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In the Name of Democracy

Posted on Thu Feb 23rd, 2023 @ 2:21pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Queed & Captain Taiga Aisaka

2,029 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Admiral Benson's office, Spacedock

After disembarking the Myogi, Maho had separated from Keisuke to visit Admiral Benson. Keisuke had told her he'd meet her at the press conference. As Maho approached the admiral's office, she could see that there were a few people there already; she made out an Inuto which she recognized as Captain Felnoir, and an Andorian which Maho knew could only be Captain Zh'gero.

"You wanted to see me, Admiral?" Maho asked as she walked in.

Queed stood dutifully behind his commanding officer with his hands folded neatly behind his back. He hadn't been this close to Earth, arguably the center of the Federation, in a long time and this caused some excitement under his calm expression.

Benson looked up at Maho.

"Ah, yes; Captain Takahashi:" He said. "I take it you know the crowd's 'Public Enemy Number 1' here?"

Maho reeled back for a moment before her eyes narrowed.

He doesn't mean-? She thought

From the corner near the door stepped forward a small Japanese woman with long blonde hair and Hazel eyes. Four rank pips on her chest shone proudly in the light. Captain Taiga Aisaka stood there with a smug look on her face and her arms crossed.

"Oh she knows me alright." Taiga stated simply. "Apparently I'm up for some sort of stoning due to the bullshit your previous CO has been spreading. He'll, I couldn't even enjoy my own shoreleave or wedding..." she cast a glance over at Maho.

"I will however 'deal' with that later..." she added giving Maho a look that could only mean 'We'll be talking later'.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Captain Felnoir demanded, pointing an incriminating finger at Admiral Benson. "You have a lot of nerve to be dragging her into this, Benson!"

"Tut tut tut Captain" Taiga said as she waggled a finger at Felnoir. "You're forgetting that you're addressing an Admiral here. Show a bit more respect!" She told him a hint of her aggressiveness coming through towards the end. "That sort of behaviour is below that of your rank."

"For once, I agree with Captain Aisaka," Shimakaze said, shooting Taiga a glance that said 'don't take that as a compliment.' "If that's the way you treat all flag officers, I wonder why Miyahara kept you around as long as he did..."

"As if You're one to talk, what with your "Andorians-are-holier-than-thou" attitude-!" Felnoir snarled.

"That will be enough:" Benson said. "If the people gathered in this room cannot set aside their differences and come together in the name of democracy, then we're no better than the people we're trying to stop."

The four of them fell silent, evidently ashamed with themselves for their behavior.

"Now, Captain Aisaka, Captain Takahashi, I've heard the complaints lobbied by both of you over weddings ruined by the other, and I must say, if you two are supposed to represent the future of Starfleet, then Starfleet is heading towards a very dark place. Captain Felnoir, for how highly Miyahara spoke of you, I was not expecting for you to lose your composure as easily as you did, and Captain Zh'gero, don't think you're entirely innocent on this matter. Starfleet knows of your past affiliations with one of the militia groups that is allegedly down there attacking our headquarters as we speak."

Having knocked each of the four captains down a peg, Benson continued.

"Now, it's only natural that not all Starfleet officers are going to get along. But I think we can all remember the oath we took; to preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United Federation of Planets from all enemies, foreign and domestic. At this hour, our Federation is under unprecedented assault, and I think you'd all agree we must stand united like never before."

"Exactly why are there hundreds of people attempting to break into Starfleet Headquarters?" Taiga asked. "Don't people know that the building has shields and security countermeasures?"

"Captain Zh'gero;" Benson turned to Shimakaze. "You spent some time among Andoria First; perhaps you have insight as to how a disorganized mob could break into one of the most secure facilities in the quadrant?"

"I can't speak for all the potential militia groups in the crowd, but knowing how Andoria First functions, there's no doubt they've been premeditating this assault since Miyahara announced this protest." Shimakaze explained. "They always were trying to recruit Starfleet officers to their cause, and I don't doubt that they had double agents who obtained information on these countermeasures, and spread the ways to defeat them publicly. Especially given reports on the ground that these people seem like they came prepared for a fight."

Taiga sighed as she began to pace in front of them. "So, Miyahara takes justice into his own hands. Breaks Federation Law, and then uses me and my crew as propaganda to prove false corruption." She paused for a moment.

"Miyahara sided with the Tal Shiar who falsified records of my ship attacking Alvatar Colony. Of course as Captain Takahashi here can testify, his treatment of prisoners is less than ideal. We're or were you not given the order to 'shoot to kill' me if I resisted?" Taiga asked as she locked eyes with Maho.

"I was, but you're forgetting that the Myogi's brig was- and still is- well within Federation regulation." Maho said.

"So, eventually it was proven that Miyahara was in the wrong. The truth is that my ship never attacked Alvatar colony, the Elachi under command of the Tal Shiar did and they wanted a Starfleet ship to look responsible so they had an excuse to start a war..." Taiga paused again. "And only two weeks ago, I led a task force to return the Ambassador to the senate with the correct evidence to prevent such a war. Of course the Tal Shiar intercepted us. They badly damaged my ship, the Armitage and destroyed the Oceania..." Taiga was reeling this all off to catch the other Captain's upto speed.

"So. The Ambassador did make it to Romulus and did present the real evidence. Our asses were saved by the Romulan Imperial Navy for gods sake. And now Miyahara has caused a public uproar claiming that the Tal Shiar evidence is wrong and I'm some sort of murderous genocidal lunatic..." Taiga stopped in front of the desk and turned to face them.

"Has anyone here even slightly considered that thos is what the Tal Shiar might want? Turn our own people against us, weaken the Federation at its core and make it easy for them to do what the hell they like?" She paused again. "If Miyahara is creating this uprising, then he needs putting behind bars on a far away penal colony and we need to show the people the truth. Because if this continues we're heading for a civil war!"

The other three commanding officers fell silent as they came to terms with what Taiga was insinuating. Felnoir in particular seemed deeply distraught with the revelation, as- having served Miyahara longer than even Maho and Shimakaze, he felt a much more personal connection to the man than they did. As reluctant as he was to admit that Miyahara would ever betray them for the Tal Shiar, he could no longer deny what he was now seeing for himself.

"Damnit; she's right," he scowled in defeat. "Loathe I may be to admit it, we're being played almost perfectly into the Tal Shiar's game!"

"Finally!" Taiga said raising both arms I to the air. "Someone who understands!" She exclaimed before glancing over at Maho momentarily. She turned to the Admiral.

"Admiral. Give me a chance to talk to Miyahara. I would prefer diplomacy over any more hostile tactics. If the truth comes from him then he can disperse those people. If not, then I'll need an armed security team and I'll drag the bastard back myself." Taiga crossed her arms waiting for a reply.

"While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Captain Aisaka; I believe the one to speak to Miyahara should be someone he trusts." Benson said. "As such, I believe Captain Zh'gero would be better suited for this assignment, given how she is most like those in the crowd."

Shimakaze rolled her eyes in blatant disgust.

"No" Taiga replied. "I don't think it should be someone he trusts. He's manipulative and knows how to use his charisma to get what he wants!" Taiga shot back.

"And no Captain. I'm not allowing you any more stress." She stated at Maho. "Your ship is already impounded, any more and its not going to be good for your unborn child. As a woman who's miscarried before due to Romulan affairs, I won't wish that on anyone. I would prefer you didn't have to go what I did and sit this one out." She turned back to the Admiral. "I will lead this operation, they want me and I'm not prepared to risk Captain Takahashi's unborn child Admiral!" She stayed clearly.

"I agree with Captain Aisaka;" Benson said. "Besides, I believe you still have a press conference to give, is that correct?"

"Yes sir." Maho nodded.

"Then get out there and talk to the press, Captain." Benson ordered. "If anything would appeal to Miyahara's humanity, if he has any left, it would be the woman who was his right hand in his last days as a Starfleet Officer on Federation television calling on him to end this siege."

"And you want us to sit here and do nothing?" Taiga grumbled. "Let me at the bastard, I'll bring him in kicking and screaming!"

"And whatever happened to diplomacy first?" Benson asked, perking a brow. "Speak with Miyahara first, and if he proves incapable of being reasoned with, then and only then will I authorize use of force to bring him in."

Queed watched the proceedings with interest and unsure if he should comment or just listen. He did find it interesting to see how the captains of other starships handled themselves.

"Fine. I'll talk to him first. I doubt he will even listen to me, but I can try I guess..." Taiga shrugged.

"As for you two," Benson said, turning to Shimakaze and Felnoir. "We'll need the Haruna and the Akina among the ships running traffic control. With a lockdown and curfew going into effect for the whole system, we need ships out there checking credentials for civilian craft to ensure they're conducting essential travel. If a ship is attempting non-essential travel, your orders are to impound the ship and arrest the crew. Unless there are any further objections, let's get to work."

"No objections here, sir." Shimakaze said.

"Commander Sakamoto is perfectly capable of commanding the Akina in my absence," Felnoir sternly objected. "I have some business of my own to discuss with Miyahara."

"Captain, in case you didn't hear Captain Aisaka just now, it might be in our best interests if someone not close to Miyahara spoke with him." Benson clarified. "That, and given your penchant for rushing to violence, I don't believe that what you're proposing is an appropriate course of action."

"As if you seem to think speaking with the Captain he's already built up a vendetta against is going to do us any good?!" Felnoir snarled, slamming his fists down on Benson's desks. "No; I've served under this man fifteen years- if there's anyone who's going to get through to him, it's me- the wench be damned!"

"Captain Arles Felnoir, this is your final warning:" Benson said sternly. "Stand down or you will be relieved of your commission."

A look of utter disgust on his face, Captain Felnoir straightened his posture, calmly unclipped his combadge, set it down on Benson's desk, and stormed out of the room before anyone had a chance to stop him.

Posting by

Admiral Benson

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Arles Felnoir
Commanding Officer
USS Akina

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Queed
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Shimakaze Zh'gero
Commanding Officer
USS Haruna


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