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The Second Wedding of Maho and Keisuke Takahashi (Part 2)

Posted on Tue Jan 18th, 2022 @ 11:56am by Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane'
Edited on on Tue Jan 18th, 2022 @ 11:59am

1,253 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Holodeck One
Timeline: After 'The Second Wedding of Maho and Keisuke Takahashi (Part 1)

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

Brennyn entered the holodeck wearing a blue off the shoulder gown she had left over from her days working in diplomacy. She didn't often get the opportunity to wear civilian clothes, and everything else she owned seemed too informal, so she hoped her attire would be suitable. Scott had considered wearing her dress uniform because in at least one sense, it would be easier, but decided against it. Weddings were happy occasions and she wouldn't be happy if she spends most of the event in a tug-of-war with her own clothing. She decided to wear her hair in an up-do with cascading curls, a bit more formal than how she usually wore it but not too dissimilar.

Having been born and raised aboard starships, Scott understood the importance of taking time to celebrate such personal milestones. While it was true serving in Starfleet was no pleasure cruise, when the opportunity to celebrate presented itself, it was all the more appreciated.

Seeing she was one of the first people to arrive amongst the crew, she decided to mingle for a bit and see who would join her, not wishing to interrupt conversations already in progress.

And now, the continuation:

The Chief woke up, stretching to the sky. He woke up like this every morning with a good stretch. Rubbing his eyes, Pratt absent-mindedly pulled for his engineer padd on the way to the washroom, using the facilities—halfway in, Pratt checking his morning engineering brief, he was surprised. He had received an invitation to the wedding of Keisuke and Maho Takahashi, his commanding officers respectfully.

Brandon had arrived a few minutes early on with Victoria. He was dressed promptly, ensuring that his dress uniform was pressed perfectly crisp for the rare occasion.

Pratt checked his breath prior to receiving Victoria, having recently quit smoking. He placed on his cologne, nothing too heady, and wore his father’s silver wristwatch. Brandon had beamed to be her date.

Victoria had foregone the dress uniform, but had gone for a simple dark blue formal dress that went down to mid-shin even as she hung onto Brandon's arm, fingers entwined with one of his, "I think this is going to be rather quite interesting, never been to an actual wedding before."

Tristana was the next one to arrive: She was wearing a form-fittin0g sleeveless black dress with some Mexican flare to it. She nodded to the crewmembers already gathered, addressing them by rank as she made her way over to where Keisuke and Ichika were standing.

"Commanders;" She said with a nod.

"Lieutenant;" Keisuke responded with a smile. "Glad you could make it."

"Of course;" Tristana responded. "I wouldn't miss this for the galaxy!"

As Tristana looked around at the holographic representations of the people who had been guests at the last wedding, the thought crossed her mind as to the officiant:

"Uh... Is he here?" She asked.

"Unfortunately not." Keisuke responded. "His holographic duplicate will be, but he will not. He does send his well wishes, though."

"Ah, I see..." Tristana said.

"A close friend of yours, I presume?" Ichika remarked.

"Why, only a mentor to us both;" Keisuke responded. "You may have heard his name on the news lately; and that's because the media is trying everything they can to sully his name."

"If it's who I think you're alluding to," Ichika replied, "I believe I've heard of him; Captain Felnoir had spoken highly of the man, though admittedly he came off as somewhat biased in his accounts of him..."

Jane arrived independently of Alisha. Dressed in a stunning red dress that hung over one shoulder and hugged her figure. Her long hair was curled and fell to one side; bright gold earrings framed her face. Her height was boosted up by a further four centimetres by the heels she chose. She wondered what Alisha's reaction would be. For right now though she found a spot along the periphery to people-watch and wait for everything to begin.

"Been a while since I had an excuse to wear this baby," Karen could be heard chuckling as she stepped into the holodeck sporting a long, navy-blue side-ruched dress and a set of golden high-heel slippers. "Hey, Jane! Are we still down for our little get-together in the holodeck?"

"Absolutely we are," Jane agreed.

Elisabeth arrived next, wearing a deep purple Victorian era formal gown, one of several she wore when working on her holoprograms. However, she had chosen this particular one due to its striking color. When she stepped onto the holodeck, she heard someone talking to Sinclair, which reminded her of the holonovel she had been helping the Chief of Flight Control edit, and she made her way over to where Sinclair was standing:

"Sinclair!" Elisabeth hailed as she approached. "We're still on for the holonovel, right? I think you're going to love what I've done with the next chapter."

"I seem to be the popular one today," Jane said with a laugh. "Hello, Elisabeth. We're still on as well, yes." She turned to Karen. "Elisabeth is helping me with the settings on a spy holonovel." Then she returned to the woman in purple. "And Karen and I are going racing. Street and sky. Hey, have you two met?"

"I don't believe we have!" Karen replied, offering her outstretched hand. "Karen Kujo, Nightkids Squadron Leader; pleasure to meet'cha, Miss...?"

"Churchill;" Elisabeth responded, extending her own hand. "Elisabeth Churchill; Chief Diplomatic Officer."

Karen shook Elisabeth's hand enthusiastically (perhaps a little too enthusiastically, but it was her way) before turning to Jane.

"You should've introduced us sooner, Jane," she whispered. "She's super cute."

"I know, right?" Jane whispered back. It was true; the pilot noticed that she'd met a shockingly large number of gorgeous women since coming on board the Myogi. Kujo. Churchill. Amaro. That nurse that was working sickbay when she went to see the previous doctor. Not to mention Alisha. Alisha...Where is she, anyway?

"You realize I can hear you both, right?" Elisabeth said, indicative that the two women had not whispered quietly enough for her not to hear standing at close range. "You know, you're not such a bad-looking bird yourself, Kujo." She said to Karen with a grin

Alisha finally walked into the holodeck and looked around for Jane, having settled the earbug comm into her ear outside the double doors. Her hair was unbound, in soft, large curls that cascaded down as she adjusted her dress. The two-toned blue dress had off-the-shoulder armstraps and she wore matching two-toned heels of four centimeters height. She smiled brightly as she finally found the other woman and strode over to her, hands outstretched, "You look amazin', Sugarcube!" She exclaimed to her new girlfriend, then glanced at Elizabeth and Karen, "Not that the two of you are any less stunnin', but I admit that I'm a bit biased."

Damn, Jane thought as her eyes lingered on Alisha. “No, luv, you look amazing.” She gave Alisha a peck on the cheek and stood beside her, wrapping one arm around her waist. “Not sure if you’ve met. Karen, Elisabeth, this is Alisha. Chief of Intel and Chief of my heart.”

At once recognizing the Chief of Intel, Karen's jaw dropped in disbelief.

"You... You're dating Alexis Silverstar?!" she gasped.

To be continued...


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