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Into The Thick of Things (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Feb 5th, 2025 @ 7:38pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Moon Ji-hee
Edited on on Wed Feb 5th, 2025 @ 7:39pm

1,120 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Ready Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After 'Into The Thick of Things (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"It's also not like it's going to take up a lot of time", Ji-hee said more assertively. She knew how to manage a department. Resources were also not an issue in the modern world of Starfleet. "We plan to slowly upgrade the shuttle over the next few months. You'll read all about each advanced system as soon as I can get them to you. I'll be meeting with Miss Sinclair. She'll know how to best advise you on utilizing that craft, Sir."

Ji-hee's lips slowly turned upwards into a smile. Her foamy green eyes looked deep into Maho's.

And now, the continuation:

Slowly, a smirk spread on Maho's face.

"I can see that my old job will be in good hands, then." She said. "And I do mean my old job. Once upon a time, I was the Lieutenant in gold in charge of Operations here on Myogi."

Maho extended a hand to Moon:

"Welcome aboard, Lieutenant." She said.

Ji-hee shook the captain's hand excitedly. Her eyes closed as she smiled. "Thank you! That's awesome that you worked in Operations. You understand us. When I first joined the Academy, I thought about studying Engineering. The recruiter told me Operations officers were in high demand."

"I just want to say that I hope I can live up to your expectations, Captain. Always reach out to me and keep me informed. I look forward to working with you and the crew. Anything else I need to know?"

"Well, Lieutenant; you're probably still wondering why you were bused out to this corner of the quadrant, so to make it worth your time, I figured I'd catch you up on our current mission." Maho said. "Of course, I can't share things above your clearance level, but it should help you understand what your shipmates are chattering about when you're not undergoing sensor maintenance or working on this... Shuttle upgrade."

The shy Lieutenant giggled at the way Maho mentioned the shuttle. She shifted in her seat.

Maho motioned towards the window, and the view of the mostly icy planet below and multiple Rheuysian military vessels conducting maneuvers.

Ji-hee leaned forward in her seat to get a better view. She watched some of the unique shapes of the vessels as they drifted in orbit of the colorful planet.

"This place, at one time known as System 813-G, is called Rheuys. Pronounced like the Royce of Rolls Royce." Maho explained. "It is the homeworld of the Rheuysian people as well as the capital of the Federal Rheuysian Republic- the Rheuysian state aligned with the Federation. Lots of Starfleet grade equipment gets made here. Which makes the rumors that they have been double dealing with our enemies all the more concerning. And it is because of these allegations that we are here."

"Oh that Rheuysian... I've heard the name", Ji-hee started. She vaguely remembered having to work on systems called Rheuysian- manufactured subsystems once or twice. Her mind had always heard it as 'Roycian'. She read she'd be traveling to Rheuys before the transfer but hadn't recognized the written name.

"Never seen it spelled before. I didn't realize we were here." The thought sunk in as Ji-hee turned from the window back to Maho. "That is troubling though, Captain." There was a lot she wanted to know, but understood the information's classified nature.

"I'm going to do a little reading on the planet and the situation here", Ji-hee continued. "I'll try to be as informed as I can about the system's background. Maybe I'll look more into Rheuysian tech too. The Ops team is ready for whatever comes up. I met the team and I must say.. I'm impressed. We'll get the job done for you Cap'n."

Lt. Moon thought for a split second. "Is there anything you need me to work in or prep regarding this?"

Maho was about to dismiss the Lieutenant when another thought crossed her mind:

"While I can't go into detail, I would suggest you stay vigilant, Lieutenant." She said. "It will also help to read all the declassified material you can on the Elachi. Because I can't with 100 percent certainty rule out their involvement with recent events, and if they are, then things could get really messy really quickly."

Maho picked up her PADD.

"I'll send you everything I have on the Elachi for a starting point." She stated. "It might be wise, if you two both get a free opportunity, to speak with Commander Chihc and see if he can tell you any more on them. Word is, he's dealt with the Elachi firsthand on... His previous assignment."

Maho avoided naming her new Intelligence Chief's previous assignment directly, as that damn ship seemed like a shadow that followed her everywhere.

Ji-hee looked increasingly more tense as Maho mentioned the Elachi. She enjoyed researching aliens and cultures, but this was sounding like a dangerous species.

"I should definitely familiarize myself with them." Ensign Moon's said in an almost shuddering voice. "I'll try to get in touch with the Commander, as well. I'll also have Ops damage control teams drill with security in preparation for any repairs under boarding situations."

Ji-hee's attention was caught by the glowing nacelles of a Danube class runabout streaking just past the large window. It cut towards a docked Nova class starship within the spacedock. As the Lieutenant turned back to the Captain, the little ship entered the larger vessel's shuttlebay.

Ji-hee took out a compact PADD from her pocket. "I'm ready for the notes, Cap'n." She was anxious to start reading about the Elachi, palms starting to sweat along the center of her hands and fingertips.

Maho loaded all the files she had on the Elachi that she could share with someone of a lower security clearance than her and sent copies over to the Lieutenant's pocket PADD.

"That should be everything I can share on the Elachi." Maho stated. "I think from there you're mostly caught up with what's happening."

The Lieutenant's eyes went wide as she looked at the PADD. These creatures were very tall with gaunt features. A hollow, ghastly expression rested on the creature's bulbous face. She couldn't comprehend these fungal based lifeforms.

Ji-hee pulled herself away from the notes to respond. "Yes Captain. Let's just hope the Elachi aren't involved after all. ." Her cheeks felt hot, flushed red as her heartbeat quickened.

"Indeed, especially given how we're not as well-equipped as, say, an Armitage, which barely held its own against those bastards." Maho shook her head. "I hate to think what they'd do to a relic of yesteryear like us."

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Moon Ji-Hee
Chief Operations Officer


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