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Karen and Elisabeth's Awkward Shoreleave Encounter (18+)

Posted on Wed Dec 1st, 2021 @ 8:28am by Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Commander Elisabeth Churchill

3,177 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Christmas Vacation
Location: Dollette Lingerie Outlet, Pike City, Cestus III
Timeline: December 17, 1400 hours

"Scoff at me for eating with my mouth open? I'll show that bitch just how elegant I can be!"

Lieutenant Kujo's relationship with Lieutenant Commander Churchill had been strained from the outset; she'd thought she was cute at first (likewise could be said of the Second Officer, the Chief Flight Control Officer, the Assistant Chief of Security, and so on; but not like Karen was one to complain about being surrounded by a bunch of attractive officers), but that was before she opened her mouth and started ordaining how a "proper" lady was supposed to behave-- at least in whatever la-la fantasy world she was basing these stupid principles off of. Karen, of course, was never one for elegance, so it was inevitable that she resisted the diplomat's efforts to "culture" her, leading the two of them to strike up an uneasy rivalry. Things eventually reached a head when one day, during a heated exchange in an empty mess hall over God knows what, some things were said and the next the two of them knew, they were hungrily making out under one of the tables. Unable to wait until they got back to their cabin, the two of them ducked into a nearby storage closet and went at it for what felt like hours- and in spite of everything that had transpired, the two of them stubbornly refused to admit that they harbored even the slightest bit of romantic affection for one another. After avoiding one another for a week or so to get over the embarrassment of it all, the two of them had gradually returned to their bickering ways, though they couldn't but wonder who was going to be next to make a move.

Well, if you asked Karen, this one was solely on Lieutenant Commander Churchill, because who the hell cared about eating with your mouth open, other than the snobby rich folk who seemed think they were gods who could do no wrong? That had been enough to both push Karen over the edge and simultaneously turn her on, so without further ado, she left her lunch half-finished, requested immediate shoreleave down to Pike City (which, mercifully, was granted), and set about locating the nearest designer outlet from where she arrived.

As she casually perused the various storefronts, her nose scrunched up from the cocktail of various perfumes, colognes, and other expensive aromas, she caught a glimpse of a bright, rose-colored neon sign. Craning her neck to get a better look, she observed that the sign in question was advertising what appeared to be a high-end Lingerie retailer named Dollette; the name vaguely rang a bell, but Karen couldn't say she was a frequent customer. But then a dirty thought crossed her mind, and she decided that there was no time like the present to change that.

Making her way into the establishment, she cut a beeline to the register and wasted no time forwarding her intentions to the cashier.

"I need the classiest lingerie you have in stock, please!"

The cashier appeared mildly surprised at Karen's bluntness, but a customer was a customer, so she hesitantly pointed Karen towards their more expensive brands.

Karen must've been there for well over an hour as she deliberated on her "weapon of choice;" there were plenty of options that suited her, but she was having a hard time deciding on which really screamed "Elisabeth Hood Churchill, tonight I am making you my bitch, and you're going to like it!", but she'd narrowed things down to three-or-four specific articles; she was presently going back and forth between the black-lace undergarments and the red silk ones with a cute little bow in the middle, when she suddenly decided she wanted to try that frilly plaid set she'd been eyeballing about ten minutes ago. She ducked her head out to request for the cashier to bring her the item in question, but quickly ducked it back in when she saw her helping a familiar face.

What the hell was she doing here?!

Elisabeth had her own motivations for visiting the lingerie store: She had been in need of some new underwear for a while, as Karen, during the heat of that fateful moment, had broken the clasp of her favorite bra, rendering it useless, and then sometime between then and now, she had discovered one of her fallback pairs had been mysteriously soiled, which she strongly suspected Karen to be behind, however, she couldn't definitively prove that uncultured swine was the one who did it. Still, that meant Elisabeth was down two pairs of underwear, and that was going to have to change, because Elisabeth had recently noticed another one of her bras was on its way out.

Elisabeth particularly enjoyed Dollette underwear, because not only was it comfortable for her, but also because Dollette was one of only a few underwear brands in the Federation that made bras in her size.

Because of course her melons just had to have stopped growing in between two more common bra sizes...

However, Elisabeth's inner Victorian made shopping for underwear an embarrassment for her. She usually placed orders to be received in her quarters in discreet, unmarked packaging. However, this time, in-store pickup she had been told was more economical. However, that didn't stop Elisabeth's face from being bright red as she nervously made her way up to the cashier to pick up her order.

"P-Pick-up for... Ch-Ch-Churchill..." She stammered.

The cashier nodded in understanding, and told her she would be right back with the merchandise. Elisabeth just hoped this would be quick, because if anyone, especially Karen, spotted her buying underwear, then they would have ammunition to laugh at her for.

"And so, the producer said, 'That puts a cap on that ballplayer!'" Alisha laughed as she and Jane made their way to the counter of the lingerie shop, her arms holding a few outfits, and her face lit up as she saw Elisabeth, "Good afternoon, Commander!" She said cheerfully, "Fancy meeting you here." She grabbed Jane's hand and squeezed it, "We're just picking out a few things ourselves. You with someone?"

"N-no..." Elisabeth responded, her already red face going burgundy. "It's just me today..."

From behind the curtain, Karen was struggling to hold in her laughter. This was too priceless not to watch...

"That's really a pity..." Alisha smiled at Jane, leaning up against her for a moment. During the time they'd been together, she and the pilot had gotten very comfortable with each other and she didn't know what she'd do without the taller woman. Of course, with the heels she was wearing right now, they were the same height. She plucked a purple negligee and a blue outfit from the clothes they were carrying, "But you might be able to help us. I think the purple suits me better," She held it up to her chest in a semi-modelling stance, "But Jane thinks the blue is better on me." She switched them out, altering her stance slightly, "What do you think?"

The purple would definitely suit Lieutenant Reno better... is what Karen would say if she weren't presently trying to avoid make her presence known.

"Oh, I wouldn't know..." Elisabeth muttered. "So... Long as it's comfortable, a-a-and fits you, then why should colour matter?"

Bloody hell, Elisabeth; what are you saying? Elisabeth thought to herself. You're just calling attention to your own insecurities...

Who's the useless bottom now, Churchill? Karen thought to herself.

"It's not all about whether it's comfortable or not, it's more about how much fun you and your partner can have putting it on and taking it off." Alisha wiggled her eyebrows with a giggle, then saw the cashier coming back with a package, "Diana! I'm sorry I haven't dropped in for a while, but I'm going to make up for it today!"

Jane shook her head in disbelief. "You would be on a first name basis with the lingerie vendor."

The cashier's face brightened at the sight of one of her regular customers, "Of course, just let me help Miss Churchill here first?"

"Of course, did you know that she's on board the Myogi with me?" Alisha handed the clothes to Jane and hooked an elbow in with Elisabeth's arm for a quick squeeze, "It's really exciting to me to see her here in Dollette's. It really is the best place for intimate apparel, the best selections, I swear." She made the comment to Elisabeth, "I swear by here, of course, when we're away I'm going to have to wing it."

"Surely they offer shipping to whatever Starbase we'll be operating nearest," Jane suggested. "Of course, that's not nearly as good as being able to try things on. Look at yourself in that full length mirror and say 'I'd do me'." She laughed and pulled something else from their pile. "I'm thinking of the black bustier with thong. There's a red set deeper in the shop too, but I wear red all day. What do you think, Elisabeth?"

That's honestly not a bad way of looking at it, Karen mused, turning back to look at herself in the mirror. If I were to have hot, messy sex with myself... what I want to be caught wearing?

"I told you, I don't think colour matters..." Elisabeth responded, still blushing fiercely. "Comfort, on the other hand, is paramount. Perhaps you've never had to deal with an awkward cup size that only a few brands in the Federation make."

What are you doing, Churchill? Stop talking! Elisabeth mentally reprimanded herself.

“Oh, color matters.” Alisha said somberly, “I’m lucky in that with the light blonde hair I’ve got naturally, most colors work well for me, but I wouldn’t get caught dead wearing anything red darker than candy apple, and even then it’s not that flattering on me. But while red looks great on Jane here, she’s drop dead sexy in black and I think a darker green, call it forest green?” She glanced over Elisabeth and her voice changed to include more of an English tone than her normal Texan accent, “I think that you’d look rather fetching in a brighter sapphire blue, govn’ress, do you have one of these in roughly that color, Diana?” She raised the purple outfit up slightly, “In Elisabeth’s size, that is? Just add it to my account.”

Hmmm... blue? Karen personally hadn't even considered whether or not she'd look good in that color; perhaps it was worth giving a try once the three of them left.

“Besides,” Jane added, smiling as Alisha slipped into an accent similar to Elisabeth’s and Jane’s, “I don’t think I believe you that colour doesn’t matter.” She grinned. “If it doesn’t matter, then whatever it is you purchased here will be plain. A simple nude colour. Support wire, padding, and not much else. But I’m willing to bet that whatever they’re getting from the back for you is sexy as hell.”

Elisabeth lowered her head.

"Evidently, you both make awful Victorians..." She muttered. "Honestly, I'd be intrigued to see how far you both make it in an unaltered Victorian era holonovel before you're burned at the stake. That being said, if you must know the colour of my underwear; I've ordered 3 pairs: Silver, pale blue, and my personal favourite, white: Because white reflects the Victorian era values of purity and chastity. Though, I might as well be a fallen woman, given that I've revealed this much..."

Alisha’s voice became more laconic, “I may make it much further than you would think.” Her tone nearly matched Elisabeth’s exactly, but in a higher pitch, “Rather than be burned at the stake, I may arrange for an overthrow of then-current fashions, all right, a relaxing of them, by playing to the desires of the gentlemen of the era. Or if I must, I could merely adapt myself to the current standard. I’m rather quite, you know, adaptable that is.” She smiled broadly, “As my little Sugarcube here can tell you.”

"Well, that is to be expected:" Elisabeth responded, "I mean, after all, you are the Alexis Silverstar at the end of the day..."

Alisha smiled softly, first to Elisabeth, then looked over to Jane for a smile with even more meaning, "No, Elisabeth, and that's my whole point." Her accent had dropped from noble English back to her native Texan, "At the end of the day I'm Alisha Reno, me, myself and I. I can BE Alexis Silverstar, but I'm no longer her, not anymore. I like bein' me, I also like being able to turn into other people, but I'm far happier bein' myself."

"I like you being you, too, luv," Jane said with a smile, giving Alisha a gentle kiss on the cheek. "And hey, my ancestors left England, left Earth, centuries ago. It's rather a fluke that our accent didn't change much. The propriety of the past can be fun to indulge in sometimes, but I rather enjoy the freedom of expression of modern culture."

It was then that Jane noticed a pair of eyes peeking out from the changing room curtain. It was hard to see; Jane's was the only angle that could have even noticed. She realized quickly who it was, but kept her reaction to herself. When she was certain nobody was looking, she gave a quick wink to the mysterious woman in the changing room.

"EEP-!" Karen yelped before realizing she had just given herself away and quickly cupped a hand to her mouth.

Hearing the screech, Elisabeth stepped over to the changing room she had heard the sound and ripped aside the curtain, revealing Karen in the changing room.

"So, is this how you get your sick kicks?" Elisabeth asked with disgust. "Jerking off to my discomfort?"

"Me? You're the one who just decided to barge in here without even bothering to ask!" Karen retaliated, a fierce blush already starting to creep up her cheeks.

Alisha cleared her throat as she approached carefully, “Now, now ladies, we can act like reasonable adults here.” She slid herself between the two slowly, “I don’t think either of you were expecting to see the other here and this is all just a big coincidence, isn’t it?”

Elisabeth put her finger to her chin.

"Hmm... I suppose you're right, but that doesn't make it any less creepy!"

"Dude, you do realize this is the Chief of Intel we're talking to?" Karen was all too keen to point out to Elisabeth. "She literally watches people for a living!"

"I don't watch or see everything that goes on." Alisha said in a deadpan, but with a sly smile, "I wouldn't have any free time if I even tried and failed to do it." She turned back to Karen and changed languages to one that she knew Karen knew, but Elisabeth probably wouldn't. "Watashi wa warumonode wa arimasen." I am not one of the bad guys. "Anata wa hoka no chōhō-in to warui keiken o shita kamo shirenai to rikai shite imasuga, watashi wa sono ichi-ride wa arimasen." I understand you may have had bad experiences with other intelligence officers, but I am not one of them. "Moshi watashi ga min'na o miru tame ni koko ni itara, watashi wa ima koko ni inaideshou."If I were here to watch everyone, I wouldn't be here right now.She smiled slightly more and winked at her as she turned back to the others and returned to Standard, "Besides, I've seen the contents of your underwear drawer... Or more precisely, the lack of contents."

"That can be taken in so many wrong ways..." Karen grumbled.

“And so many right ways too,” Jane quipped with a grin. “So. Here we are. Four ladies shopping for cute or sexy lingerie. The question becomes: what now? Finish our shopping and our separate ways? Finalize our purchases and then continue this conversation at the tea shop across the way? All of us go to the back room for a fashion show?”

"Sorry, guys," Diana interjected. "Back rooms are off-limits to customers. You want to be holding a fashion show, you're going to have to take it somewhere other than here."

"Well, so much for that idea," Karen chuckled.

"We might be able to arrange one in the lounge, if it 's really desired." Alisha made a face at the thought of it, though, "But I'd far rather have a karaoke night there, or maybe even some sort of sports night... Bring in some holographic pool tables, or dart boards, have a small tourney?" She grinned, "But that's not the point of why we're here and now. Tea does sound pretty good, though."

"Mmm... Watashi wa ocha o nomi ni iku koto ga dekita (I could go for a cup of tea)," Karen contemplated, before looking down and blushing when she realized she was still in her skivvies.

"Umm... gimme a sec," she asked before quickly drawing the curtains shut.

"Oh, no you don't..." Elisabeth smirked, yanking the curtains back open. "If you're going to make me uncomfortable, you're going to get a taste of your own medicine, Kujo."

"W-what are you doing?!" Karen spluttered as she cautiously backed away. "H-hey, ease up, Churchill! I'm sorry for earlier! Can't we take this somewhere private?!

"Fuck somewhere private!" Elisabeth scoffed. "I'm going to stand right here and jerk off to you getting dressed, see how you like being humiliated like you've humiliated me!"

Diana looked over at Alisha and shook her head. "If those two are gonna go at it in the dressing room, I'm going to hand in my resignation on the spot."

Alisha couldn’t help but chuckle in response, “Welcome to my world, Dee, but isn’t it lovely to see them getting along so well? And in public, no less!”

Posting By (In Order Of Appearance):

Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Nightkids Squadron Leader, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Diplomatic Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Part-time staff, Dollette Outlet, Pike City

Lieutenant Junior Grade Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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