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Touring the Facilities, part 8: Science (Backpost)

Posted on Sun Dec 29th, 2024 @ 4:59am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Captain Taiga Aisaka
Edited on on Sun Dec 29th, 2024 @ 5:00am

1,078 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Science Complex, Deck 10

The final stop on the tour route was the Myogi's Science complex. Maho had saved this for last due to her Chief Science Officer's tendency to be... Absent from crew exercises.

"Science on a vessel of our nature is quite different from what you'd find on other ships in the fleet." Maho explained. "Sure, we do things like grow stuff in the arboretum, but the main focus of Science on the Myogi is that of criminal science; determining what makes criminals tick and the like."

Taiga seemed naturally curious. "So, how does that work on a Starship?" she asked. "What sort of equipment do you have on board that assists you with such investigations?". Her voice seemed that of genuine curiosity.

"Well, that's quite simple:" Maho said, looking around for her science officer. "Science on the Myogi and other vessels of a similar job description are equipped to specialize in Forensic science. Sure, you'll see more common science equipment like you would see on other starships, and the Tokyo might even have some, however little it might be. But what you won't see in your average science department is stuff like this: A cyanoacrylate fuming chamber for lifting latent fingerprints, or even something as simple as a blacklight. Because some things just can't be picked up under normal lighting conditions."

Setting the blacklight down, Maho sighed when another glance around the lab revealed that her science officer was nowhere in sight.

"You'll have to excuse my science officer." She muttered. "He is many things, but punctual, he is not."

"Been here the whole time". Connor joked. As he emerged through a nearby door." Fascinating technology's really" he added realizing that no one was all that impressed. "Welcome to the ship, Captain its a honor. If you have any questions please feel free to ask." he added.

on the surface Connor was acting fine. Underneath he was nervous as hell. Could he run the place? Of course. Teaching it that was a different story.

"So, you focus on criminal investigations and criminal science." Taiga stated. "What about normal Starship Science? My ship isn't a science ship in the slightest, but we still have normal science abilities."

"It really all depends on what the mission calls for." Connor replied unaware how to answer that question. "You want something grown? I can do that. You want a phycological report on someone like khan. I can do that do." Connor boasted in a attempt to impress the other captain.

"Interesting." Taiga said as she placed her chin between her thumb and forefinger. "I might have to enquire something similar on the Tokyo. We seem to have a thing for attracting trouble these days..."

"The blueprints of Project Jomo have been declassified for 14 years now." Maho said. "I'd be willing to look into sending you the section on the specifications of our science labs."

"I'd have to have my Chief Science Officer look them over. To see if the ideas can be incorporated into the Tokyos arsenal." Taiga replied.

"Ill get on that right now, Captain unless there is something else?" Connor replied.

"Why don't you take a little pride in your work and show us around your workspace, Lieutenant?" Maho suggested. "Consider this your notice that we're performing an inspection."

"I completely understand." Connor agreed. "If you follow me Ill show you to my Bio lab. "Currently working on growing plants. Probably the least important thing here." Connor begin to ramble.

Connor quickly left the lab as he realized how uninteresting he was being. "This is what you want to see. Where I spent most of my time." Connor said as he pointed to a computer screen. "Most of this is Starfleet databases on criminal psychology and crime reports. I mainly read through it and use this machine to analyze it. Then it gets transmitted back to Starfleet." Connor explained. Any Questions?"

"So do you have an unlock with the Starfleet JAG computer network?" Taiga asked. "How do you maintain security when conducting delicate investigations?"

"Thats...uhm..a interesting question." Connor explained. "Its essentially a security code I have to imput my Starfleet ID on delicate documents or classified Info. Usually voice authoritarian.

"I see. And who has access to that database?" Taiga asked. It seemed clear she was concerned with security.

"His commanding officer would be one of those people." Maho responded. "It never hurts to have an immediate check and balance system in place to ensure that the wrong information doesn't accidentally get entered into the system."

"With all due respect captain. I have my info double checked by cross referencing and other methods. I'm very particular on security as well. " Connor added.

"I see." Taiga replied as she pondered for a moment. "I would suggest that your Intelligence and Security officers also have access, if they don't already."

"Commander Ebisuzawa and Lieutenant Reno both have access." Maho responded. "However, Lieutenant Reno is currently on an LOA, and unfortunately, I can't go into detail on it due to the NDA she has signed."

"Still, its an interesting concept. Although, aren'r you worried that you just become a glorified Police cruiser for the Judge Advocate General?" Taiga asked. "If all you do is bring in people that Starfleet 'doesn't like'... Surely that doesn't leave any room for the actual purpose of a starship which is exploration and patrol?"

"In an ideal universe, Starfleet wouldn't need Starships like the Myogi." Maho responded. "However, Starfleet Officers who abuse their power are far more common than you think. You may have succeeded in calling our role into question, but the fact of the matter is, so long as the human condition of corruption exists, then there will always be a need for ships like us."

Taiga sighed. "We shouldn't need this sort of ship." she said. "No offense Captain, but this ship should be out exploring or patrolling. However you are right, but in a ideal world it should be doing what it was designed for."

"The New Orleans class was designed as a frigate, which by design is intended to protect other vessels." Maho said. "In that regard, are we not already doing what we were designed for? Protecting other ships in the fleet from corrupt Starfleet officers?"

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant JG Connor Talmadge
Chief Science Officer
USS Myogi


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