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The Battle for the Federation Council Chambers (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Apr 19th, 2023 @ 11:05am by Commander Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro

1,177 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Insurrection
Location: Federation Council Chambers
Timeline: After 'The Battle for the Federation Council Chambers (Part 1)

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

"WHAT THE FUCK-?!" someone had time to shout right as the flashbang went off in his face.

All at once, everyone started shooting; the belligerents, temporarily disoriented by by the flash, were shooting at everything that moved- often at one another. A few of them tried to flee out into the hallway, but were quickly picked off by the teams waiting outside.

Minna unclipped her rifle from over her shoulder and vaulted over the railing, landing in the midst of the panicking crowd.

"Eat phaser, you insurrectionist motherfuckers!" She yelled, opening fire on the rioters. "THE FEDERATION WILL NOT FALL!! NOT ON THIS DAY!"

And now, the continuation:

“Dios mios.” (My God) Mia muttered as she rounded the corner to directly engage the mass with a phaser in each hand. Now there was one of their own right in the middle of where they needed to shoot. “At least it’s not the one with the pretty face.” She reminded herself as she unloaded stun shot after shot into the crowd. They were so tightly packed together that even if she missed her planned target, it would hit another. She kept her aim to the left of Minna, hoping that someone else would take the Commander’s right side and try to keep the damned fool alive in the middle of the crowd.

“Fight fascism in all its forms,” Jane said as, from her perch she picked off insurrectionists, stunning them with shots to the torso. She made a point to look up from her scope every few shots to check out her surroundings. “Mia, left stairs, I think some people are trying to flank me. Little help?”

"On it, chica." Mia slipped back into the corridor and began to jog around to where the staircase indicated was, switching out powerpacks on her phaser pistols as she went. She edged an eye around the corner, then ducked back again, "Sinclair, there are two heading up the stairs, another three or so here at the base." She whispered, "I'll take the three." She counted down from two before sliding out on her side with an oof and waiting for a heartbeat to get her weapons back on target before opening fire on the three whose attention were instantly focused on her. One shot went above her as the firer panicked, but her own stun shot hit him in the gut, the second over his chest before tracking over to the other two. The renewed firing got one result as one of the two going up the stairs came back down, right into a pair of stun shots that tumbled her into the three already at the bottom of the stairs.

Jane quietly found the two that were working their way toward the far stairs, just like Mia had said. It took a few shots — Jane was decent with the rifle, but was no sharpshooter — and took them out. One dropped where she fell, the other fell backward and would likely have a concussion when he woke.

As Jane came down the stairs, she called out to Mia, "Hey, it's just me." She came around the corner slowly as Mia pulled herself up off the floor, checking the settings on her pistols to make sure they were still good on a charge.

"Rightio Chica." Mia nodded before gesturing to the way that the group had likely been coming, "What say we take a look this way? I thought that someone had this side already under control, but..." The hispanic woman shrugged. Jane gave her a nod and checked her own rifle.

About two hundred meters back down the hallway, the two found them outside one of the side entrances to the chambers and stepped outside to a perimeter that remained unbroken. A couple other members of Myogi's crew were here even and they waved a greeting to them before looking back at the approaching crowd. "Ai, Jane, looks like we got here just in time, no?"

"Looks like," Jane said, nonplussed, hefting her rifle, checking the stun setting -- if you have any doubt, it's still set to kill -- and climbed onto the base of a pillar for a better vantage.

As the crowd approached, they sped up and engaged the riot-shield wielding security people and started to take them apart. Sign-wielding people were smashing them down onto the officers and Mia's eyes were drawn to a redheaded woman with freckles who basically threw their sign to the ground and started to squeeze her way through the shields. Her eyes cast around and locked onto someone even as Mia drew a bead on her over the sight of her pistol.

Those eyes, thought Jane as she looked at the redhead. Is that...?

The redhead started screaming, "For Corvelli! Starfleet for the Federation!" Other phasers pointed towards her as she was the only one so far to even somewhat breach the barrier, "Shoot me!" The redhead screamed, "Come on murderers, shoot me! I dare you!"

Mia smirked slightly at the tenacity and sheer chutzpah of this woman. She made one more glance over here, "Not the one with the pretty face." She confirmed, though she remained uneasy with it. But, there was the need to protect the people inside from having to fight on another front. She pulled the trigger and the redhead went limp as the stun shot hit her.

"Wait!" called Jane, but she was too late, and the redhead was down. Nothing that could be done about it right now, but Jane's heart ached as she wanted to fight her way into the crowd and pull the redhead to safety.

Instead, she tapped her commbadge. "Sinclair to Misono and Wilcke. We have a suspected intel asset down among the crowd. Repeat, a Myogi intel asset is down." She managed to get beside Mia. "I asked for one thing, Mia."

=A=Wait, hold on, you shot an intel asset?!=A= Ichika radioed back. =A=Shit; alright everyone, new plan; converge on Lieutenant Sinclair's position and prepare to perform an emergency extraction!=A=

"I didn't," Jane said, off comms, gently elbowing Mia in the ribs. "Understood," she added on comms. "I'm with Lieutenant Amaro, to your three o'clock."

=A="Understood."=A= Minna responded. "I'm on my way."=A=

“Wait, what?” Mia looked at Jane, at the redhead she’d just stunned, then back at Jane, “No… Not a chance. That one don’t have a pretty face!” She jabbed an index finger at where the limp woman lay, “It’s not my fault! She was asking to be shot!”

Jane kept a straight face, staring daggers at Mia... but she couldn't keep it for long. She started to giggle and lost her composure. "You are so making this up to me," she said, a broad smile across her face. "And to her."

To be continued...


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