon'nichiwa!"(Hello!) She called excitedly, mindful of the playful culture of Japan as they were playing in Tokyo's Nippon Rose Arena.

She waved once more before she settled herself down and above her, the arena's screen faded to a Canadian flag and both teams faced it in a tradition older than time. Elena brought the microphone up and began to sing,


"Oh, Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love, in all our son's command,

Car ton bras sait porter l’épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee."

She paused for several seconds as the thousands of Vancouver fans cheered the rendition of the Canadian national anthem. It had been flawless as she'd practiced, the stanza in French with proper accent. Slowly, the Canadian flag faded and was replaced with the crimson circle on a white field of the Japanese flag and the place went silent. Elena bowed deeply in respect.

The song was somber and slow,
( )
"Kimigayo wa
Chiyo ni yachiyo ni
Sazare-ishi no
Iwao to narite
Koke no musu made"

There was enthusiastic but polite applause as she finished the shorter anthem and once again bowed reverently. From the Japanese people, this was indicative of a great performance. Finally, she raised her hand up in a V for Victory sign, "Oridzuru ni iku!!" (Go Paper Cranes!) and a louder roar with some Banzai's sporadically included resounded throughout the arena and Elena waved until she was off the ice and down the tunnel, where the hologram winked out.

The score was tied 2-2 as the clock ticked down in the third period. The game had been 200 feet at a time as each team desired to be on the offensive. Shots had been peppering the goalies from the first minute, with first the Paper Cranes taking a lead, but had been tied up less than two minutes later by a frenetic Canuck's rush. The second period had been a brilliant goalie duel, neither goalie wanting to let anything in, while the start of the third had been a goal from Vancouver within the first two minutes and a frantic attack by the Cranes that finally bore fruit with ten minutes left in the game.

It seemed like neither team was willing to let the other side get the puck past their blue line as the clock ticked from showing a minute and some seconds down into double digits. Vancouver's number 29 sent the puck down off the quarter-boards of Nippon's side of the rink and Hancock finally slipped through the tight Paper Cranes defense and picked up the puck, trying a wraparound that bounced off the goalie's outstretched foot and straight to Nakamuri's stick with twenty-six seconds left in the game.

"Nakamuri has the puck as Vancouver transitions to defense, but this is who Nippon wants with the puck at a moment like this! There he goes, he's a rocket when he gets those skates moving! Vancouver's D-pair is coming off a line change, but look at Nakamuri go! He passes to Sekiwake, back to Endo, Nakamuri circles the net and comes around, fifteen to go. Nakamuri slips his man and goes wide, the pass to Nakamuri, one-timer!"

The puck slid towards the Japanese superstar, Benson, the Vancouver goalie, sliding over, eyes on the move past the puck and to Nakamuri even as the stick came flashing down and the puck was drilled towards him, but appeared to be going wide past the goal, but then it turned. And Benson was there.

"Blocker save, it looks like-" The announcer's voice cut off, "And Sekiwake scores!! THREE SECONDS LEFT!" The entire arena erupted and shouting was the only way the announcer could be heard as the native Japanese screamed and cheered. "Sekiwake, the rookie, in the game after Tanaka was injured in Game 4, scores his first goal of the season and the playoffs! Let's take a look at that replay!"

The visual returned to where Nakamuri had his stick up with the puck sliding towards him in slow motion. The stick flexed and his wrists turned as the stick came down for one of the hardest slapshots in the game. Benson knew what was coming and had stopped his slide in one direction to move to the opposite side, bringing his blocker up to deflect the puck. On the other side of the net, the nineteen-year old Hondo Sekiwake suddenly found the puck coming at him and without hesitation swung his own stick and spiking the puck into the top of the net and in. His hands went up as he realized what he'd done and his teammates on the ice swarmed him in the corner as Benson flicked the puck out of his net in disgust and towards the Crane's bench.

The last three seconds passed almost unnoticed as both teams reset themselves at center ice and Vancouver desperately tried to get a shot off on goal, winning the faceoff and passing to their own forward Monroe who got the shot off, but at that distance, Ogami, Nippon's goalie, had no problem gloving it as the buzzer went off. Once again, the crowd went wild as the Nippon Paper Cranes all jumped onto the ice and into a scrum, pounding their youngest player on the back and lifting him into the air. From the ceiling, a net let loose and a million paper cranes folded by the schoolchildren of Japan fluttered down out of the rafters and across the arena and ice, of all colors, but predominantly pink and white, the colors of the team.


"And that's the game," Jane said, sipping her synthale and standing at the bar next to Alisha (who had joined them a few minutes after the national anthems, to much private and humorous scolding for not telling her she was performing!). "Damn that was good! Benson's third period save, I thought maybe was enough to guarantee it for them. But that Sekiwake kid is good!"

Alisha was still wearing the Paper Cranes jersey as she had since she'd returned prior to the initial faceoff and had cheered the Cranes the entire time, "And what a game!" She took sip of the margarita Jane had made for her, "Luck of the draw for Sekiwake, though, puck came right to his tape and he had the whole net to put it in!"

Victoria had her face buried in Pratt's shoulder as she actually cried. She'd been really wanting the Canucks to win it, finally, but those hopes had been dashed. "Damnit... Benson had that stopped! If that kid hadn't been there.. How could they do this to me?" She whined.

"Well, that was quite a match," Queed exclaimed after taking the last sip of his drink, "I'd watch more of that."

"Hockey really is a fun game to watch, fast-paced with a heckuva lot of skill involved, but a fair spot of luck needed as well." Alisha smiled at Queed, "I'm a bit partial to volleyball myself, but I enjoy sports in general."

"I've not been 'sporty'," and here Queed made air quotes, "but I'm learning. There are so many different games throughout the galaxy. I find it difficult to pick a favorite."

"Competition is fun to watch," Jane interjected, "almost regardless of what the competition is, in my opinion. The best, proving who among them are the best of the best."

William had a mild buzz from the actual alcohol he had drank. Probably shouldn't have taken my medication with the alcohol he thought. "Well, if you like competition, then you should see those Starfleet medics that compete for the Starfleet Marine Expert Field Medic Badge. Damn hard to get. Got mine then earned my Starfleet Marine Combat Field Medic Badge, the hard way Siege of AR-558."

Brandon grunted as he lent his large hand at the back of Victoria's shoulder and slender back, offering her sympathy. He didn't like the outcome as well.

"It's alright VIc. There, there hun." Pratt turned from the final shots of the screen of the events at the stadium. "The Cranes are a great team, but they had us in the end." He felt his other hand gently set a playful bang atop the wood bar set up. "Benson was in another world. WE could have had it in period two if the kid held his composure together, save for penalty time!" Brandon then sighed outward. He was happy either way to spend this time with the rest of the Myogi crew as it was fun to see and talk to everyone.

"Besides, wasn't the whole purpose of this party being to gather us all in one place and have a few drinks, watch an excellent competion, but most importantly , forget for a period of time our duties and responsibilities." said William.

"It was a great game if you don't have a stake in the outcome." Victor said with a grin as he watched them with their alcohol. He wasn't imbibing as he liked to people watch more than he liked to be intoxicated in any fashion.

Senior Chief Petty Officer Pitsenbarger looked at Doctor Delling, “You’re most correct doctor, hence the reason I never bet unless I know it is a sure thing. Noticed you did not imbibe any of the alcohol that was offered. So, are you a teetotaler?” he inquired.

"Mostly." He acknowledged with a smile "I am responsible for everyone's lives aboard this ship. If they need me and I'm intoxicated....well....lets just say It doesn't do to dull myself with the real stuff. I will if given the opportunity drink on shore leave."

"I don't mind a risky bet every now and then," Jane added to the stake conversation. "I still put wagers on the outcome of the 70 Ophiuci and the Centauri Grand Prix. I lose most of the time, but what's a good bit of betting among friends."

“Bets. What are bets but a moment in time? A prediction of events to occur.” Brandon had stated. He still had his beer hat on, now fully emptied. He had a good time. Pratt was happy he only bet a small portion on the team, and it was something he didn’t let become an issue in his life. Betting was the extra spice of life as if being a stake in the game rather than just a watcher. He had fun. It was a surprise that the Canucks made it to the playoffs this season, given all their incremental issues during the season.

He held up a half-full glass of ginger ale in a toast. “To good company and good hosts!” He turned to Jane with Victoria at his side.

William held up his glass of half empty lager “I agree wholeheartedly." he stated. He was feeling very mellow and was in the moment.

Joining in Queed declared, "As do I," while holding up his own beverage. "This was great, when can we do it again?"

“Well, Wimbledon, the Tour de France, and the Federation Parrises Squares League Finals are all in the next six weeks,” Jane observed. “The start of the Star Racing Cup is in two months too.”

"Start of drinking season is what it is." Victoria muttered after the toast to Jane, "Bor-ring!"

"I don't know," Alisha replied, placing a hand on the two engineers's shoulders, "Playoffs for Parrises Squares should be pretty cutthroat, I've heard a rumor that the Norwegians are going to make it tough on everyone else. Mertali on Trill, however, is fielding a really strong team this year as well, only one loss in the regular season."

Delling chuckled at that "My youngest brother is going to be playing with the team from Callisto colony. I'll definitely be watching."

“So your brother probably shares the same view most of us colonials have,” Jane said to Victor. “Whether or not your team is winning, the important thing is that the Earth teams are losing!” This latest match was just two Earth teams, but if it’s an Earth team vs one from a colony world or another Federation member, Jane always cheered for the non-Earth team. “I’m still on a roster of backup pilots for the Proxima-Renault star racing league team. If we’re ever close to a Grand Prix setting and a pilot is injured or sick, I’m in the seat! Assuming the Captain lets me, of course.”

William looked at them and, in all seriousness, said "I am looking forward to the intergalactic curling championship. Even have tickets if I can swing the leave time."

"You..... Have.... Curling tickets for the International Curling Championships at Telsa Prime?!" Pratts family had long been curlers in local clubs and regional champs. Brandon hadn't lent a rock to ice in years!

"I AM SO GAME." He blurted out at William.

William chuckled, "Very well Lieutenant. Good thing about receiving a Starfleet Medal of Honor is I get free tickets to significant cultural and sporting events of the Federation. Guess the high and mighty Politicians, Admirals, and Generals feel guilty over trying to kill you in their little schemes. I happen to have six tickets, so if you know of anyone else who wants to go let me know."

Jane laughed and enjoyed the camaraderie of her friends. It had been a good night. The prospects of what they might have to do when they reached Earth were not fun to contemplate, but tonight, the crew of the Myogi came together, watched a game, talked, laughed, and had fun. What more could any of them have asked for?



Lieutenant Commander Queed
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Lieutenant Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control

Senior Chief Petty Officer Victoria Aries
Computer Systems Specialist

Senior Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger
Assistant Chief Medical Officer


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