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Enter Commodore Honda

Posted on Tue Jan 31st, 2023 @ 9:51am by Commodore Tohru Honda & Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Queed

689 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Spacedock and USS Myogi

Commodore Tohru Honda stood in Spacedock, watching through one of the large windows as the Starship Myogi slid in through the space doors. As the New Orleans class starship entered Spacedock, an announcement was made over the PA system, announcing the arrival of the Myogi and the location the ship would be docking.

When the announcement concluded, Tohru made her way towards the docking bay that had been announced to meet Task Force Jomo's former flagship. When she arrived, she found herself among a gathering of Spacedock security. These officers would be temporarily be brought aboard the Myogi when it docked, as the Myogi had beamed down its entire regular security compliment to deal with the riot happening on the planet down below. However, Tohru knew of the significance the Myogi served as a symbol to the rioters, which would be why she would need a security detail to ensure the orders that she had been given by Starfleet were carried out.

When the docking clamps and moorings had been extended, Tohru lead the security detail down the gangway to the docking hatch. When the hatch slid open, Tohru stepped aboard, being met a few seconds later by Captain Takahashi, her husband, and an officer from the Diplomatic Corps.

"Commodore Honda;" Captain Takahashi greeted with an extended hand. "Welcome aboard the Myogi."

"Thank you, Captain." Tohru responded, shaking Maho's hand. "Though it's unfortunate that it has to be under these circumstances."

"I take it you know of the prisoner in our brig?" Maho asked,

"How do I not?" Tohru quipped. "Spacedock security will be responsible for transporting Commander Iwaki to a secure location to await trial."

"Very well. I trust that the Myogi will be safe in your hands, then." Maho nodded, tapping her combadge. "Computer, transfer all command codes to Commodore Tohru Honda, Command Authorization Code Takahashi 2-4-6-Omicron-1-Beige."

After a moment, the computer beeped in acknowledgement, transferring the command codes from Maho to Tohru.

"She's all yours, Commodore." Maho said. "Though, try to go easy on my crew? They've been through a lot already."

"Haven't we all?" Tohru asked. "Not to worry, Captain. Like you said yourself, your ship and your crew are in good hands."

Maho nodded before turning to the other two officers with her. "Commanders, if you'll follow me?"

"Oh, and captain." Tohru called. "Before you speak to the press, I believe Admiral Benson wanted to speak with you."

Maho nodded without word and turned to leave, motioning for the other two officers to follow.

Queed watched the exchange quietly. He was still trying to get re-acclimated with ship board duty and integrate with the rest of the crew. He knew he could be much more effective once he knew people on the Myogi better.

As the Commodore walked away a few questions formed in his mind but Queed decided to wait to ask.

As Tohru made her way towards the turbolifts, she began relaying instructions to the security officers following her:

"Secure all airlocks, auxiliary craft, and escape pods." She ordered. "No one is to leave this vessel unless I approve it."

"Yes, ma'am:" The security officer responded.

A few minutes later, Tohru arrived on the bridge. On the turbolift ride up, she had spoken to Ops to patch her in on shipwide comms. When she reached the tactical console, providing a view of most of the bridge, Tohru tapped her combadge, going on shipwide comms:

"Attention all hands, this is Commodore Honda:" Tohru spoke. "Due to the ongoing riot at Starfleet Headquarters, and this vessel's connection to the man responsible, as of this moment, the Federation starship Myogi is hereby being designated as an active crime scene. During this time, no personnel will be allowed on or off the ship without my express written approval. Any crewmember who attempts to leave without it will be subject to prosecution under the fullest extent of Federation law. That is all."

Posting by

Commodore Tohru Honda
Task Force Jomo Commanding Officer

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant Commander Queed
Chief Diplomatic Officer


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