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Immediate Action

Posted on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 1:28am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Petty Officer 2nd Class Mai Ichihara
Edited on on Sat Jul 20th, 2024 @ 1:29am

1,990 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Sickbay

Previously on USS Myogi:

The Myogi's helmswoman and her rescued partner dematerialized and reappeared in sickbay.

"Emergency! I need help here!" Jane called out.

Nurse Ichihara came around the corner to see the badly injured Alisha being gently laid onto a biobed. "Oh my god," she said to herself. She tapped her commbadge. "Sickbay to Doctor Delling, medical emergency."

And now the continuation

"She's in bad shape, nurse," Jane told Mai as she finished getting Alisha on the biobed. "Cuts, bruises, other injuries, and she's traumatized so be careful."

She walked away and into the unoccupied office of Dr. Delling and tapped her commbadge. "Sinclair to Takahashi. Captain, I'm in sickbay with Lieutenant Reno."

"Understood." Was the only word that Maho responded with.

Meanwhile, Mai set up the biobed scanners and began initial diagnostic scans as she waited for Dr. Delling to meet them.

Victor came striding in through the side door, buttoning on a new uniform. His hair was damp and smelled faintly of cinnamon. He took in the scene before him and his eyes widened just slightly. "What happened? As much detail as you know.".

From the door of the CMO's office, Jane spoke up. "Rescued her from a torture chamber. Unclear how long she was there for, but at least hours, probably days."

"Detecting ten, no, twelve breaks in the skin, accounting for the blood," reported Mai. "Significant swelling in the mouth. Three missing molars. Facial swelling, likely from blunt force trauma. Traces of water in both lungs. Eight phalanges show different degrees of fracture. Three missing fingernails."

Air escaped between his teeth as he studied the readout before him. Days was more likely given the change in her electrolytes and the sheer damage left untreated in her face and lungs. That was going to be delicate.

At this point, Maho arrived with Tristana and a team of security officers in tow:

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Elisabeth Sinclair:" The captain addressed Jane by her full name. "As of this moment, you are being placed under arrest for disobeying a direct order. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney of your choosing. If you have no preference of attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?"

Vivienne was truly appalled that they were attempting to arrest Jane before she'd even been evaluated by the medical staff. She'd been privy to Victor's grumblings about how things had been going on the ship, but she had not believed them to be true in their entirety. Victor sometimes did it take things more personally than she would for example. But this? She began to run her scanner silently over Jane filing a way everything in her mind for future reference.

“Yes I do,” Jane said, holding out her wrists for Tristana or another security officer to bind them. “Rather than stay silent, however, I’ll inform you that I rescued a Starfleet Officer from the torture chamber of a fascist and racist madman.” She cocked her head toward Alisha being treated for her injuries. “She would have been killed if we had not acted, and that isn’t speculation.”

Maho looked over at Alisha and back at Jane as Tristana stepped forward to cuff the latter.

"I will be sure to add your testimony in my report to the Judge Advocate General so that this evidence may be considered." She responded.

Jane looked Tristana in the eye and grinned as she was being cuffed. "I wasn't sure you'd be into that, but I'm glad to find the answer is yes." She winked at the security assistant chief. May as well make light of the situation at this point.

"If it wasn't a job I was comfortable doing, I would have chosen a different field." Tristana responded, prompting a smirk from Jane.

Vivienne walked into sickbay at that moment, to see them cuffing the other woman and her eyes drifted to Victor who met them unwaveringly.

Victor gestured with his scanner at Jane. "She doesn't leave this sickbay before she gets a full trauma exam." Turning to Mai, he ordered "Clear out the trauma surgical suite. Set me up with an osteo-replicator , a comm link to Dr. Mathias Boone, Starfleet Academy and my personal standard setup. Move."

“Right away, Doctor,” Mai said, leaving the patient to go set up as ordered.

Vivienne was not about to disobey that order, given in that tone and gestured for the security officer to take Jane into the private room beside the door, on the opposite side of sickbay.

“Doctor, I’m not hurt,” Jane reassured Victor and the other medical personnel. “I’m fine. I can wait until you’re done with her. Please. Please,” she pleaded.

"Lieutenant Reno will be looked after." Maho said, nodding for Tristana to carry out the order. "However, there are more pressing matters at hand that will need to be addressed first."

"You heard me Vivienne?" was all Victor said, as he met the eyes of the Captain in a fully visible but unspoken challenge.

"Yes sir" the white haired woman said firmly and led them to a private room.

"Good. We are going to the OR." He set the bed to moving and took the scanner and the entirety of the bed with Alisha out of the room.

When they arrived at the private room, Maho motioned for two security officers to take watch at the entrance as she followed Vivienne and Jane inside:

"I have to ask for the record, Lieutenant:" She said. "Are you willing to be questioned without an attorney present?"

As she was being scanned, Jane nodded. "I mean, at least initially. I do not waive that right in perpetuity, but I know what I did."

"Then you know the diplomatic incident you caused by disobeying a direct order not to get involved?" Maho asked. "Lieutenant, I do not expect you to know all the political intricacies, but let me put it to you this way: We were already dealing with a pot of water on a hot stove with what Commander Ebisuzawa did, but what you did was turn up the heat on that stove and add salt to the water to make it easier to boil."

Maho lowered her head and sighed.

"72 hours." She said.

“And while you were worrying about the ‘political intricacies’, as you say,” Jane countered, her voice steady and level, “I was saving the life of a Starfleet Officer. One who not long ago was your responsibility. And is still mine.” Her eyes were locked on Maho’s. “If I had waited 72 hours, she’d be dead. And that’s not speculation. We overheard them saying they would throw her in a furnace in the next few minutes.” She decided not to mention the killed goons, or the interrupted assault. “We got her out before that. Just before that. Besides, I can’t imagine there would be much fallout. The building was on fire. We got in, got out. We did everything we could to avoid detection. What did we add to it?”

"72 hours, Lieutenant, is the amount of time Governor Hartley has given the Federation to withdraw all assets from the system. After which point, we can effectively kiss Gamma Zednor goodbye." Maho responded. "A situation we wouldn't be in right now, if you hadn't let your personal feelings for Lieutenant Reno cloud your judgement."

“Captain, you can’t pin that on me,” Jane said forcefully. All semblance of politeness was out the door by this point. “When did you get the notification that we had seventy-two hours? Was it in the hundred seconds between when I came back and when you came to arrest me? Because if not then I had nothing to do with that. Besides, we left no evidence aside from, I’ll remind you, the rescue of a fucking Starfleet Officer! From a military bunker run by racist, murderous fascists that was already falling in on itself.” She let out a breath. She knew there would be consequences and was happy to take her lashings, but she wasn’t going to take the fall for the whole planet. “This situation was probably going to go to shit with or without the Myogi, Captain. The fact that the Myogi fired upon them probably didn’t help any. I may have taken advantage of the chaos but I didn’t cause it.”

"Had you obeyed my orders like you were supposed to, you would have found out about Hartley's ultimatum at our senior staff meeting." Maho responded. "But no: Instead you disobeyed a direct order not to aggravate an already tense situation to rescue a Starfleet officer who understands the risks that come with wearing the uniform, especially the grey variant. The risk that every time you beam down, you understand that there's always a chance you might not beam back. It is that risk that cost Commander Anzai's predecessor's predecessor on my watch, and it is that risk that we take on every time we pin on our combadges."

Maho sighed heavily. Personally, she felt that what Jane did, abandoning her combadge, abandoning her post, abandoning her oath for largely personal reasons was deplorable. However, that was something she wished to not have on the official interrogation record.

"Unfortunately, it's not me you will have to explain yourself to:" She said. "It will be up to a jury to decide if what you did was right or wrong. Your case will be going to the Judge Advocate General, and you will be court martialed for disobeying a direct order."

"I understand," Jane said. She wanted to keep a lid on her anger for the Captain in that moment but it was much of a struggle. Something had to give. "I just hope next time it isn't Keisuke down there. For his sake."

"Then let's hope it never has to come to that..." Maho responded. Her tone of voice indicated that she understood Jane's argument, as she would rain hellfire down on whoever had the will to harm Keisuke, and she would be especially gleeful to do so if that person was named Taiga Aisaka.

The doctor was glad that she did not wear her emotions on her face is visibly as humans did, but her markings got a little bit darker as she process what she heard as she silently worked through a full trauma work up. This wasn't her opinion getting out of hand,. There was something, that you'd have to make a note of for Victor. However, she pressed a hypospray to Jane's throat to counteract the chemical she'd been exposed to while in that facility. Then she looked at her and spoke for the first time since this started "you need a full surgical decontamination bath, once that is complete I am satisfied until tomorrow that you are well.".

Jane looked to the Captain and Tristana, and moved her arms up, indicating her manacles. "I'm not going anywhere. But I expect I can't decon like the good doctor is saying with these on."

Maho nodded to Tristana.

"Remove the shackles, and place a guard outside the Lieutenant's room overnight." She ordered. "We'll transfer her to the brig in the morning, if Medical allows it..."

That seemed fine to Jane, as she prepared for her decon treatment.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Tristana
Assistant Chief Security/tactical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant junior grade Jane Sinclair
Remanded into custody
USS Myogi

Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Vivienne Erebos
Medical Officer
USS Myogi

Petty Officer 2nd Class Mai Ichihara
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Myogi


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