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The Battle for the Federation Council chambers (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Apr 6th, 2023 @ 2:54am by Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro

970 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Federation Council Chambers

After the Federation Council had been evacuated, Starfleet had pulled back from the Federation Council chambers in favor of a more defensible position, and the rioters had taken root inside the chambers, rummaging through the desks of duly elected officials and looking through classified PADDs.

"Surely there has to be something we can use against these scumbags..." One rioter muttered.

"Hey, let's show a little respect for the council chambers."

"Oh, they can steal a trial, but we can't sit in their chairs?"

"Look, man, they're still our elected officials. Even though it's our patriotic duty to disobey unjust JAG rulings, we have to leave things neat and orderly once our message has been sent."

Another rioter wrote a provocative message on one of the Council's PADD's.

"Justice is coming, it's only a matter of time." The rioter recited his vulgar words aloud.

After forcing some rioters outside the council chambers to turn around and head for the nearest exit, Minna was among the Starfleet team preparing to retake the chambers from the rioters inside.

"How are we looking?" She asked.

"Not good," Ichika sighed as she holstered her Tricorder. "I'm counting at least 50 of them in the main chamber alone; we may be able to get a few shots off, but they'll be on top of us in less than thirty seconds."

She turned to face the group. "We're going to need some kind of distraction if we stand any chance of subduing them. Anyone here got some flash grenades on them?"

Mia glanced around with a sheepish look on her face before reaching into one of the pouches and pulling out three of the flashbangs, then patted a couple others, "I may or may not have about a dozen of them.." She said quietly, "They really looked cool."

"That may just come in handy, Lieutenant," Ichika nodded, before turning her attention to Minna.

"There's a balcony just over there that should give us some decent cover," she explained, directing Minna's attention to the Mezzanine situated just above the main council chambers. "How good do you think your shot is, Commander?"

"I won a plasma wrench throwing competition at Manhattan years ago." Minna responded. "I can hit something from afar."

"I'm a good shot," Jane said, hefting her rifle. "Show me where you need me."

"I'll stay here and clear from ground level." Mia had passed the three flash grenades off to other team members, then patted her sidearms. True to HER form, she had one phaser pistol on each hip and knew how to use them, "Not the best shot, but I can put a lot of light into the air to make up for it."

"Then it's decided," Ichika explained. "Sinclair, Wilcke, you'll snipe them from the balcony; Amaro, you and I will take them on the ground. Now, let's get everyone into position so we can-!"

"Everyone, let us take a moment and pray." One of the rioters called out, accepting a megaphone from another rioter to lead the rioters in a twisted prayer:

"Dearest prophets, who reside in our wormhole, we thank you for filling these chambers once again with your light and your love as we, your humblest servants, send a message to the communist, pacifist, baby-killing Pah-wraith empire that we will not allow them to conquer the galaxy without a fight. We ask that you fill the hearts of those communists, pacifists, and galactists, corrupted by the Pah-Wraiths' darkness with light once again. We also ask that you assist us in bringing about a swift end to the Emissary of the Pah-Wraiths; Captain Taiga Aisaka, and banish your sworn enemies from this plane of existence once more..."

Listening to the twisted sermon, a Bajoran security officer among the Starfleet team was noticeably offended.

"I can't believe what I'm hearing!" He exclaimed. "The prophets would never support a violent insurrection! Those sound like Pah-wraith worshippers if I ever heard some..."

With a roll of her eyes, Mia pulled out one of her pistols and another flash grenade, "Oh, we know that, but some people? They don't have enough brains to fill that vacuum between their ears. I'm all for making them regret being assholes."

"Which is why we need to act quickly," Ichika replied. "Sinclair, Wilcke, let us know when you're in position."

"Copy that." Minna whispered "I'll be in position momentarily."

"Copy," Jane echoed. It didn't take long but she found a suitable perch at the balcony level, opposite side from Minna. She deployed a scope attachment on her rifle and got ready. "In position, Commander," she said quietly to Ichika via her commbadge.

=A=Copy that, Lieutenant,=A= Ichika replied before shifting her attention over to Mia. "Alright, on my signal; one... two... three!"

Mia nodded with the count of the beat and on the count of three leaned out slightly and tossed the grenade in a graceful arc, hopefully timed properly. She then grabbed her second phaser pistol as she waited until…

"WHAT THE FUCK-?!" someone had time to shout right as the flashbang went off in his face.

All at once, everyone started shooting; the belligerents, temporarily disoriented by by the flash, were shooting at everything that moved- often at one another. A few of them tried to flee out into the hallway, but were quickly picked off by the teams waiting outside.

Minna unclipped her rifle from over her shoulder and vaulted over the railing, landing in the midst of the panicking crowd.

"Eat phaser, you insurrectionist motherfuckers!" She yelled, opening fire on the rioters. "THE FEDERATION WILL NOT FALL!! NOT ON THIS DAY!"

To be continued...


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