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The Second Wedding of Maho and Keisuke Takahashi (Part 1)

Posted on Tue Jan 18th, 2022 @ 11:51am by Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant EMH MK. V 'Shizuka' & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Petty Officer 2nd Class Mai Ichihara
Edited on on Tue Jan 18th, 2022 @ 11:58am

1,266 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Various
Timeline: Mission Day 3, 1200 hours

The crew of the Myogi had woken up the next morning with a message from Commander Takahashi on their PADDS:

To all crew;

Keisuke and Maho Takahashi
Request the honor of your presence
As they renew their wedding vows.
Please join them as they pledge their love anew
On Stardate 47634.44
At 12 O'Clock Noon
Holodeck One
Deck Four
United Starship Myogi
Reception to follow

Post-Renewal Brunch tomorrow after departure.

With the invitations having been sent out, and having handled RSVP responses for a few hours, Keisuke went down to Holodeck One dressed in his tuxedo. When he arrived, Keisuke found that Holodeck One was already in use, with everything loaded in as it should be. Maho must have ducked down before the crew of the Alpha shift began waking up to get the Holodeck and herself ready.

Stepping through the entrance of the Holodeck, Keisuke found himself standing at the wedding venue in Kumamoto, almost exactly as it had been on that fateful day; even the weather conditions were perfectly recreated. Taking a few steps into the program, Keisuke turned around just as the arch vanished. Though, it would be reappearing multiple times as crewmembers stepped through; each time a reminder to him that this was all simulated. But Keisuke didn't care; this was going to go off without a hitch this time, and he and Maho knew it:


"Wedding's scheduled to start in about 10 minutes," an NCO remarked offhandedly. "You planning on attending, Commander?"

"I guess I really should," Ichika sighed, recalling not too fondly the look Maho had given her when she had tried to reason that now was not the most appropriate time to be hosting a vow renewal. At least, given the political pressure the Klingons were putting on them to resolve this issue, she figured it was a far more pressing matter at hand. Maho hadn't seen it that way, however, and while Ichika had the good sense to back off before things escalated, she knew she had insulted Maho with her suggestion to postpone the vow renewal.

She was still a bit on the fence about whether or not she should attend. While it was obvious to anyone there that it was the right thing to do, she wondered if, after everything she'd said to Maho, her presence at the vow renewal would come across as her being a suck-up, which might lead to an equally unfavorable outcome.

She deliberated for a few minutes longer before deciding that she was just going to have to fall on her sword and accept the consequences that had come with their earlier point of contention. She wasn't the happiest about the whole arrangement, but she'd endeavor to be civil about it if Maho asked. And for all she knew, Maho might not ask, at which point she was in the clear.

"Petty Officer, you have the Bridge," Ichika instructed as she got up from her workstation and began making her way towards the Turbolift. "I'll be back in a few hours; let me know if there's any updates from those suppliers we were in contact with the other day."

"Yes, Ma'am," the NCO nodded in affirmation.


The Myogi's EMH had materialized for its shift that morning to find a message from the captain for it. Though the EMH gracefully declined, as it was first and foremost a tool of medicine, the Mark V didn't want any of the medical staff to miss such an opportunity, and had spent the first couple hours of its shift talking with various members of the medical staff about the wedding. Some had accepted the EMH's offer to take off, others had their various reasons for staying.

Regardless, the EMH knew that tonight it would be pulling a double shift, as it was a historical trend for weddings to run late into the evening, but for the officers who elected to stay, the Mark V was grateful for any assistance it could get.

As the EMH had finished speaking with the officers working later shifts to get an idea for who would be coming in and who wouldn't, it realized it had forgotten one particular nurse who was working the early shift, and went to go find her. It didn't take long to find her, at work seemingly calibrating a biobed:

"Petty officer;" The EMH hailed. "Not sure if you've been made aware of a vow renewal happening on the holodeck; if nothing else, it could serve as a team building exercise; get to know some of your shipmates and all that:"

Nurse Ichihara was indeed calibrating the biobed when the EMH got her attention. She cringed at the suggestion; a night forced to socialize sounded like hell. Unfortunately, she had a hard time judging exactly what the EMH meant from its tone. "Is that an order to attend, Doctor?"

"I'm not ordering anyone to attend, Petty Officer." The EMH responded with a smile. "My staff should make the decision to attend of their own volition. If you feel your duty is here, than I appreciate the assistance."

Holodeck One

Ichika arrived at Holodeck One about seven minutes later, and stepped in to find herself in the company of several well-to-do holograms (likely representations of Maho and Keisuke's relatives) as they sipped on cocktails and chatted freely amongst themselves.

Spotting Keisuke on the far side of the venue, chatting it up with a couple of guests (likely holograms of people he knew), Ichika made her way over to the far side of the room where thy were had aggregated.

"Commander," she greeted with a bow. "I hope I'm not too late for the ceremony?"

Keisuke turned to Ichika.

"No, you're not late at all." He said. "In fact, I'm glad you decided to make an appearance."

"It's the least I could do, Commander," Ichika smiled before glancing around the room to make sure Maho wasn't watching giving her the stink eye from somewhere across the room. "Commander, you wouldn't happen to know if your wife is still mad at me regarding yesterday, would you?" she asked politely.

"That's kind of a difficult question to answer;" Keisuke responded. "I mean, given how hormonally unstable she is at the moment."

Brennyn entered the holodeck wearing a blue off the shoulder gown she had left over from her days working in diplomacy. She didn't often get the opportunity to wear civilian clothes, and everything else she owned seemed too informal, so she hoped her attire would be suitable. Scott had considered wearing her dress uniform because in at least one sense, it would be easier, but decided against it. Weddings were happy occasions and she wouldn't be happy if she spends most of the event in a tug-of-war with her own clothing. She decided to wear her hair in an up-do with cascading curls, a bit more formal than how she usually wore it but not too dissimilar.

Having been born and raised aboard starships, Scott understood the importance of taking time to celebrate such personal milestones. While it was true serving in Starfleet was no pleasure cruise, when the opportunity to celebrate presented itself, it was all the more appreciated.

Seeing she was one of the first people to arrive amongst the crew, she decided to mingle for a bit and see who would join her, not wishing to interrupt conversations already in progress.

To be continued...


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