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Alert Statuses (backpost)

Posted on Fri Feb 16th, 2024 @ 9:05pm by Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Lieutenant Alisha Reno

1,916 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Mess Hall, USS Akina
Timeline: After arrival at Beta Antares

Prior to their arrival at the Beta Antares Fleet Yards, Jane Sinclair had sent a message to the Captain of the Akina, requesting an opportunity to chat. It had nothing to do with the mission. Far from it, in fact. Jane had simply come to trust Commander Wilcke after the two had fought side by side in the Federation Council chambers. She valued the Commander’s opinions and hoped to pick her brain about Starfleet, careers, and the state of the galaxy.

So when Minna had invited her to have tea aboard the Akina, she was over the moon. They made plans, set a time, and Jane was on board in plenty of time.

Minna had received the message from the helmswoman of the Myogi the previous day. She was surprised that Sinclair remembered her from that awful day, and wanted to just chat. For that purpose, Minna felt inviting her aboard the Akina was the appropriate venue, especially due to Captain Takahashi's volatility. Expecting that the Akina would be served stand down orders alongside her sister ship, Minna had extended the invitation for their meeting to occur the next day following their arrival.

When the time came, Minna left Commander Sakamoto in charge of the bridge with standing orders to alert her if any new developments happened while she was away, and made her way down to the mess hall to meet her guest:

"Lieutenant Sinclair:" Minna said as she arrived. "I must admit, your request to meet with me was quite unexpected..."

“It’s been quite the week,” Jane answered by way of explanation. “I dare say particularly rough on the Myogi when someone she can’t be objective around is aboard. We made it, no harm done, but I wanted the opportunity to speak with someone in a command position that I knew I could trust. In my experience, fighting shoulder to shoulder with someone in the defense of democracy makes for a form of trust that never goes away.” She sipped her tea. “That was a hell of a fight.”

"Personally, I'd rather forget all about it." Minna responded, sipping her coffee. "Jane, I must have been called a baby killer at least two dozen times that day, defending those buildings. Frankly, I'm not sure if those terrorists would know what a baby killer was if one sat on their stupid faces..."

“I never got baby killer,” Jane said with a chuckle. “I did get plenty of ‘genocider’ and ‘enemy of the people’.” Another sip. “Commander, how long have you known the Takahashis? I know my Captain’s rivalry with Captain Zh’Gero goes back to the Academy. You seem on better terms with her, but I’m not sure how you relate to Captain Takahashi, Captain Aisaka, or Miyahara.”

"Unfortunately, Lieutenant; I've only really known Captain Takahashi for a week." Minna explained. "The other two you named are more interesting: I actually know Captain Aisaka through a mutual friend: Captain Minori Kushieda of the USS Armitage."

“And what about Miyahara?” Jane asked. “You said ‘the other two’ were more interesting.”

"Well, way back when I was a wee cadet, I took an internship at Manhattan Fleet Yards. I'm something of a celebrity over there, but that's beside the point." Minna explained. "Anyhow, the first project they put me on for the internship was a New Orleans class ship... This New Orleans class ship."

Jane nodded. “So you’re deeply connected to Project Jomo then.”

"Yes, and I know of Miyahara through the program." Minna responded. "He was a bit of a slave driver, but he commanded respect: I could see why he's beloved by so many. He gave the impression of an officer who knew how to get things done."

“And now he inspires the masses to violence,” Jane observed sadly.

“Anyway, I’m looking for advice,” Jane continued. “Hopefully we never come across Captain Aisaka again, but I suspect the same won’t be true with Miyahara. Advice for working with Captain Takahashi, without undermining her authority but for the protection of my friends and the crew under my authority when she might become, say, un-objective, if that’s a word. I hope that makes sense?”

"If she becomes emotionally compromised like she has been recently?" Minna asked.

“Exactly,” Jane answered. “This situation resolved itself neatly but it would be irresponsible to assume it will all go perfectly next time.”

"It most certainly is..." Minna agreed. "And that's why you draw up contingency plans: For instance, Commander Sakamoto knows of my... Turbulent track record in regards to my mental health. And as such, she's devised various contingency plans to quickly and effectively remove me from command if I were to go off the rails."

“But you’re deeply involved in those contingencies,” Jane observed. “She has been up front about her bias and risk of being compromised, but talk of removal of command is another thing.” She didn’t want to mention that such conversations had already happened, or at least initial ones. “Planning the potential removal of your Captain without her consent feels mutinous, even if it’s for everyone’s protection.”

"Perhaps removal from command then should be a last resort?" Minna suggested. "I know that Commander Sakamoto's various contingencies are for the absolute worst case scenario; and she has more mild contingencies that involve kindness and compassion towards me should I start exhibiting symptoms of a meltdown."

Minna took a sip of her coffee.

"Think of it like you would an alert status:" She explained. "Removing your captain from command would be something akin to a red alert. But, you can identify warning signs before things get to that kind of alert status: Maybe an order given is rather unusual or the tone at which an order is given is oddly sharp... Like I said, I'm not too familiar with Captain Takahashi or how she ticks, so I wouldn't know for sure, but if you can identify early warning signs that her mental health might be declining, then you only have a yellow alert to deal with. And trust me when I say kindness and compassion go a long way with these kinds of yellow alerts. Being supportive of your commanding officer when they might be dealing with a personal crisis is a lot better than preparing to mutiny at the first sign of trouble, because the latter breaks down walls of trust, and if your captain is already paranoid about a boogeyman, removing her from command would only serve to confirm her superstitions."

Jane nodded, listening intently. If she had a PADD, she’d be taking notes, but deliberately didn’t bring one. So she made mental notes. The analogies were good because they were familiar. Yellow Alert, Red Alert. Kindness and compassion.

“That makes a lot of sense, thank you,” she said. “Do you think I should do this directly? I don’t know her personally all that well. An offer of a kind words or dinner might be strange coming from me.”

"You don't need to take things as far as to invite her to dinner." Minna responded. "I know if my helmsman were to do something like that, I'd be kinda creeped out. What I mean by compassion is to try and understand where someone potentially in distress might be coming from, even if you've never been in their position before."

Jane nodded and sipped her tea, listening intently.

"Take Captain Takahashi, for instance:" Minna continued. "With what she's going through right now, the hormonal imbalance can really screw with a woman's head. I can sort of relate, but I was never pregnant for as long as Takahashi has been. But you, on the other hand, may never have experienced the hormonal-based mindfuck that is pregnancy. I'm not saying you should run out and get pregnant yourself, I'm saying perhaps you should read up and do some research on what someone goes through with pregnancy, or if you feel uncomfortable doing the research by yourself, maybe speak with a medical officer about it."

“I’m not exactly likely to get pregnant,” Jane said wryly. She didn’t know if the Commander knew her celebrity gossip but as a former (and to a degree current, given the recent race against Tyli and her well photographed date with actress Alexis Silverstar) public figure, her preferences were a matter of public record. “But understanding it more is a good idea. I’ll talk to our CMO. Thank you. You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

An Ensign in gold uniform came bustling up the hallway as if on a mission, clutching a pair of PADDs to her chest as she glanced down at them and up to where her Captain was as if she were a woman on a mission. The bottom PADD was definitely customized, familiar black and gold with the number 81 plastered on the most visible corner, "Captain, I have the update on the shuttlebay repairs and renovations." Ensign Anise Halaat decided she HAD to interrupt, "Sorry for the interrup-tion..." She trailed off as she started to apologize to the person that her Captain was talking to. She went pale, evidenced by her spots apparently darkening, then she leaned in towards her CO and whispered softly, for her ear only, "M-ma'am, is that Jane Sinclair?"

Minna quietly nodded, confirming the Ensign's suspicions.

Now the Ensign went from pale to a bright red, some of her spots being threatened to hidden from the blush, "Um... Is there any chance I could talk to her... Before she leaves?" She whispered just as quietly.

Jane could hear that the ensign was whispering, presumably about her since she was staring and blushing, and had an 81 on her PADD. She gave her a smile and a little wave with her fingers.

Minna nodded before moving to stand up.

"Well, unless the Lieutenant needs anything more of me, it seems I'm going to have to cut this short, as I've got bigger fish to fry." Minna winked at the Ensign and awaited Jane's response.

“I think I’m good,” Jane said, standing out of respect but making no move to leave. “I’ll send you a message if I need something else. Thank you for your time, Captain.”

Minna nodded and moved to take her leave, but before she did, she leaned in towards the Ensign. "She's all yours, Ensign:" She whispered to the Ensign before leaving the mess hall.

Anise's eyes went wide as the Captain left her alone with her idol without so much as an introduction. She opened her mouth as she tried to say something, then clamped it shut again as nothing came out and went a bright red again. After several seconds, she cleared her throat and tried to talk again, "Hi, I'm um..." She reached out a hand to shake Jane's, but it stopped a few inches out as her other arm went wide as if to give her a hug, then she just froze in horror.

Jane couldn't help but giggle. She decided to pull the girl into a hug. "Let's chat a bit, yeah?"

Relief flooded Anise, as did excitement as her hero, her honest to god HERO gave her a hug. She nodded quickly, her voice still betraying her for the moment, “Ok.”


Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
Commanding Officer, USS Akina

Lieutenant jg Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi

Ensign Anise Halaat
Operations Officer, USS Akina


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