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The Battle for Starfleet Academy (Part 3)

Posted on Thu Apr 6th, 2023 @ 3:11am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Master Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger & Commander Rize Tedeza & Lieutenant Wyndon Rapisarta & Chief Petty Officer Kozakura Kikuchi & Petty Officer 2nd Class Mai Ichihara
Edited on on Thu Apr 6th, 2023 @ 3:11am

1,000 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Starfleet Academy
Timeline: After 'The Battle for Starfleet Academy (Part 2)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"Damn!" Rize scowled. "New plan: we fall back and provide support to those cadets!"

She waved her blaster frantically. "Let's go! Move! Move! Move!"

Kozakura dropped her rifle on it's sling and reached into a pouch with each hand and pulled out two stun grenades, activating them and flinging them in a rolling path into the crowd before snatching up her rifle again and continuing her shooting. The two grenades went off and a large group of the rioters dropped, "Moving." She stated dispassionately, trusting the Commander to cover her retreat as she bounded back and then took a position in a doorway, "Covering!"

Rize turned and quickly fired off a few shots, hoping that would be enough to cover their retreat.

And now, the continuation:

William looked back at the triage area and saw Petty Officer 3rd Class Ichihara, he made a snap decision. "Petty Officer Ichihara, you are now in command of the triage team, Petty Officer McCormick you're on me." Petty Officer McCormick resounded off with an "Aye Chief." Quickly gathering her carbine phaser and med backpack she looked at the three remaining individuals "Luck guys." she then dashed down towards the chief.

Crewman 2nd Class Silika looked at Petty Officer 3rd Class Mai Ichihara "Well then I guess I keep you and Kayode safe while you two have fun with those injured and stunned rioters." She said it with conviction, not wanting to let down Chief Pitsenbarger, and proving she was worthy of being a member of Starfleet security.

“Thank you, Crewman,” Mai said as she moved with the others, keeping an eye open for particularly bad injuries as she followed the Commander to the rendezvous point, her own little team now in tow.

With the Commander past her once again, Kiki kept up a steady rhythm of shots until they had gone around the corner, then pulled one more stun grenade from a pouch, armed it and tossed it at the crowd before turning and making a dash for the corner, pulling a smoke grenade from her belt and activating it before dropping it on the run, starting to zig and zag before the cloud obscured her.

William and Petty Officer McCormick began their bounding movements themselves. Each would fire and cover the other as they bound down the corridor. Rioters would drop when hit with the heavy stun from the carbine phaser fire coming from the two of them. They came to the corner where Commander Tedeza and Petty Officer Ichihara , and ran smack dab into the smoke screen. "Damn it." said Pitsenbarger as he tripped over a fallen rioter. Petty Officer McCormick reached down and helped him back to his feet. "Got to keep moving" said William, as he got to his feet.

The group came across a group of rioters. One had wrestled a cadet into a stranglehold. They turned around to face the group of Starfleet personnel with their hostage on display.

"Drop the weapons, or the cadet dies!" The rioter holding the cadet yelled.

The frightened cadet looked back at the group of Starfleet officers, and mouthed "for Starfleet." Before closing his eyes, prepared to meet his fate.

"DROP THE WEAPONS! NOW!" The rioter repeated.

William snorted as he came up. He adjusted the setting on his carbine phaser and fired. It was set on wide burst and hit the rioters and the cadet dead on. "Hey idiots' phasers have a setting called wide burst." he said as the rioters and cadet fell to the floor knocked out. He moved forward quickly and pulled out a hypospray "Night, night time a-holes." and he jabbed each of the rioters.

“Wait, we can do that?” Mai called out. “Why haven’t we been doing that this entire time?” When it was safe to do so, she scrambled toward the cadet (stunned but no longer a hostage) and pulled him clear of the mass of stunned rioters.

“Yeah, problem is it eats the hell out of energy packs, get a good two or three shots out before it drains the energy pack,” replied William as he changed out his energy pack, snapping it into place to emphasize his point. He then began using flex cuffs on the rioters he had tagged with the widespread stun and hyposprays. "How's our youngster? " he inquired.

One of the rioters began to move before William got to him with a hypospray and Kozakura triggered another shot into him and he went limp once more, "Drains the energy pack and also doesn't give as long of a stun." She added as an additional bit of information while she stalked towards the back of the group, watching for others to stir.

With the not stunned rioters having ran off, the cadets remaining, suddenly picked up the phasers that the rioters had dropped and pointed them at the Starfleet personnel that had saved them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Rize shouted, putting her hands up defensively. "Easy, there! We're with Starfleet!"

"Get back, you psychos!" A young female cadet warned. "How do we know you're truly Starfleet if you put us in the line of fire?"

Rize glanced over at her party, then back at the cadets. It was clear they were scared shitless right now, and they weren't going to take verbal assurances for an answer.

Sighing, Rize turned to face her fellow officers. "Lay down your weapons," she instructed them.

"Commander." Kiki said, eyes widening, but still avoiding aiming at the cadets, although her rifle twitched towards them before she got it back towards where they'd been coming from, "This isn't a good idea, we don't know when the rioters are going to catch up again."

"That's an order, Petty officer," Rize commanded, shooting Kiki a stern look.

To be continued...


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