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The Political Slog (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Dec 9th, 2024 @ 8:51pm by Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Ami Rori & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Commander Chiyomi Anzai
Edited on on Mon Dec 9th, 2024 @ 8:51pm

1,179 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Captains and Contraband
Location: Rheuysian Reichstag Building
Timeline: After 'The Political Slog (Part 1)

Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:

The legislative chamber of the Rheuysian Reichstag was a massive, two-story room with a large main floor lined with upper balconies on the second floor. At the front wall of the room, facing the semicircle of seats on the main floor, was a podium where the leaders of the two houses of the Bicameral Rheuysian Legislature, and the Rheuysian Kaiser, presided over the Reichstag. The seats on the main floor were occupied by members of the Rheuysian Congress; the lower house of the Reichstag whose members were directly elected by the Rheuysian people. While the upper balconies housed the members of the Rheuysian Parliament, the upper house of the Reichstag; some of whom were elected officials, while others were appointed to their positions, such as the representatives of the Rheuysian Self-Defense Force and the major military defense contractors.

Heid'Marr Shnauf, the current ruling Rheuysian Kaiser, had the unfortunate task of presiding over this joint session, called upon by the Parliamentarian representatives of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets, involving allegations against the Rheuysian government that the companies whom their colleagues represented had been producing and selling arms to the Confederacy of Independent Planets. Something said other Parliamentarians denied. The floor had descended into a period of debate, as the Reichstag had reached an impasse as to how best to handle the allegations.

And now, the continuation:

Kaiser Shnauf had been contemplating calling a recess. However, as she was about to move to do so, one of her staffers received a call from one of her colleagues: The staffer approached and whispered to the Kaiser that the away team from the Myogi was here:

Nodding in understanding, Kaiser Shnauf picked up her gavel and banged it loudly on the armrest of her throne, the sound reverberating around the room.

"Order!" Shnauf belllowed. "There will be order!"

As the Kaiser's command echoed through the chamber, the members of the Reichstag began to quiet down, with all conversation ceasing completely within one minute of the Kaiser's call.

"F'rau Head of Congress, Her'r Parliamentary Leader, members of the Rheuysian Reichstag:" Shnauf addressed all gathered. "I have been informed that an away team from the United Starship Myogi is en route with the information that the Gentleman from Starfleet has been referring to in regards to the allegations involving the Gentleman from Reinme'tall and the Gentlewoman from Hen'Solt, among others."

At that moment, Stokh made her way through the doors, with the away team in tow.

"As a matter of fact, here they are now."

"Her'r Takahashi, you will assume the third seat on the podium, right between the Head of Confgress and the Parliamentary Leader:" Stokh directed. "The rest of you shall stand by the Kaiser until required to speak:"

Nodding, Keisuke proceeded to step up to the podium, assuming the indicated seat.

"Pardon us, Your Majesty," Commander Anzai remarked as she took her place behind the Kaiser, motioning for Jane, Kurumi, Ami and Chrirhc to do likewise.

Jane followed her commander’s lead, taking her place and waiting for the moment, when she was asked or ordered to act.

This was all far too formal for Kurumi, she felt uneasy in this place. She distracted herself by keeping her eyes peeled for threats as she did what was requested of her.

Ami kept her own hands clasped behind her back in a somewhat formal posture, though she did look around in the arc in front of her, using her eyes mostly, but her head did move a bit. Observation was important.

Kaiser Shnauf Gestured for Keisuke to begin speaking, which he did after first clearing his throat:

"Members of the Rheuysian Reichstag: My name is Commander Keisuke Takahashi, Second Officer of the United Starship Myogi: I was sent here on behalf of Captain Maho Nishizumi Takahashi to discuss the allegations that several leading Rheuysian defense companies, including Reinme'tall and Hen'Solt, have been collaborating with the Confederacy of Independent Planets, which currently stands in opposition to the United Federation of Planets." Keisuke delivered in a professional, somewhat political manner. "And I have been furnished with evidence to support the allegations."

"Preposterous!" Someone yelled from the upper balconies. "This evidence has been manufactured by Starfleet, and-!"

"The Gentleman from Reinme'tall does not have permission to speak!" Shnauf interjected before turning to Keisuke. "Continue, Commander Takahashi."

"Thank you, your majesty:" Keisuke nodded. "We have uncovered, thanks to Lieutenant Junior Grade Jane Elisabeth Sinclair, the existence of offshore accounts at Gamma Zednor; through which funds originating from the Confederacy of Independent Planets were filtered through various dummy holdings before arriving in the accounts of employees for these companies: We also discovered multiple invoices to suggest large shipments of Starfleet grade weapons were being shifted to manufacturing facilities these companies had written off, and should by all means be abandoned, and from there, these weapons caches have mysteriously 'gone missing'..."

Shnauf held up a hand to stop Keisuke from speaking. Someone in the upper balconies had signaled to speak.

"The chair recognizes the Gentlewoman from Hen'Solt for five minutes." She said.

"Commander Takahashi; the abandoned facilities you mention, for Hen'Solt's case, were being surveyed to restart production." The representative from Hen'Solt explained. "We have had troubles with pirate attacks at those facilities in the past, and moving stock of the materiel we were planning to produce there were to gauge if pirate activity in those sectors had gone down, which has evidently not happened."

"Do you have documentation showing that the relocated inventory was stolen?" Shnauf asked.

"We do, your majesty."

"Then you shall be required to turn over that documentation, madame." Shnauf stated.

"Of course. I yield the floor."

"The gentlewoman from Hen'Solt yields." Kaiser Shnauf acknowledged.

"Interesting..." Commander Anzai muttered before turning to Chrirhc and Kurumi.

"When we get back to the Myogi, I want both Intel and Security keeping tabs on any and all transactions from both the Reinme'tall and Hen'Solt," she whispered at a volume that the Kaiser couldn't overhear. "What people say and what they do can be two separate things."

Kurumi simply nodded in response.

"Noted, Commander." Chrirhc whispered back.

Several more hours passed, and all that got done was more bickering and name calling among the Rheuysian legislators. The day ended with Kaiser Shnauf finally deciding that things were going absolutely nowhere, and called for the Reichstag to stand in recess for 48 hours so that the politicians could go over the evidence that Keisuke and company had brought.

Before they parted ways, Kaiser Shnauf apologized to the away team, admitting that she was naive in thinking that this would resolve the issue. Apparently, politics has different things in mind when it comes to these sorts of things...

Posting by

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Commander Chiyomi Anzai
Third Officer

Lieutenant Commander Chrirhc Chihc
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lieutenant Ami Rori
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair
Chief Flight Control Officer


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