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Touring the Facilities, part 3: Engineering (part 2)

Posted on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 5:01am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Captain Taiga Aisaka
Edited on on Mon Nov 27th, 2023 @ 5:03am

1,315 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Operation Tokyo Return
Location: Main Engineering, Deck 14
Timeline: After 'Touring the Facilities, part 2: Engineering (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

"How fast can you get her upto?" Taiga asked curiously. "It seems like you've still got an old Mark Seven warp drive installed?" She said as she looked at the core that was common used back on the 2360's.

“Yes, ma’am, we do have the Seven, with a maximum sustainable of 8.3 with Warp 9 in a pinch.” It was more a rote recitation, “But once I bring everything else up to specs, I’m going to take a good close look at her heart and see if I can optimize anything.” Ami smiled as an eye twitched involuntarily, “If it’s practical, I may see about putting in for an upgrade next time we’re in spacedock, but you know how long those can actually take to install, so we have to be careful about the timing. Otherwise, I’m going to see what I can do. Our reaction mix was off by a few percent, so I already adjusted it and we have a net increase of 8 percent power production just from that. Getting a new turn of speed may require me to fiddle with our warp field emissions and I’m not just going to toy around until I can get a bunch of simulation time in on it.”

Taiga smiled, she appreciated the enthusiasm of the Lieutenant. "I have some pull with the fleetyards. The Tokyo requires lots of maintenance, plus we push that ship through hell." She glanced over at Maho. "Look, I'll be honest. There's not much I can say, but there's a lot of very dangerous and fast enemy ships out there. You're going to need to be able to outrun them. Don't take it personally, but this ship wouldn't stand a chance against some of the stuff I've encountered. I'll put in a request for your warp core to be refitted as early as possible."

“I’d like to argue that point, Captain.” Ami said very carefully, but trying not to argue with someone willing to help, “We can be quite inventive when we need to be and Myogi doesn’t have an ounce of Quit in us. I may be new here, but I’ve seen the moxie on board and I don’t run away or give up worth a good goddamn.” She blushed slightly and bowed slightly in apology, “Sorry for the language, Captain Takahashi, Captain Aisaka.”

And now, the continuation:

"Finally, someone willing to actually speak their mind and stand up to me," Taiga said with a slight chuckle. "I like your enthusiasm Lieutenant. But remember that there are always bigger fish in the sea."

“The pufferfish is a small fish, ma’am, but when threatened or attacked, expands to drive its spines into its enemies. And while tasty, if not prepared correctly can kill those that eat it with its poison.” Ami smiled slightly with the verbal sparring, “Doesn’t do the pufferfish much good mind you, but there is some good feeling taking them with you, I suppose.”

"Indeed, however I will still recommend you have a core upgrade. You need to be able to do at least warp Nine point Eight these days to even keep up with the Romulans and Klingons. As for the Elachi, those bastards are even faster." Taiga said with a smile. "Plus, you'll have fun integrating it into your current systems."

"Miyahara always believed in gaining an advantage whenever possible." Maho surmised, looking at the warp core. "I'm surprised a new warp core wasn't first on his list of priorities."

"Not knowing the Admiral Miyahara in question, aside from everything on the news, there could have been lots of reasons." Ami shrugged as they moved over to one of the diagnostic terminals and cleared it, bringing up one of the displays that she used to page through ship systems at least three times a day and expanded on one system in particular, "One of them has got to be this sensor system. We're what? About half the size of a Sovereign? I'd put us up against one of them when finding something and getting data, because we'd win. I haven't had the chance to play around with them yet, too much else to do still, but I bet there are things we can do with our sensor suite that no one on board has thought of yet. Maybe even a few tricks we can pull to cause confusion enough to make some think we're that much bigger than we really are, out of visual distance that is. Perhaps even..." She trailed off as her eyes unfocused for a few seconds, "That's an idea at least..."

"Make ten men look like a hundred." Maho commented with a smile. "Now, that's the true genius of Project Jomo:"

"No, no, no, not what I was thinking, ma'am." Ami was mentally tallying what she may need to accomplish what she was thinking, "What if... We couldn't just spoof long range sensors outside visual range to appear bigger than we are.. That would just postpone the reckoning until they got in range, but literally look bigger." She brushed past the two senior officers without a 'pardon me', cleared the center holo and brought up an outside view of the ship, creating a new icon and placing them at various points on the hull, "Until they got close enough for a hull map with close-range sensors, we could use holo-emitters to look as big as... I'd have to work on the limits that we can project, plus if we use tractored probes with projected particle fields, we could fool mid-range scans likely reliably and perhaps close-range." Ami spun around, "Permission to look into the possibilities, Captain Takahashi, ma'am?"

"Permission granted, Lieutenant:" Maho responded. "Perhaps the Klingons or Romulans would think twice about attacking us if we looked like a Galaxy class from afar. Though, as for the Elachi, I doubt any kind of sensor-based tomfoolery would be paid any kind of regard by them."

"I'll start on that during off-duty hours or once I have those issues we discussed previously resolved." Ami smiled and nodded graciously, a bit more relief in her voice, "If you have anything you can think of at any point that you'd like the ship to be able to do, let me know. I can't always guarantee it's possible, but I'll always do what I can."

"Lieutenant, might I remind you that Starfleet regulations prohibit work off duty." Maho said. "However, if it would make things easier, I could speak with Lieutenant Johnston about stepping up as your Assistant Chief Engineer to free up some of your time for this project."

“I already asked him if he’d be willing, ma’am.” Ami made the mention, “He’s been a part of the crew for quite a while and has the connection with the rest of the engineers, so I felt him the right choice. I wanted to see if he were interested before I came to you with the suggestion.”

"Well, if all parties are in agreement, I can go ahead and make Lieutenant Johnston's promotion to Assistant Chief official." Maho said.

"I would very much appreciate that." Ami said with a smile, "Is there anything else I can show the two of you?"

Taiga shook her head. "I think I'm good, but I have enjoyed talking with you lieutenant."

"I agree with Captain Aisaka." Maho added. "We probably should keep the tour moving along."

"Very well." Ami clasped her hands in front of her just below waist height and bowed again to both Taiga and Maho, "Thank you for visiting and if you have any need of me, don't hesitate to ask."

"We certainly will." Maho said. "As you were, Lieutenant:"

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo


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