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SanTakeshi vs Jane Sinclaus: The Great Gift Race (Part 3)

Posted on Sun Dec 24th, 2023 @ 5:58pm by Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Edited on on Sun Dec 24th, 2023 @ 5:59pm

1,124 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Christmas Vacation
Timeline: After 'SanTakeshi vs Jane Sinclaus: The Great Gift Race (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

When SanTakeshi sampled the milk and cookies that Connor left out, SanTakeshi decided now was the place to lay down his trap from Sayuki Claus, as the cookies were quite delightful, and as such, spiked milk would be the last thing Jane SinClaus would expect...

"Payback for last Christmas..." SanTakeshi muttered as he mixed the powder he had received from Sayuki Claus, which appeared like gold dust out of the pouch, into the milk, where it dissolved.

After stopping at Connor Talmage’s room, Jane started feeling a bit…off her game. At first, she felt lighter on her feet, as if she could move more quickly down the corridors, until she realized she has trouble stopping at the next door. Her eyes blinked. They were heavy.

The milk Connor left out did taste a bit funny. And SanTakeshi had already been there…

That bastard, she thought. His revenge for…well, for me doing this to him last year.

And now, the continuation:

She had to think fast.

Victor Delling’s room was right next door. Surely the Chief Medical Officer could help.

She slinked into the doctor’s room, eyes getting heavier and balance becoming harder to maintain.

Oh no, she thought.

The doctor was fast asleep.

She could wake him, of course. But she wouldn’t. It was against the Santa Code. A Santa did not wake anyone in the home they were visiting. Ever. It simply wasn’t done.

However much she wanted to get his help, she pushed through. She dropped off the starter aquarium kit and voucher for pet fish from the Spacedock pet shop, took the milk and cookies (this time to-go), and got out of his room as fast as she could.

She lost precious seconds in Victor’s quarters. She couldn’t continue like this.

She took an Emergency Transporter Beam directly to sickbay, where the night shift was supervised by Nurse Mai Ichihara. The single-bespectacled medical professional brought her to a biobed, identified the drug, and quickly gave her something to counteract it.

“You’ve been very kind, Nurse,” Jane said. “You were always on the Nice List, but that’s bought you some credit for next year too. Here, and Merry Christmas.” She gave the nurse a book, a paper book, which contained within it twelve full-length novels, an entire series from her favourite trashy romance writer that she loved.

Joke’s on SanTakeshi. Now I don’t need to stop at Ichihara’s room!

With Jane Sinclaus losing time visiting Medical, SanTakeshi had closed the gap even further as he made his way to Elisabeth Churchill's quarters. For the nautical-obsessed Chief Diplomatic Officer, the elves had fashioned her a pair of stunning models of two famous Earth ocean liners that Churchill was currently working on making into holoprograms. Those ships were the RMS Queen Mary and the SS Andrea Doria. The elves had really pulled out all the stops, as both models measured 1.5 meters long. They weren't scale accurate to each other, but they both had highly detailed full interiors, and it would no doubt be something Commander Churchill would forgive the lack of relative scale accuracy.

Of course, SanTakeshi couldn't forget about Commander Churchill's other half, Lieutenant Kujo. For her, SanTakeshi had a model of Kujo's own Nissan Skyline GT-R BNR32 as well as an assortment of highly sought after brit rock albums on vinyl. It was evident that Churchill had left Kujo in charge of putting out the milk and cookies, as the cookies weren't cookies, but rather were pastries from Greggs. They were good, but no substitute for cookies.

Jane Sinclaus stopped briefly at the Ops Department. There was one gift for someone who needed one but who was not on board.

The former intel chief, once again gracing screens of all sizes with her acting talents, was a guest star in a Christmas variety show being presently broadcast. Jane Sinclaus lamented that she couldn’t watch live; after all, she would apparently don the Elena Girardi persona and sing a duet with a well-known frog puppet. But duty came first, as always.

This was a gift that Jane had not delegated to the elves. This one she did herself. A shiny gold necklace and a homemade booklet of coupons, some adorable, like for a free hug or a foot rub, to some best reserved for the bedroom.

Ops promised they would get the gifts to Alisha Reno that very night. For at Christmas time, a bit of magic found its way into starship operations, helped by the elven Quartermaster that worked the night shift on Christmas Eve.

SanTakeshi also made a quick stop to the Operations department, to deliver to Ensign Ruby Kurosawa; the young officer acting as head of Ops in the absence of a proper department head. For Ruby, SanTakeshi had a new pair of ballet shoes as well as a one-piece swimsuit. Nothing super flashy for the shy and timid Ensign.

SanTakeshi consulted his list as he sampled Ruby's milk and cookies, and to his surprise, the list was mostly crossed off, save for one name: Commander Ichika Misono, the Myogi's first officer. With no time to lose, SanTakeshi washed down his last mouthful of Ruby's cookies with the last swig of her milk and rushed out of the quarters, determined to make his last delivery ahead of Jane SinClaus.

The job was almost done. Every crew cabin had been visited save one. Presents had been left. Milk and cookies enjoyed. Jane’s transporter buffer held literally hundreds of carrots, and now only held only one present. For the last crewmember, appropriately (or perhaps ironically) enough the First Officer, Commander Misono.

Jane was surprised when she rounded the corner to see SanTakeshi in the process of unsealing the door. “Out of the way!” she squealed as she pushed her way, wrapped present in one hand and bulging stocking in the other, toward the opening door.

"No, you wait your turn!" SanTakeshi pushed back against his opponent. The first presents to go under Commander Misono's Christmas tree would be from SanTakeshi, not Jane SinClaus.

"It is my turn!" Jane said as she yanked hard on SanTakeshi's arm, pulling him back. She tried climbing up and over him to get to the tree.

"Oh, no you don't!" SanTakeshi said, tackling Jane to the floor.

With the noise being produced, it seemed neither SanTakeshi nor Jane SinClaus was concerned with the fact that the person they were trying to deliver to might wind up becoming a "coal in the stocking" situation...

To be continued...


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