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Sidequest: Voltron Origins: Allura: Filming Day 4(Part 2)

Posted on Wed Feb 7th, 2024 @ 4:27am by Lieutenant Alisha Reno

1,142 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Gamma Zednor

Nine Days Ago"Good morning Lieutenant Reno," Captain Azalea Martine, Starfleet Intelligence, stated with a grin, "Good to see you back in showbiz. You see, along with doing this, we need you to perform a mission..."

Alisha sighed deeply as she turned to face one of her superior officers, "Ma'am, I'm on a leave of absence from the Fleet in order to participate in the filming of this movie, you can't order me around."

"You've been reactivated, by the order of Admiral Granston Ronto, to participate in an undercover mission to Gamma Zednor, which just so happens to be where this film is shooting most of it's scenes." Azalea gave a shrug, "You know how this goes, Reno, you're not just a part of the Fleet, you're a valuable asset that we don't have enough of. Now sit."

As if trained by Pavlov, Alexis Silverstar sat, with the Captain following suit, "Yes, ma'am." She stated bitterly, "This was supposed to be a vacation."

"And it still is. You're going to be undercover and you are not to compromise your identity in any way. We just want you to passively gather information on the situation there." Azalea pulled out a PADD and handed it over, "You see, Governor Ambrose Hartley enacted some laws over there that are contrary to Federation principles, but not strictly against the law or the Charter. It's a grey zone, but we don't have an active unit over there right now to check it out. Your film, and no Alexis, we didn't influence their choice of lead actress, is being headed up by a Japanese organization, director and mixed film crew and that's who and what these laws are targeting. By being embedded in the group, you'll be able to see firsthand what's going on and report to us."

Alisha sighed as she looked over the PADD, "And no doubt anything coming out of our compound is going to be monitored closely. How will I get you that data?" She was resigned to doing it already.

Another item was pulled from the satchel the Captain had and handed over, "No doubt you're going to talk to your girlfriend on Myogi, plug this into the comm system and upload your report onto it, then just give her a call. This will piggyback the report onto that comm in bits and pieces, then automatically forwarded to the relevant people. No danger of interception."

"Right." Alisha looked up from the PADD, having memorized the contents as she was reading, as she usually did, "Keep talking."

Gamma Zednor, Grace's Point Township

It was dark now and Alexis Silverstar was one of only three people from the movie set still in the town that she knew of, getting ready to go to the campground that had been set up past city limits. Grace's Point was one of the mid-sized townships on the planet with nearly a quarter-million residents and not a single one of them was of Japanese descent. That made the yelling from outside the restaurant stand out, because It was lots of people shouting racial slurs.

"Leave now, Tojo, before we get-"

"Nip bastard! You ain't supposed-"

"You git, you Fuji Pikachu!"

"Paul, can you get the tab?" Alexis gave a small smile to one of her companions, "I want to check this out."

The hurled verbal abuse continued as the actress wended her way out of the restaurant and onto the street where a single Japanese man was trying to make headway towards where she was. A tomato had been splattered against him, but she recognized him as one of the camera crewmembers and started her way through the crowd.

When he saw her, his eyes lit in relief and Alexis finally made her way to him, "Y'all leave him alone, y'hear?" She barked at the crowd, "He's just tryin' to do his job, which was to find me, right?" The man nodded frantically.

"You a JAP-lover, girl?" One voice started, followed by several others, some going into some detail about which of them did what to the other. More fruit and vegetables were thrown with very bad aim and Alexis grabbed the cameraman's arm and pulled him towards a building on the way out of the township even as she prayed that Paul would settle their bill quickly and summon the car for them.

"You know you're not supposed to be in the township after dark," She reminded the man in English, then switched to Japanese, "Why didn't you just comm with whatever message the Director had for me?"

"I did, I think your comm was turned off, Miss Silverstar." Now that they were away from the crowd, he began to relax slightly, "The Director told me it was important for you to know that we're shooting a night scene tonight so that you wouldn't be late. He decided the moons were in the right positions."

"Oh blast." Alexis pulled her handcomm out of her purse and checked it. Yes, there were five missed calls, "Ah am so sorry.. Paul will be out soon and then..." She paused as several lights of red and blue began flashing in front of them, then they streamed past towards where they had been, "You go on ahead, get out of town as quickly as you can, take the back routes. Try to stay out of sight and here." She took off the coat she'd put on back at the restaurant, "Keep the collar up. Just be safe, all right?"

"Of course, Miss." He gratefully accepted the coat and wrapped it around him self, popping the collar to mostly hide his face in what was also one of the fashions of the planet. "Please get back soon, or the Director will be angry with the both of us."

"Ah will, Ah promise." Alexis turned back towards the restaurant with a confident pace, getting ready for more jeering, but she was only halfway back when a car pulled up to her, Paul stepping out of it as she did, "We missed some calls." She told him, "It was one of our people, but he's getting himself out of the city."

"That's good... Get in, that scene got bad and they have their police out looking for him AND you." He looked worried, "Let's get you out of here and back to the compound. Always making a scene, Alexis, I'll handle the PR repercussions tomorrow."

"Ah'm sorry, Paul, Ah'll try to do better next time, but... They looked like they were gettin' riled up to lynch Hataki, Ah couldn't let that happen."

"And now they want him and you on the gallows, or lamp-post or whatever." He sighed, "I'll get this to blow over. Somehow."


Mission Post by

Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


Alexis Silverstar


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