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A Comprehensive Report

Posted on Mon Nov 6th, 2023 @ 7:34pm by Lieutenant Ami Rori & Captain Maho Takahashi

1,414 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: USS Myogi: Bridge

While the ship had been in motion getting out of the spacedock, Ami had been keeping a very close eye on all the readouts she could bring up on the Bridge. The reaction was running a bit hot and she chuckled very softly to herself at that contradiction. A matter/antimatter reaction was necessarily an extremely hot reaction, but there were wasted anti-protons bouncing around the reaction chamber. She reduced the antimatter flow by first ten percent, then ticked it down another before nodding to herself. In ten minutes, she'd bump it by two percent and that should be optimal for this power setting. She'd go over the tiny details when she had a significant amount of data and go from there.

She changed the different screens to waterfall settings and put them on one side of the console as she brought up a document program and another dataset on the side.

'State of Starship Readiness Parameters' She put at the top of the report, because she was about to blow the Captain's mind. As Crysta, one of her previous Hosts had been very quick to point out in disgust inside her head, Starfleet Engineering had minimum parameters of how spaceworthy a ship truly had to be to be considered ready to ship out. Those levels were far below what any Captain, or engineer truth be told, would really want to have their ship at. The question was just how to present it to Captain Takahashi in order to not piss her off.

'A little known fact that isn't bandied about very often is that starship readiness factors do not actually require a starship to be at one hundred percent to be considered fit for deployment. When repairs are required and performed, so long as the following factors are true, a ship is determined to be 'in full repair' and released for duty:

Life Support: Primary: 90% or above (Standard full life support requires generally 70% capacity, giving a 28% safety factor)
Secondary Life Support: 0% (With the likelihood of restoration from local resources to minimum of 50% within 168 standard hours)

Structural Integrity: 90% or above (So long as any remaining actionable faults are non-critical support structures that are capable of being restored at any point in a deployment)

Propulsion: Warp Drive: 100% capability
Impulse Engines: 80% or above (So long as restoration to full capability is likely within 168 standard hours. Full impulse power requires generally 75% capability. Flank speed is often not required but is considered a safety factor)

Shields: 85% capability (No requirements. Shield variance can be overcome with reallocation of shield power in combat situations.)

Weapons: Phaser Arrays: 80% (No requirements. Weapons are intended for use as last resort. Barring extreme situations, portions of the array can be taken offline to bolster the remaining active arrays)
Torpedo Launchers: 100% (Due to dual use as probe launchers)

Shuttlebays: 100% (Due to secondary use as evacuation center)

Escape Pods: 95% capability (Variance of potential failed launches)

Forcefield functionality: 90% (Emergency forcefields must be capable of holding surges of 100 atmospheric pressures for periods of two-point-eight seconds with indefinite hold of one atmospheric pressure.)

Warp Core Ejection System: 100%

Antimatter Containment: 100% Primary, 100% Secondary.

Computer functionality: Primary Core: 90% Capacity
Secondary Core: 70% Capacity
Tertiary Subsystems: 70% Capacity
(This provides for supplementary computer functionality in case portions of the system go down for any number of reasons, such as routine maintenance or combat damage)'

Ami pondered for a few moments before deciding not to go into more of the secondary systems. She was already predicting Maho Takahashi's reaction to those particular numbers and the statement that she expected her ship to be at one hundred percent at ALL times, just like everyone else wanted. "Yes, including you Crysta." Ami muttered to herself at the former ship commander, "Including me, but I'm a realist."

But that was the bad news, now it was time for the good:

'USS Myogi's current state of readiness:

Life Support: Primary: 100%, Secondary: 27%. Complete restoration of all backup life support systems expected to be completed within 48 hours maximum, potentially up to 24 hours earlier.

Structural Integrity: 93%. Non-critical structural members on Deck 5 are in the process of detailed scans and a plan to handle replacement or repair will be submitted within 6 hours of final scan review. Non-critical bulkhead damage on Deck 14, involving mountings for the lateral sensors are structurally functional, but are deemed as requiring replacement or in-place-reinforcement. Work Order 21-Alpha (designating high priority for a work crew) details the plan to replace the mountings within the next 24 hours. No loss of sensor functionality is anticipated during the process. Approximately 2% of overall structural integrity loss is standard wear and tear on the ship that will be addressed during the standard 5-year refit process. This does not affect the ship's capabilities.

Propulsion: Warp Drive: 100% (Refinements to be determined as ship is underway)
Impulse Drive: 100% (Refinements to be determined as ship is underway)

Shields: 98% (Fault found with Shield Emitter 42 located on the dorsal rear of the saucer section. Work Order 17-Beta details overhaul of the emitter to replace the deflection head which is causing minor distortion in the shield seams between shield subsections. Estimated time to completion at time of this report: Eight hours for replacement and complete recalibration and testing.)

Weapons: Phaser Arrays: 100% Capability (Array 3 on dorsal front due for routine maintenance in two weeks. Will advance if possible)
Torpedo Launchers: 100%

Shuttlebays: 100% (Programmed Shuttle maintenance is being advanced with the cooperation of Chief Flight Control Officer, faults being immediately handled. Small atmospheric loss detected, identified sector 22 of containment field at 64%, component replaced and awaiting full testing.)

Escape Pods: 100% (All pods have passed static testing protocols. True functionality not testable without launching pods)

Forcefield functionality: 100% (All diagnostics at Level 4 state indicate full functionality. Random tests will be performed on a rotating basis to ensure functionality)

Warp Core Ejection System: 100% (Recommend minor reinforcement of ejection hatch, non critical.)

Antimatter Containment: Primary: 100% Secondary: 100%

Computer functionality: Primary Core: 98% Capacity (Degradation due to standard wear and tear. If any correctable faults occur, will address immediately)
Secondary Core: 73% Capacity (Significant memory degradation detected. Still need to run a Level 2 or higher diagnostic to identify precise problems, but once problems determined, will submit action plan to resolve the problems promptly)
Tertiary Subsystems: 100% Capacity. (This is a newly installed flat-pack system intended to boost overall computer capabilities. I intend to revert this to Secondary capacity while issues with Secondary Core are located and resolved.)
Overall computer capability is at 100%, no reduced functionality at all. '

Ami went over the numbers again, verifying that everything was as accurate as she could make them within the last day and a half she'd been aboard. Only a Level 4 general diagnostic had been run and she was sure the numbers would fluctuate up and down as she delved deeper into the subsystems. Still, it was a good start.

'As the differences in acceptable numbers versus actual numbers indicate, USS Myogi is considered to be in full repair well within the acceptable limits being generally in the 95th-plus percentile. While we strive for outright perfection in all aspects of a ship's status, achieving said perfection is all but impossible without putting the ship into spacedock for a comprehensive overhaul and rebuild cycle.

It is for the precise reason that Captains expect outright perfection for ship functionality that these acceptable limits were developed to prevent said Captains from holding their ship back from duty to achieve said perfection. Functionality degradation and loss and reacquisition of functionality are cycles of a ship's life processes. Being in the 95th percentile of effective functionality means that USS Myogi is more mission capable in every manner than such starships as the Sovereign-class USS Samurai (84th Percentile) and New Orleans-class USS Haruna (88th Percentile) just to name two examples.

As an aside from this particular Chief Engineer, I don't accept the 95th Percentile as a fit status for this starship. I intend to bring her up to minimum 98th Percentile prior to our arrival at Beta Antares or to at least have a comprehensive plan to meet that level in the near future. The difficult we do immediately. The impossible just takes a bit longer.'

Ami smiled as she re-read the last paragraph, then dashed her signature onto the document and saved it to the blank PADD she always had inserted into a computer. Now... When would the right time be to talk to the Captain. In private, of course: Who knew how she'd react?

Mission Post by
Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Myogi


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