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Matters of National Security

Posted on Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 10:12pm by Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc & Sinisiub Pallis & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Commander Chiyomi Anzai
Edited on on Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 10:12pm

1,012 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Rheuysian Reichstag Building
Timeline: 1730 Hours

When the away team from the Myogi beamed down into the lobby of the Rheuysian Reichstag building, they found that another group had beaten them there: This group consisted of civilians wearing dark suits surrounding an aging man in Vulcan robes, though the man was Romulan in physiology. He had been chatting with Braush and Stokh when the sound of the transporters caught his attention, looking up to see the arrivals in Starfleet uniforms.

"Excuse me for one second:" The man raised a hand to cut off Braush before making his way over to the group from Starfleet.

"Commander Takahashi." He greeted warmly, extending a hand for Keisuke: "Captain Kaga told me you would be joining us."

"It's an honor, Mr. President." Keisuke responded, accepting the handshake. "What no one told us is that you would be joining us."

"Well, I came into office on the promise to crack down on traitors, and that's precisely what I intend to do." Pallis explained. "Granted, the ride here could have been a lot better."

"Well, Starfleet can't make everything perfect, sir." Keisuke said.

"Indeed not." Pallis muttered. "Regardless, I'm sure Captain Misaka will be much happier running remote transport work, far out of the way of the important work."

"With all due respect to you, Mister President, the Myogi and the Kaga were already in the process of handling this matter," Commander Anzai was quick point out. "If you don't mind my inquiring, what exactly has brought about your visit here today?"

"Alarming statistics, Commander Anzai." Pallis responded. "Did you know that every president since the Dominion War has had little clue of what Starfleet is actually doing? It makes for truly appalling figures, and if we're to take action against these traitors, then there needs to be an understanding on what both sides are doing."

Commander Anzai frowned. "You think that we haven't been communicating with the Kaga?"

"You imply that I lack faith in Starfleet, Commander." Pallis responded, a disappointed tone entering his voice. "Is the President of the Federation not allowed to visit the front lines of our most important crisis since the Dominion War?"

"Given the scope of the situation, Mr. President, it's not exactly what we would recommend," Commander Anzai stressed. "Being out here on the front lines is noble of you, but it also makes you an easier target for people who would want you dead."

“A list of whom seems to be growing larger, Mr. President,” Jane volunteered from behind Anzai.

"Such is the risk that comes with higher office." Pallis sighed. "Have any of you ever heard the phrase that good leaders place their faith in something larger than them? It is my opinion that I cannot live in fear of my own life. If we are to prevent this Federation which has stood for nearly a quarter millennium from tearing itself in two, more drastic action needs to be taken. Now, if everyone is done asking questions?"

Pallis turned back to Braush.

"I believe it's time we get down to business..."

"But of course," Braush smiled. "Right this way, Mr. President; I'm sure that the Kaiser will be most honored to host our new President in her court..."

"The Rheuysian Reichstag is hereby called to order!" Kaiser Shnauf banged her gavel. "I now yield to President Sinisiub Pallis to deliver opening remarks..."

"Thank you, your majesty:" Pallis nodded. "Members of the Reichstag of the Federal Rheuysian Republic; I wish I could be here among you under friendlier circumstances: Unfortunately, with treason around every corner..."

As Pallis spoke, Stokh placed a hand over her ear and tilted her head, listening in as comms blew up with traffic. Whatever was happening; something big was going down.

Wondering if Braush's comms were going berserk in the same way, Stokh turned to her counterpart.

"Are you hearing this?" Stokh whispered.

"Loud and clear," Braush nodded before unholstering his disruptor pistol and moving out into the center of the room.

"Alright, everyone, clear the floor!" he announced before everyone present. "Please proceed to the nearest Warming Shelter in a neat and orderly fashion! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!"

"What's going on?" Commander Anzai asked, glancing over at Stokh. "Why are we evacuating?"

"The navy just reported multiple Elachi ships appearing in orbit." Stokh said. "I'd suggest you follow the rest of the politicians, get to one of the warming shelters underground."

"Damn!" Commander Anzai scowled as she reached up and tapped her commbadge. =A=Away Team to Myogi; we're receiving reports of several Elachi ships have appeared in orbit of Rheuys; can you confirm, over?=A=

Instead of a response, Commander Anzai was met with static. Indicative that comms were being jammed.

"Mister President, Your Majesty, if you'll come with us, please!" Braush called out. "Rheuys is under attack, and we need to move you to a secure location; your safety is of utmost priority!"

"Of course, lead the way." Pallis said calmly. Allowing himself and Kaiser Shnauf to be led away.

Keisuke turned to the rest of the away team.

"If the Elachi are already here; then our chance to get back aboard the Myogi has come and gone." He declared. "Is everyone here capable of firing Rheuysian weapons?"

"I have some basic training pertaining to Rheuysian Disruptors," Commander Anzai muttered as she rolled up her sleeves."Can't say it's comprehensive, but it'll have to do."

"Alright, then; those of you who can fight, let's locate building security and volunteer to arm up." Keisuke ordered. "Those of you who can't, follow the politicians to the shelters."

Posting by

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Commander Chiyomi Anzai
Third Officer

Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer

Sinisiub Pallis
United Federation of Planets


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