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The Battle for the Federation Council Chambers (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Apr 19th, 2023 @ 11:05am by Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro
Edited on on Wed Apr 19th, 2023 @ 11:06am

1,370 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Federation Council Chambers
Timeline: After 'The Battle for the Federation Council Chambers (Part 2)

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"Wait!" called Jane, but she was too late, and the redhead was down. Nothing that could be done about it right now, but Jane's heart ached as she wanted to fight her way into the crowd and pull the redhead to safety.

Instead, she tapped her commbadge. "Sinclair to Misono and Wilcke. We have a suspected intel asset down among the crowd. Repeat, a Myogi intel asset is down." She managed to get beside Mia. "I asked for one thing, Mia."

And now, the continuation:

Ichika and Minna converged on their location shortly thereafter, the former bringing a small, three-man troupe of security officers while the rest held their position at the entrance.

"My God..." Ichika gasped, immediately recognizing the woman's scent as belonging to that of Alisha Reno. "We're going to need to move her out of here quickly; do you know if she can stand?"

Starfleet personnel were still fending off rioters, but the situation was mostly under control. Enough that Jane was comfortable getting to Alisha and pulling her slightly closer to the spot where Mia, Ichika, and Minna were gathered.

Mia had holstered her pistols again and crouched down by the downed woman, hand reaching out to check her pulse, "She'll be fine, was just a stun shot anyways and she's wearing body armor." She pulled the front of the blouse down just enough to show where the chest protector was.

"You.. Shot.. Me.." Alisha said groggily, starting to come to. She herself blessed the chest protector that the... Whoever it had been had given her, because it had taken the brunt of the shot, although the bleed through had still knocked her out. "I'm going to need some help, but I can probably walk.. There's something... They've got an assault team a few blocks away." She reached up and grasped her forehead, the headache searing her, "Heavy weapons and armor."

"Easy there, Lieutenant," Ichika responded. "We can ask questions later, but you're not in any shape to be fighting out there."

She looked up at Jane. "Can I trust you to escort her back to the access tunnels, Lieutenant? We can ask her about the assault team once we've gotten her out of harm's way."

“Yes, ma’am,” Jane said. She shouldered her rifle and helped Alisha to her feet. “Come on then. Easy up. I’m here.” She got her sidearm into her free hand and used the other to keep Alisha standing.

"Here, let me help with that..." Minna said, slinging her rifle over her back before helping to prop up Alisha from the other side.

"It might behoove you to accompany her, Commander," Ichika recommended. "Should Lieutenants Sinclair and Reno run into trouble while making their way back through the access tunnels, some extra support could come in useful."

"Understood, ma'am." Minna responded.

"I'll be fine." Alisha mumbled, although she made no apparent move to buck off the assistance she was given, "Just need a few minutes to rest."

“No,” Jane said, forcefully. “We’re ordered to fall back and provide the intel from a safer position.” She knew she was being overprotective, but the woman she loved had just been shot, and not long ago she’d been among these insurrectionists. She was still in her disguise and if someone recognized her, Alisha would be in more danger from them.

Alisha squeezed Jane harder with the arm she had draped around her, "Okay. But she shot me."

"Amaro, you and I will provide them with cover fire while they make their retreat," Ichika continued, shifting her attention over to Mia. "The tides are shifting in our favor, but we've still got a ways to go before have this situation fully under control."

Mia once again checked the power settings on her pistols, holstering one to change out the power pack once again, "You got it, Chica. We'll keep you guys safe."

As Minna and Jane carried Alisha towards the exit and the nearest tunnel, there arose a bellow from the rioters beyond the thin Starfleet line.


The crowd suddenly surged forward, and the thin line that Starfleet had managed to form broke, and dozens of rioters surged forward, charging towards Ichika and Mia.

"Ai, Mierda."(Oh, shit) Mia muttered as she and Ichika were left facing what she estimated to be about twenty-six rioters coming at them in rapid order. The other eight or ten or however many had decided to overwhelm the security team that had held the line. Without much more than a heartbeat of hesitation, she and the Exec had opened fire, but there was no way to take them all out before they would be on them. And this would be a battle for survival, theirs and the ones behind them that were getting out of the way. Her mind settled down as she took the final pair of shots, dropping two more rioters, before sidestepping one and pounding them on the back of the head with the butt of the pistol.

Nine had made it past their fire and Mia lifted a leg to withdraw a knife with her free hand and held it in a backwards grip as she waded in. Brawling had never been her style, but she'd done her share of it when she was a teenager and she spun like a dervish, tripping up one rioter, even as she slashed another across the upper arm while pumping a shot into the one she tripped up and then punching a third in the face with her knife hand. A fist hammered her in the back and pushed her towards the XO, who was handling a couple of her own, but she caught her balance again and whipped a backhand that ended in a screech as her blade tip dug into a cheek and ripped through it. Thrown off balance again, Mia allowed herself to fall backwards onto the concreted, bringing her phaser in line with yet another rioter, pumping two shots into his chest and crumpling him to the ground. With a rippled movement, Mia jumped back to her feet, fire in her eyes, deflecting a fist with her knife hand and jabbing the phaser into her attackers gut and triggering two rounds in quick succession, the third pull of the trigger doing nothing. Dead powerpack.

Letting the limp body collapse in front of her, Mia stepped over it as she raised her hands in a fighting stance and went back in at the remaining three in front of her, one of them bleeding from arm and face and reeling away. She used the pistol like a pair of brass knuckles and smashed it across one face, visibly distorting the weapon and she let it go as she crossed over with her left hand in return. He staggered back, but so did Mia as a fist to the gut knocked all of the air out of her lungs, but she still slashed out with the knife, missing her attacker. A fist came down out of seemingly nowhere and knocked her to her knees, knife skittering out of her grasp and she looked up at this guy, waiting for the next fist to finish the job. Then, from point blank range, another flash and this one crumpled as Ichika shot him from just a few feet away.

That just left the ones still occupied with Security and while she knew there was going to be a major bruise later, Mia looked up at Ichika with a smile, "Thanks... What say we get outta here while we still can?"

"Agreed," Ichika nodded as she tapped her combadge. =A=All remaining units- regroup for the final push!=A=

Posting by (In order of appearance:

Lieutenant Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke
Chief Engineer, USS Dresden

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant JG Mia Amaro
Fighter Pilot, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Lieutenant JG Alisha Reno
Chief Intelligence Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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