Devastation At Wituu
Posted on Sat Jan 11th, 2025 @ 5:22am by Captain Koko Kaga & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro
1,187 words; about a 6 minute read
Captains and Contraband
Location: Wituu system
Timeline: After 'Carrier Operations'
Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi:
"Course laid in for Wituu;" The helmsman said, turning to Koko. "Warp 9.8 available at your command."
"Execute." Koko ordered.
"Aye, sir; Warp 9.8" The Helmsman confirmed the captain's orders as he executed them.
While the Myogi remained in orbit of Rheuys, the Kaga, which had steadily broken orbit and oriented itself in the direction the other Rheuysian ships had jumped to warp in, accelerated to the speed of light and far beyond it as the Cheyenne class carrier jumped to warp, and in an instant left the Myogi and Rheuys far, far behind it.
And now, the continuation:
The Kaga dropped out of warp in the Wituu system. Several ships of the Rheuysian Self Defense Force were already on scene and working to secure the system. Beneath the ships, the Class M planet below bore the fresh wounds of battle: Huge billows of smoke stretched across the planet's atmosphere, and craters from weapons fire could be seen still burning on the surface.
"Any lifesigns?" Koko asked.
"None;" The Science officer on station reported. "Whoever did this was very thorough:"
Koko sat forward in her chair as she pondered what next to do:
"Pull up all data on recent Elachi incursions, all the way back to Alvatar:" She ordered. "And cross reference them with what's happened below: If this is what I think it is, then we've got a much more serious problem on our hands."
"I may not be an agricultural expert, but I don't think it's supposed to look like that..." Karen remarked off the cuff.
"It's not..." Koko responded. "And all signs are pointing to-!"
"We have a match, Captain:" The science officer responded. "The damage incurred by Wituu is consistent with past Elachi incursions."
Karen looked over at Koko. "What the hell is an Elachi?"
There was a pause before Koko spoke:
"The Elachi were... First discovered by Jonathan Archer and his crew in the 22nd century." Koko explained. "For centuries, it was disputed if they even existed. Then, in recent times, the Starship Tokyo uncovered proof of their existence in light of the Alvatar incident. Even still, this evidence was greatly refuted by Miyahara and his allies, and was one of the contributing factors of the attack on Starfleet Headquarters."
"Captain, we can probably make more detailed sensor passes down in our fighters," Pippa recommended, being kept handy on the bridge with their guests from the Myogi. "We can rig an advanced sensor array to one of our craft and tow it low into the atmosphere. Any more data will help, I imagine."
"Plus, it may help to draw any straggling Elachi out of hiding." Koko added, stroking her chin. "Very well: Make it so, Chaser:" Koko tapped a button on her chair. "Engineering, we're going to need a few probes modified to be towed."
"Yes, Ma'am." Came engineering's response.
Alisha closed her eyes as her past reports flooded through her mind. The Elachi had been one of the reviews she'd had to do once upon a time, a routine 'look through this series of reports and write a new one to summarize', "There isn't a lot of data on the Elachi, but what we do have indicates that they have a similar base level of technological capability as we do, but developed along bio-tech patterns instead. If we draw out stragglers, this could be a high-danger mission for the pilots, because their disruptor tech is effective and would be able to overload the systems aboard." Her eyes opened, "That last is hypothetical because there have never been any observed encounters between Federation fighters and the Elachi, but I'd rate it as a B-Plus probability. Be ready to cut the probes loose on a moment's notice." Which notice would likely be one of the fighters going dark or to pieces, she knew.
"We know the Elachi can do serious damage to a capital ship, as the Tokyo has shown us." Koko stroked her chin. "Contact the Rheuysian ships in the system: We need to establish a unified command so we can more effectively react to the uncovering of stragglers or god forbid those bastards come back!"
"Captain, one of the Rheuysian ships is hailing us:"
"On screen:" Koko instructed.
The view on the viewscreen shifted to the bridge of one of the Rheuysian cruisers.
"Captain Barkh:" Koko greeted. "I'm afraid this attack is looking a lot like-!"
"An Elachi incursion:" Captain Barkh cut her off. "With the speed at which all of this happened, and the absolute lack of survivors, there is no doubt that this was their work."
"We were just about to send out fighters to confirm-!"
"Unfortunately, that will not be necessary:" Captain Barkh clasped his hands together behind his back. "As this attack has occurred in the sovereign space of the Federal Rheuysian Republic, the responsibility of handling this crime scene falls to the Rheuysian Self Defense Force. My orders are to secure the system and restrict traffic in and out. At this time, Starfleet's services are no longer required."
"Captain Barkh," Alisha looked up from her console, "With all due respect, we are already in-system and can be an asset to your investigation." She gave a glance to Koko, "Kaga is one of our top-line starships and carries Starfleet's state-of-the-art fighters, with sensor suites that can be used to contrast against yours to possibly pick up additional data you can use in support of your own." She hoped she wasn't overstepping her bounds, especially being just a guest on board Kaga her own self.
"If Kaga were top of the line, she would be an Armitage class." Barkh responded. "Alas, the Starfleet ship I see before me appears to be an obsolete relic from a bygone era. You might as well be offering me a Constitution class cruiser from the era of first contact..."
"The Kaga might be old, be she shouldn't be discounted!" Koko snapped, Barkhs comments on the Kaga not being an Armitage class having struck a nerve with her: "And I'll have you know, Captain; that the Kaga carries the same model fighter that the Armitage class carries!"
"...Then we shall put your claims to the test." Captain Barkh said, remaining cool in the face of Koko's outburst. "Stand by for further instructions."
And without further word, Captain Barkh terminated the connection, the Kaga's viewscreen returning to the previous view.
"Uh-oh... should we be worried? Karen whispered to Mia with a look of concern.
Mia glanced back at the other pilot, "Nah, why would we be worried?"
Alisha caught the eyes of her pilots and beckoned them over, "Banshee, Union Jane, get saddled up and ready to fly. This isn't over, not if it's the Elachi."
"Aye-Aye, Jem," Karen replied before making her way towards the turbolift alongside Mia.
"Erm Captain..." the young officer at the Kaga's tactical station said. "There's something pinging on the scanners. It looks like a ship on the opposite side of the planet."
To be continued...