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The Battle For Starfleet Security

Posted on Wed Apr 5th, 2023 @ 3:57am by Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohira Kabuto

836 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Corridors leading into Starfleet Security complex

It didn't take long after leaving the rotunda for one to hear the cries of the rioters:

"Who's house?"

"Our house!"

And it was towards those sounds that Tristana and her remaining Myogi company were heading, and soon they reached the line of Starfleet Security officers facing off against rioters who were calling them traitors.

"Everyone in formation!" Tristana called out as they approached.

To either side, Shingen and Kiyohira were ready, gear up, waiting to push people back or, if so ordered, take the shot.

As the Myogi officers fell into line behind the existing riot line, a rioter with a megaphone was egging on the crowd in front of them.

"Whose house is this?"

"OUR house!"

"Do you want your fucking house back?"


"Then, take it!"

Suddenly, the crowd surged forward, throwing their full weight against the line of riot officers, who were forced back into the Myogi officers who became a second line.

"Hold the line!" Tristana grunted as she helped her comrades push back against the crowd.

Brandon was in awe at the sheer acts of defiance of the crowds. Things had changed dramatically since his last vacation on Earth. Starfleet was an institution that had served thousands of years and countless uprisings and challenges of intruders gone by. “This can’t be it. This can’t be the way Starfleet falls apart.”

Pratt turned to the other Myogi officers and held the line as he was suited up in gear and countless body weapons he had lodged onto his body. “Not today- “Brandon mouthed as he helped hold the gates forward, shouting.


The line stabilized for now, and the crowd went back to hurling insults at the Starfleet personnel.

"Fucking baby killers! You really want a genocidal maniac to represent you? Aisaka's killed before; and she'll kill again! She's too dangerous to be trusted with a starship!"

One member of the crowd held out a can of bear spray and fired it into the line of Starfleet personnel.

"Don't use that shit on me, boy; just go home!" One of the line officers calmly recited as she got sprayed in the face.

The spray got Shingen, forcing him to wince hard but he held position, while Kiyohira made sure to take up any slack that his friend's temporary incapacitance might've caused. "You've shaken off worse, man," Kiyohira said. "Remember those vine creepers on the Atlantis?"

Shingen chuckled. "Don't remind me." He blinked repeatedly and reasserted himself. "I'm good, Lieutenant. They can throw whatever they like at us. We won't move."

The crowd suddenly surged forward again, throwing all their weight against the line of security officers.

"Heave! HO!"

Tristana pushed back against the crowd with all her might.

"Heave! HO!"

Shingen strained as he tried to push back the onslaught.

"Heave! HO!"

Kiyohira’s feet began to slide back, but he wouldn’t give the attackers the satisfaction.

"Heave! HO!"

After the crowd's unsuccessful attempt to push through, there arose the cries from the Starfleet line of a trapped security officer, crushed in the doorway where the line had stabilized. Springing into action, Tristana made her way over and tried her best to render her assistance.

"It's okay, we've got you." Tristana said as she and the other officers pulled their comrade from the doorway.

"Gracias, Tristana. (Thank you, Tristana.)" A familiar voice responded. The formerly trapped officer turned around to reveal the familiar face of Tristana's old friend, El. Her riot gear had been stripped off and stolen by the crowd.

"El, are you hurt?" Tristana asked.

"I'm okay..." El responded. "I'm okay..."

"Fall in behind us. You've done good." Tristana ordered.

"You're not the boss of me, Tristana." El responded. "We stand here and fight."

Brandon took out his tricorder and then set it to defend mode. The tricorder had an electronic taser circuit running across the frontal holder. He pressed it to the metal barrier gates the crowd was pushing forward, the taser letting off a spark and energy shock to anyone touching it. The Engineer, not wanting to hurt anyone, just shocked them!

“GahhHHHHH!!!” He called as he felt the taser on the gate going off. “Oh my god!” Pratt called out.

“Pinch me, Nephrite,” Shingen said to his friend, using his nickname. “I must be dreaming. There’s two of them now.” His eyes darted between Tristana and El.

“I’m not sure I can help, Jadeite,” Kiyohira told his friend, speaking softly. “But I think you said that loud enough that both heard you.”

"Focus on the crowd, you two!" Tristana called out. "We're not out of the woods yet..."

Posting by

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant Brandon Pratt
Chief Engineer

Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohara Kabuto
Security Officer

Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa
Security Officer


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