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Cleaning Up Taiga Aisaka's Mess Since 2395. (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 11:31pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant JG Max Gill & Commander Chiyomi Anzai
Edited on on Thu Feb 22nd, 2024 @ 11:35pm

1,267 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: USS Myogi (NCC-65918)- Briefing Room, Deck 1
Timeline: Approximately 1 month after "The Quality Of Leadership"


"It's coming through on all channels at maximum volume: Attempting to isolate..." Liz said before an alarm began going off. "Wait a minute, I'm detecting a Federation starship dropping out of warp: It's the Myogi, ma'am."

Chiyo turned to the viewscreen in time to see the New Orleans class starship dropping out of warp.

"Hail them!" Chiyo ordered. "Before they blow us to bits!"

It took Liz a moment to figure out how to open a hailing frequency.

"Hailing frequency open." Liz responded.

"Attention, Myogi: This is Major Chiyo Shimada of the Starship Tokyo: Stand down; I repeat; stand down!"

The music subsided, and the viewscreen changed to a view of the Myogi's bridge.

"This is Captain Maho Takahashi of the Starship Myogi:" The young brunette in the right hand chair identified herself. "How may we be of assistance, Major?"

"You're a bit late to the party, Captain." Chiyo responded. "I'd suggest putting some security teams on standby and coordinating with Commander Johnson on the Tokyo about taking on refugees from the station. Once we figure out how to drop this ship's cloak, we'll gladly accept your assistance in securing the Elachi vessel."

Maho nodded.

"Understood, we'll have teams ready within the hour." She said. "Myogi out."

And now, the continuation:

Captain's log,

The Myogi has been dispatched to the Gamma Zednor system to assist the Starship Akagi in the ongoing negotiations with Governor Ambrose Hartley over Gamma Zednor's continued Federation membership. Hartley is among a growing number of Federation member worlds seeking to secede from the Federation and join a breakaway government calling itself the Confederacy of Independent Planets. Evidently, it is in the Federation's best interest to ensure these traitors don't gain enough strength to pose a significant threat to us.

It is my understanding that in recent years, Governor Hartley has committed some rather brazen ethnic rights violations, passing a series of so-called "Junichi Koyama" laws to restrict the rights of people of my kind. No doubt that these laws will be a hot button topic in the negotiations...

As I'm sure the recent destruction of a Federation outpost in the system will also be. Granted, it was a fairly backwater Academy outpost, but the fact that the USS Tokyo, a ship named after a location in Japan and captained by someone of the same ethnicity that Hartley has been targeting, was involved, is going to be a serious talking point...

"Disgraceful! Absolutely disgraceful! Have I gotta do everything around here?!"

The rich, inviting scents of fresh garlic, tomato sauce, and homemade pasta permeated the air; the table was adorned with an ornate, Tessitura Pardi tablecloth- only some of the finest linens hailing directly from the motherland- upon which sat an eclectic buffet of some of the finest Italian Cuisine, all lovingly hand-crafted by the ship's Third Officer.

For someone with such intense national pride as that of Commander Chiyomi Anzai, she simply could not stand the thought of allowing her subordinates to indulge in those... processed abominations that they called "replicator food." As such, she had taken it upon herself to cook up a true feast- Bolognese, Polenta, Caprese Salad, Eggplant Parmesan, Stuffed Peppers, Fettucine Alfredo, Lasagna, Marinated Zuchinni, Puttanesca, Fritto Misto, Carbonara, Arracanto, Tortellini, Ribollita, and Potato Gnocchi- with all the handmade love that a machine couldn't hope to replicate. A catering cart that she'd strategically positioned in the corner of the room offered a sampling of some traditional Italian desserts, such as Apfelstrudel, Gelato, Tiramisu, Cannoli, Panna Cotta, Sfogliatelle, Cantucci, Panettone, Tartufo, Zeppole, Babá al Rum, Zabaglione, Pasticciotto, and Affogato.

Beverages for today's feast would be sourced courtesy of the famed Casini Winery, a New Venetian staple whose prized vineyard was situated less than a mile from where she had grown up. While she hardly meant any disrespect towards Jean-Luc Picard, the Starfleet Officer, Jean-Luc Picard, the winemaker, was an utter joke; in her honest opinion, Picards didn't make true wine- they made mouthwash! Nay, Casini was as true a wine to serve at any formal function, and if those Picards thought they could ever hope to compete, they had another thing coming.

As Maho, Keisuke, and Ichika entered the conference room to debrief the senior staff ahead of their arrival in Gamma Zednor, the aromas of Italian cuisine met their nostrils.

"What the hell is going on here?" Maho asked.

"I am looking out for the welfare of your crew, Captain," Commander Anzai stated firmly. "It would be a dereliction of my duty as Third Officer to allow this crew to eat that processed monstrosity that Starfleet so equivocally refers to as "food"; I would rather feed them dogfood before I allowed them to feast upon that abomination!"

"Is this what Commodore Honda had to put up with?" Ichika whispered, shooting Maho a nervous glance.

Maho simply shrugged. A month in, and she still wasn't sure what to make of her new Third Officer.

"Replicated food still makes for good reactor fuel!" Ami said as she arrived, "It's got everything a growing girl needs!" Her nose started twitching as the aromas of one of her favorite types of food invaded it and she made a beeline towards the table, "And I see my dinner..." She turned around slowly, "What are the rest of you gonna eat?"

Kurumi's sense of smell was instantly assaulted when she entered the briefing room. She saw the array of food and drinks set on the table and raised an eyebrow. "Is this a briefing or a party? Who's birthday is it?"

"I wouldn't call it so much a 'party' so much as an apology," Commander Anzai stated. "Now, eat up, you two; you owe yourself some real food!"

Ami didn't need to be asked twice, grabbing a plate and starting to load it up before glancing around and grabbing a second plate. This was her favorite food type, Italian, and it smelled like it had just been made fresh, which made it irresistable. She looked at the table of desserts, "I'll be back for you soon." She promised it.

Next in was Jane, and the aromas were like the most pleasant punch to the nose she’d ever received. She saw the spread and immediately picked up a plate. “Captain, I’d like to make a formal request to have this be a regular part of staff meetings.”

"I fecond vat!" Ami spoke around a piece of garlic bread she was holding in her mouth as both of her hands were filled with plates on her way to one of the tables, the only thing missing was something to drink, but that could wait, "Vis is good!"

Max was considerably more reserved in his plate and gathered only enough for his belly. He tried to keep quiet and out of the way as he observed the goings on.

Victor crept in with a PADD in his hand that he was actively writing notes on. He nodded to the table not really paying attention to what was going on just yet.

Once everyone had gathered, Maho scanned the faces of her crew before clearing her throat to quiet the room.

"Good morning, everyone:" She greeted with a smile. Now at 17 weeks pregnant, Maho was now displaying a prominent bump, and she had been inclined to smile more in recent weeks; something which no doubt contributed to her 'pregnancy glow.'

To be continued...


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