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Posted on Tue Feb 28th, 2023 @ 7:54am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Tanaka Miyahara & Commander Ichika Misono & Captain Taiga Aisaka

1,404 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Various
Timeline: Immediately After "In The Name Of Democracy"

Felnoir practically stormed into the transporter room, his eyes glazed over with vengeful ferocity.

"I want an immediate transport down to Tanaka Miyahara's last known location," he ordered as he step up on the transporter pad.

The Lieutenant operating the controls furrowed his brow. "Sir, do you have the proper clearance to be-?"

"That's an order, Lieutenant," Felnoir snarled.

The Lieutenant blinked in surprise, but fearing repercussions, he reluctantly obliged in Felnoir's request.

"Coordinates locked," he reported. "Stand by to beam down."

"Energize," Felnoir commanded, lifting his head up as he disappeared in a shimmering curtain of light.

"Damn!" Taiga said as she rushed in just to see him beam away. "Lieutenant, I want you to lock onto his co-ordinates. He does not have clearance" she ordered. She moved over to the equipment locker and grabbed a phaser and tricorder, fastening both to her belt she quickly hopped up onto the pad.


[Tanaka Miyahara's safehouse]

Miyahara had been in the middle of preparing to depart, having arranged with the hotel for an early checkout when he heard a commotion happening in the hallway. He turned to the door just in time to witness it getting kicked in and a familiar face stepped into the room, his Starfleet uniform ripped and bloody and his blue-grey fur also stained with blood. The two guards posted outside of his room lay mangled and lifeless at his feet.

"MIYAHARA!" he bellowed, his voice raw and filled with unadulterated rage. "We have business to discuss!"

"Captain Felnoir;" Miyahara responded calmly. "You know, you look great, old buddy. I don't know why I didn't see it before, but blood and murder are so your colors-!"

"Cut the bullshit!" Felnoir snarled as he stormed up to Miyahara and grabbed him by the throat. "How dare you- how fucking dare you?! I have served loyally under you for fifteen years, and you repay me by threatening to undo everything the Federation has fought for for the past two centuries?!"

"I wouldn't call it undoing so much as I'd call it setting things back on the right track." Miyahara said, still remaining calm despite Felnoir's chokehold. "I mean, you should know better than anyone how much of a swamp our Federation has become since the war- crawling with vermin like Taiga Aisaka. Whatever happened to you and I draining the swamp together, Felnoir?"

"And your idea of setting things on the right track is turning our citizens against one another?!" Felnoir growled menacingly. "Open your goddamn eyes! This is not the Tanaka Miyahara I served under, so it's time you started acting the part and call off the rioters! NOW!!!"

"Only when Taiga Aisaka turns herself in." Miyahara began to gasp for air. "She is the key to stopping this madness, not me... So, why don't you turn that rage of yours that I know so well on the true traitor?"

A momentary look of betrayal flashed in Felnoir's eyes, as his brain tried to reckon these words were coming from the mouth of Tanaka Miyahara, his friend. But just as quickly as the realization hit him, something within him snapped, and his feral instincts took over.

"NYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!!! he roared as he lobbed Miyahara through a glass coffee table.

Miyahara had barely gotten over the shock of being thrown through the glass coffee table when Felnoir's fist came down on him. Miyahara ducked out of the way and used his weight to push Felnoir into the wall, stunning Felnoir long enough to get a couple of punches in.

"You disappoint me, Felnoir;" Miyahara taunted, assuming a fighting stance. "After everything we've been through; Aisaka has corrupted you, too!"

"SHUT UUUUUP!!!!" Felnoir roared as he proceeded to headbutt Miyahara through the closet door.

As Felnoir was delivering his headbutt onslaught, Miyahara delivered two upper blows to Felnoir's gut, which didn't faze the Inuto man as they crashed through the closet rack. Against the closet wall, Miyahara drove an upper cut into Felnoir's chest as hard as he could, which caused Felnoir to spit out blood and release Miyahara as he staggered back, which allowed Miyahara to ram his knee into Felnoir's body.

"I thought you had the makings of a true patriot," Miyahara said. "But you're just another vermin, another traitor!"

"Look who's talking!" Felnoir spat, lunging for Miyahara's throat again. Felnoir's motion was so sudden it knocked Miyahara's glasses off his head. "This is the end for you, Miyahara." Felnoir growled as held Miyahara in an even tighter chokehold than before.

Miyahara then forced his leg into Felnoir's groin as hard as he could, stunning Felnoir before Miyahara lunged at him with all his might, sending both men to the floor. Miyahara got up faster and straddled Felnoir, delivering a series of brutal punches that knocked out several of Felnoir's teeth.

"You've opened my eyes, Felnoir:" Miyahara said as he delivered punch after punch. "I used to think locking the traitors up, never to see sunlight again was enough, but you've shown me that's not the case." Miyahara's hands went to Felnoir's throat. "Because now, I'VE GOT TO KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! Just like I'm going to kill you!"

In the next instant, Tanaka Miyahara crushed in Arles Felnoir's larynx. In an instant, Captain Arles Felnoir, Commanding Officer of the USS Akina, was no more.

Standing up from Felnoir's body, a broken lamp sparking behind him, Miyahara grabbed his broken glasses and put them back on. One lens was blown out, while the other was cracked. They would need fixing, that was for sure. Reaching into his pocket, Miyahara pulled out a combadge of a hexagonal design and pressed it.

"Miyahara to transporter control" He muttered. "One to beam up..."

As he slid the combadge back into his pocket, Miyahara saw standing in the doorway the person responsible for this whole mess, and who would no doubt be responsible for the coming war.

Taiga who had arrived a few seconds prior had witnessed Miyahara killing the Captain. She already had her phaser drawn and aimed at Miyahara. "Stand still!" she demanded as she moved closer, keeping her aim on him. "I'm placing you under arrest for treason and murder!"

Seeing Captain Aisaka didn't frighten Miyahara at all. In this moment, he was at peace. He gave Taiga a small smile before speaking:

"She's your Federation now, Aisaka." He said as the transporter beam began to envelop him. "I hope she treats you right."

Within a matter of moments, Miyahara had vanished in the transporter beam, leaving behind an empty, wrecked hotel room with Felnoir's body lying among rubble.

Taiga opened fire, the phaser beam flying right through the transporter. She sighed as she slotted the phaser back into its holster and moved over to Captain Felnoirs body. He was dead, murdered by the hands of Miyahara.

She tapped her comm badge. "Aisaka to Admiral Benson. Captain Felnoir is dead. I need a Starfleet Security team on my location ASAP. Also, Miyahara beamed away..."

"Understood, Captain." Benson sighed over the comm. His inflection seemed to indicate that he had said something along the lines of 'damnit' before initiating comms. "We'll send some teams to your location. I'll be wanting a full incident report..."

"Here's the report Admiral. I got here too late, I was just intime to see Miyahara murder Captain Felnoir. With all due respect sir, this has got out of hand. He's now committed homicide against a Starfleet Officer" Taiga replied.

"While I appreciate your upfront commentary, Captain; I expect such snark to be absent from your written report." Benson warned. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yeah" Taiga responded simply as she turned away from the body.

"Teams are beaming down to your coordinates now." Benson explained. "Once they arrive and secure the scene, report back to me."

Posting by

Admiral Benson

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Captain Arles Felnoir
Commanding Officer
USS Akina

Tanaka Miyahara
Disgraced Commanding Officer


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