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Emergency Treatment

Posted on Fri May 17th, 2024 @ 12:09am by Commander Ichika Misono & Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Yaeka Sakuragi
Edited on on Thu May 30th, 2024 @ 8:21pm

1,535 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Sickbay USS Myogi

The doors of sickbay swished open and in ran Kurumi clothing Yaeka in her arms tightly. "DOCTOR?!" Kurumi shouted loudly hoping that Doctor Scott was here, if not she would have to activate the EMH.

She set Yaeka down gently on one of the biobeds and laud her down. At some point she had passed out, she was afterall very weak and frail from the malnourishment and lack of any sort of care. She ensured that she was comfortable and opted to stand beside her.

Victor emerged from the back at a run, coming to a graceful halt at the sight of the two of them. "Explain what happened..." he said softly as he ran the scanner over the child. "And get on the next bed so we can get a scan of you, I've got her."

"No," Kurumi said. "Tend to her first. I'll wait," she told him. "She's been locked in a detention center for months. Fed only scraps for food, beaten aby the guards and treated like an unwanted animal." Kurumi told the doctor. "I've looked her over already when I found her. She's got a concaved stomach, you can see her ribs and she has hardly any muscle mass. A few more weeks and I don't think she would have made it."

Bree came forward to assist Victor, taking breaths to steady herself. No matter how much experience she gained as a healer, being called to tend to an emergency always brought with it a rush of adrenaline. Every healer knew the sound of desperation, the sound of someone fighting for life.

Hearing Victor's encouragement that Kurumi allow herself to be treated, Bree offered, "She's in good hands. May I see to you in the meantime...please?"

Kurumi looked down at Yaeka for a brief moment. "Make it quick. I'm not leaving her side for long," she said. It was obvious that she was now in 'mummy mode', the dormant maternal instincts in her having now kicked in fully.

"I understand," Scott replied. "She'll need you to be at your best, but we don't have to go far." The truth was, Bree wasn't sure what was going to happen to the little girl. She only had the brief recitation of what she had endured to go by, as Scott was consciously not focusing on Yaeka at the moment, not wanting her own focus to be split.

Taking Kurumi to a bed as far away as Bree dared, trying to honor her patient's desire to be as close to her daughter as possible and yet, not have her so close to events that they couldn't have their own privacy, Bree reached for her tricorder. Scans could reveal a lot, but context was important for identifying injuries and hidden injuries. "Will you tell me what happened?"

Kurumi glanced over at Yaeka for a moment. "When I got taken by the 'authorities' down there. I was thrown into a cell. At first I thought I was alone, but it appears that Yaeka had been thrown in there too." she explained to the counselor. "She's been in there months, neglected, abused and forgotten. She became attached to me over the time I spent with her. She's the last surviving member of her family and bloodline." Kurumi looked back towards Yaeka. "I had to get her out."

The situation was a mess, but Bree had no reason to believe Karumi was lying. The child was in dire need of medical care, and that alone would be cause for anyone with a conscience or a caring bone in their body to act. Right now, she had a duty to care for them both, and the spike in Karumi's cortisol levels wasn't helping that cause. "We'll figure all of this out. You're safe now, and all I want you to ffocus on is taking some slow deep breaths. Will you do that for me, please?"

It was at this point that Captain Takahashi waddled in with Commander Misono beside her.

"Alright; someone tell me what the hell is going on here!" Maho exclaimed.

"Perhaps more importantly... who is this?" Ichika replied, gesturing towards Yaeka with a look of concern.

"Captain..." Kurumi said simply. She looked back at Yaeka.

"Commander; what the hell is wrong with you?" Maho snapped. "First, you hardwire my ship to fire upon the surface of a planet, then you proceed to kidnap a local child? Have you lost your damn mind??"

Kurumi scowled at her Captain. "With all due respect Captain. I did not 'kidnap' Yaeka! I rescued her out of that hell hole they called a 'detention center's!" She said a hint of aggression in her voice. "Look. I programmed that macro as a last resort. They were demanding codes to the Myogi's systems! They had a phaser pressed to Yaeka's head." She explained.

It was at this point that Maho looked more closely at Yaeka, and the sorry state the child was in. When she looked back to Kurumi, Maho saw that her Chief of Security was also bearing signs of mistreatment.

"I see:" She said in a more flat tone before turning to the medical staff that were present: "Is this what happened?" She asked

"We will not be having this sort of conversation while I am still triaging both of them. " Victor said simply, pinning both Captain and commander with a look. "If you cannot comport yourselves as professionals, I invite you to leave until I have finished at least my initial assessment."

"With all due respect, Doctor, Commander Ebisuzawa has just caused a major diplomatic incident," Ichika explained. "One that could have some serious legal repercussions if we don't handle it with due diligence; the fallout from the Alvatar incident was bad enough, so it's pivotal that we get our facts right this time around."

"You want facts?" Kurumi protested. "Look at how that bastard treats people down there!" She said clear frustration and anger in her voice. "Captain, he's murdering and torturing people down there! Innocent men, women and even children!" She told him. "Look at what his 'policies' have done to me, but Look at How's Yaeka's been treated!" She said pointing to Yaeka again to emphasise her point.

"Listen, please, " Bree said firmly, but quietly so they'd have to listen carefully to her. She knew the best way to de-escalate agitated people was to keep her voice low and calm, not rising to the same level. Making contact with Maho and Misano, she offered, "None of this is going to be resolved in the middle of Sickbay with two traumatized and injured people. They are our immediate priority right now. If you want the Lieutenant Commander's help to figure a way out of this mess, you will stop the recriminations and let us treat her. I don't relish the idea of pulling rank on the grounds of protecting my patients' psychological health, but I will if I have to. I'm sure Dr. Delling will do the same for the sake of his patients, to include yourself, Captain, and your child to be."

Maho sucked in a big lungful of air, and looked as if she were prepared to keep yelling at the doctors:

Fortunately, before she had the chance to do so, Ichika reached out and placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

"She's right, Captain," she advised. "The best thing we can do right now is step back and allow the Medical staff do their job; once Commander Ebisuzawa and the child are stabilized, then we can reconvene to gather the facts."

Maho scoffed.

"Very well." She said. "But let it be known that this will be going on both of your records."

"I unserstand, Captain." Bree replied. Of course, she would consider the reprimand a badge of honor under the circumstances.

It was Victor's turn to scoff at that point, he had had about enough of the nasty little jobs from the captain. He had put it off to stress, he had ignored it due to her pregnancy but this time he was not prepared to take that sitting down. "Consider for a moment Captain how it might look from the other side. When the medical officers report that you found it more important to interrogate a patient on the table being assessed, and directly interfering with their medical care rather than allowing us to find their injuries.. " His voice was firm and nothing but his eyes portrayed his anger. ". Just because you are their captain, does not entitle you to their private information. You will have a thorough report as soon as I can compile one.. Now, please leave.".

Maho looked as if she were about to explode at Victor, but before things had the chance to escalate, Ichika, with her arm still firmly rested on Maho's shoulder, proceeded to gently turn the Captain around and lead her from the room.

Posting by

Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Ichika Misono
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Victor Delling
Chief Medical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott
Chief Counselor
USS Myogi


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