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SanTakeshi vs Jane Sinclaus: The Great Gift Race (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Dec 24th, 2023 @ 4:33pm by Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Edited on on Sun Dec 24th, 2023 @ 4:35pm

1,195 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Christmas Vacation
Timeline: After 'SanTakeshi vs Jane Sinclaus: The Great Gift Race (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"It's okay." The woman responded, handing SanTakeshi a velvet pouch. "My instructions were to distract you, but I believe that sabotage can go both ways..."

"What is it?" SanTakeshi asked.

"That is Sayuki Claus' special spice:" The woman, Sayuki Claus, explained. "Jane Sinclaus has to visit all the places you do, so all you have to do is slip it into the milk left out by someone you beat her to, and let it do the rest..."

"I see..." SanTakeshi said. "Payback for making me skip last Christmas... Thank you, Sayuki Claus. This gift will certainly be put to use."

"Not a Problem." Sayuki Claus said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to return to the North Pole to get ready to visit the Townsend-Thoresen employees."

And with a poof, Sayuki Claus vanished.

And now, the continuation:

Next up on SanTakeshi's list was the Myogi's Old Boy, Terrence Johnston. He had been good, but it was difficult to get gifts for a simple man: In the end, SanTakeshi's elves had made for Lieutenant Johnston a new tool set (engineers could never have too much tools) as well as some hard-to-find model trains for the model railway the Lieutenant was building. After helping himself to the milk and rather bland cookies Johnston left out, SanTakeshi decided against committing the sabotage now, as the cookies were so bland, it would almost be expected. So, before he left, he set up an arrangement of the new train cars, using a little Christmas magic on them so that they would be running around the loop on the Lieutenant's setup when he woke.

The new chief engineer had been a good girl. Efficient at her job and friendly to everyone, she was near the top of Jane Sinclaus’s Nice List. Her Magic Transporter Buffer of Toys held for Ami a high quality model kit of a (tank name), the very vehicle that she liked to drive in the holodeck. Accompanying it was a pair of tickets to the first ever live action Tankery League championship, to be held that summer on (planet name). She also got a stocking full of candy at the foot of her bed. The sleepy engineer did not stir at all. Jane took a moment to enjoy the milk and cookies left for her, suspended the carrot for the reindeer, and made her way to the next room.

Next on SanTakeshi's nice list was Lieutenant JG Takumi Fujiwara. The elves knew exactly what to make Fujiwara: A model of his Toyota AE86 Sprinter Trueno from his youth, and a brand new set of golf clubs to make his wife happy when he inevitably went on shore leave. Fujiwara was happy playing with a mismatched set acquired from various secondhand stores, and it always annoyed Mrs. Fujiwara whenever they were on the golf course, and a brand new designer set was sure to appease her, because a happy wife meant a happy life.

Brennyn Scott, ship’s counselor. She was Jane’s next stop. Her gift was well considered and, happily enough, incredibly easy to drop off. Jane knew that Bree was into things like political science and law, and the elves had acquired for her annual subscriptions to the foremost domestic law, politics, and international relations publications. All of which would be delivered on the first of the month directly to her PADD. All that she had to drop off was a note that said “Check your messages. Merry Christmas, Jane Sinclaus”. Compared to her usual stops, this one had been extra quick.

Every millisecond gained is an extra millisecond SanTakeshi spends eating my dust.

But the same could be said for SanTakeshi, as he too was making up for lost time as he was visiting the last department head and assistant department head pair on his list: Kurumi Ebisuzawa and Tristana.

The Myogi's current Chief of Security had been rather difficult to gauge as to what she wanted for Christmas, but after much deliberating, the elves had crafted Kurumi a shovel. Going off of that, the elves had assumed Ebisuzawa was into gardening, and they had gone on and made her a full gardening kit.

"I really hope you like it, kid." SanTakeshi muttered as he placed it under Kurumi's tree. "This was a stretch, even for the elves..."

For the Myogi's former Chief of Security, on the other hand, SanTakeshi had prepared a basket of fruits grown in Tristana's native Mexico. It had been one of the last gifts the elves had prepared, due to the time-sensitive nature of its contents. However, the young Mexican was also known for weaponizing her sex appeal, so SanTakeshi had also prepared for her a box of luxury lingerie.

The pair of boys from security were surprisingly easy to prepare gifts for. Miyazawa and Kabuto were roommates — which would help her shave a few seconds off her trip — and they prepared for her arrival together. A pair of cookies, one glass of milk, and stockings efficiently laid out while they slept in their bunks.

While neither Shingen Miyazawa nor Kiyohira Kabuto could ever be called patrons of the arts, Jane knew how much they would love the anime-style art books the elves had made for them. Especially given both volumes prominently featured the subject of their lustful yearnings, their former chief, Tristana, in decreasing quantities of clothing as the pages went on.

Jane was only disappointed that the elves had not managed to make a convincing holo program of her. Not the least bit because she’d wanted to use it herself.

Connor Talmage was the first department head stop not to be followed up by an assistant department head, as there wasn't anyone the young Junior Lieutenant had named as his assistant. Connor was the reason SanTakeshi had to make a diversion to the Tokyo, as the presents he had picked up had been from the quarters of Kylynn and Haylyx Adams, addressed to Connor. Even SanTakeshi didn't know what the presents contained as he laid them under Connor's tree.

When SanTakeshi sampled the milk and cookies that Connor left out, SanTakeshi decided now was the place to lay down his trap from Sayuki Claus, as the cookies were quite delightful, and as such, spiked milk would be the last thing Jane SinClaus would expect...

"Payback for last Christmas..." SanTakeshi muttered as he mixed the powder he had received from Sayuki Claus, which appeared like gold dust out of the pouch, into the milk, where it dissolved.

After stopping at Connor Talmage’s room, Jane started feeling a bit…off her game. At first, she felt lighter on her feet, as if she could move more quickly down the corridors, until she realized she has trouble stopping at the next door. Her eyes blinked. They were heavy.

The milk Connor left out did taste a bit funny. And SanTakeshi had already been there…

That bastard, she thought. His revenge for…well, for me doing this to him last year.

To be continued...


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