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Turning a Lie into the Truth

Posted on Fri Jul 21st, 2023 @ 12:38pm by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi

470 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: The Fast & The Fleet
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After 'Welcome Home, Zack!'

Now that Takeshi was temporarily back on board, Maho had another item to take care of: Admittedly, in her excitement, she had stretched the truth to Commander Misono about Commodore Honda, but now she was about to correct her error.

"Computer, open a secure communications line to Commodore Tohru Honda aboard the USS Zodiac." Maho instructed.

A few seconds passed before Tohru finally answered the comm.

"Captain Takahashi, this is... Unexpected." Tohru said. "Are you having any problems with the repairs?"

"Not with the repairs, but with Captain Zh'gero." Maho responded.

Tohru sighed, facepalming herself.

"What has Shimakaze done this time?" Tohru asked.

"She believes her crew is better at street racing than mine is, and has challenged me to a battle to prove who the better crew is." Maho explained. "And that is the subject of this call, I was hoping you wouldn't mind being our race marshal."

"A race marshal?" Tohru asked, confused.

"That's right." Maho responded. "Will you do it?"

"Wouldn't a holographic race marshal be more accurate?" Tohru asked.

"I don't want a computer program calling a street race, that's something Shimakaze would do." Maho responded. "I want a real person calling the races, not just some collection of photons and magnetic fields. Plus, I need a totally impartial third party Shimakaze and I both trust, because neither one of us is going to accept a race marshal from one crew or the other."

Tohru seemed to hesitate for several seconds.

"Alright, I'll do it." She sighed. "Captain Hartmann and the Akagi are heading back to Earth, so I'll jump on and hitch a ride."

"How did your audience with Rear Admiral Tempest go?" Maho asked.

"He wants the Zodiac to be on hand in the H'atoria sector." Tohru responded. "I agreed, but told him to expect other Task Force Jomo ships to also be operating in the sector."

"I'm sure the Akagi and Kaga won't have any trouble assisting the Zodiac-!" Maho began.

"This will include the Myogi." Tohru interrupted.

"I see." Maho nodded. "Well, since it's our mission to be where the Federation needs us, then I have no qualms with that arrangement."

"I was hoping for that kind of answer." Tohru smiled. Unknown to Maho, she had omitted the fact that the starship Tokyo was also assigned to the sector, as it was Tohru's understanding that things were a little heated between the two captains. "I'll have more details for you, Zh'gero, and Wilcke once I return to Earth."

"See you on race day, Commodore." Maho said.

"Same to you." Tohru said.

The communication channel was subsequently terminated. Maho sighed and returned to her work.

That should satisfy Commander Misono. She thought to herself.

Posting by

Commodore Tohru Honda
Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi


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