Springing the Trap
Posted on Sun Jan 12th, 2025 @ 2:28am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Captain Koko Kaga & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Lieutenant Alisha Reno & Lieutenant JG Mia ‘Banshee’ Amaro
Edited on on Sun Jan 12th, 2025 @ 2:29am
1,927 words; about a 10 minute read
Captains and Contraband
Location: Wituu system
Timeline: Part 2 of 'Devastation at Wituu'
Previously, on Star Trek: Myogi
Alisha caught the eyes of her pilots and beckoned them over, "Banshee, Union Jane, get saddled up and ready to fly. This isn't over, not if it's the Elachi."
"Aye-Aye, Jem," Karen replied before making her way towards the turbolift alongside Mia.
"Erm Captain..." the young officer at the Kaga's tactical station said. "There's something pinging on the scanners. It looks like a ship on the opposite side of the planet."
And now, the conclusion:
Koko's blood ran cold.
"Do we know if it's friendly?" She asked
"I can't tell from this distance." He replied. "It's in a low orbit. So it's trying to hide."
"Sounds like we've found our Elachi stragglers." The first officer commented.
"Indeed we have:" Koko said, leaning forward in her chair. "Red Alert!"
The bridge lighting gained an ominous red glow as the red alert klaxons began blaring.
"Alert the Rheuysians: Tell them we've detected what we believe to be an Elachi ship, and to prepare for battle." Koko ordered. "Engineering, scrap those probes: Meadows, Williams; get your squadrons ready for deployment. This is not a drill!"
"It's noticed us..." The tactical officer said. "It's starting to break orbit and make a run for it."
"Permission to give chase, Captain?" the Helm Officer asked.
"Granted." Koko said. "Full impulse."
"Aye, Captain," the helm officer nodded as he began to maneuver the Kaga towards the unknown craft.
"The Rheuysians don't seem to be bothered about that ship. They seem more interested in securing the planet." Tactical reported. "The ship is now heading away from the planet at Impulse. It could have hostages aboard."
"Great, I guess we're on our own, then!" Koko grumbled. "Intercept course! Let's see if we can stop these bastards from getting away!"
"Plotting an intercept course," the Helm Officer responded. "Moving into position..."
"Meadows, Williams, let's get some birds airborne!" Koko ordered.
"Aye, ma'am:" Came Dakota's response. "Sodak's Angels are away!"
On the viewscreen, the tiny specs that were Dakota's squadron launching could be seen near the bottom of the frame.
The Officer at Tactical frowned as the Kaga took chase. "CAPTAIN!" He called out suddenly. "Call them back!" He told her. "And hit the brakes! We're flying right into a..."
The Kaga suddey lurched forwards as it came to a sudden and stop. It was if the ship had just slammed into a brick wall in space. The consoles on the bridge flickered out as did the main lighting. The viewscreen saw four Elachi ships 'drop' down out of subspace.
"Main power offline. We're caught in some sort of dampening field..." The officer at tactical reported. "They wanted us here. To capture us alive."
"Gimme our options!" Koko shouted. "And the status of the fighters!"
"They're as dead as we are." The tactical officer said. "We can't even send out a distress call via normal frequencies with this dampening field."
=A=Boo!=A= Karen could be heard voicing her discontent with this situation. =A=You lousy wankers couldn't hit the blind side of a barn!=A=
"That's probably not helping..." The tactical officer said. "The Elachi ships are closing in. No doubt they'll likely try to board us..."
=A= Trying to reroute emergency life-support to engines. I'll worry about weapons later. =A= Mia's voice wasn't frantic, just resigned as the sounds of her removing panels and the like inside her fighter were in the background, =A= Just like shuttles, always a way to get power to engines! =A=
"Do we have any defensive systems at all?" Koko asked.
"Light forcefields around the bridge and essential areas. Apart from that..." he tapped at the console which was running on emergency power. "No. Not really."
"Then we'd best prepare for a fight:" Koko sighed, standing up and making her way to a nondescript panel near the ready room doors.
Keying in an access code, the panel opened up to reveal a phaser locker.
"Security, let's start handing out phasers to the crew:" Koko ordered as she began passing phasers around. "If we're going down, it'll be in a blaze of glory!"
"Captain. I'm picking something up on our proximity sensors..." The tactical officer said quickly. "It's... very fast... like holy heck is it moving!"
"Is it friendly?" Koko asked.
The tactical officer didn't have chance to respond. A heavily armoured Federation Starship dropped out of warp from behind the Kaga and swiftly moved over the old Cheyenne class. It's saucer was far more sleek and streamlined. The nacelle glowed bright orange in heavily reinforced and pointed nacelle. The whole ship aesthetic screamed 'warship' or 'battlecruiser' just from its visible shape and armour.
The Ship wasted no time. Within seconds it unleashed several high powered phaser beams at the Elachi ships. Firing off multiple shots simultaneously at high power at various targets. The phasers were brighter and even looked more powerful than anything Starfleet currently had. Then the ship followed up by sending out a forward and rear spread of Quantum Torpedoes.
"What in the hell is that?" the Conn Officer gasped.
The ships engines roared into life and it soon began to run head first at the Elachi ships. It's phasers firing at its first target, cutting through its shields and finishing it off with torpedoes. Without hesitation the ship banked over the Kaga and began it's assault on the second Elachi vessel. Within a matter of seconds it blasted away the Elachi ship.
The other two Elachi ships jumped back into subspace retreating from this new overpowered and pissed off Starfleet ship. Slowly the Starship turned and began to approach the Kaga and for the first time it's name could be spotted on the forward upper hull.
USS YOKAI N.C.C. 97002
The officer at tactical was stunned as the Kaga's bridge came back to life. "Erm... They're hailing us..."
"On screen:" Koko said as she straightened out the uniform.
The viewscreen switched to show a young looking petite woman. She had long dark purple hair and dark eyes. She didn't seem to be showing much emotion as she stood on a spacious yet functional bridge.
"I am Captain Ririchiyo Shirakiin of the Starship Yokai. I see you're getting yourself into trouble again aren't you Koko." She said simply as she crossed her arms. It seemed obvious that somehow these two knew each other or at least of each other.
"Well, maybe if I saved the day for once, Starfleet would recognize my efforts and put me in state of the art kit like the Yokai." Koko grumbled. "What are you even doing out here anyhow, Shirakiin? Last I heard, you were on a Romulan Neutral Zone patrol."
Ririchiyo seemed to frown. "Just remember that I'm still your senior here Captain. By fifty six years." She reminded her. "And isn't it obvious. Starfleet needed someone to give these new Inquiry Class starships a proper test. I think she did alright don't you think?"
The Conn Officer glanced over his shoulder. "What the hell is an Inquiry-Class?"
"You mean Starfleet's idea of a Liberty ship?" Koko asked. She had heard of the proposals, framing the class as something of a 24th century Liberty ship. A concept that Koko personally found rather lame.
"I thought that hadn't even gotten past the initial proposals," the Lieutenant manning the Science Station remarked.
Ririchiyo chuckled. "Far from what you would call a 'liberty ship'." She took a step forward. "What you are looking at is the most advanced, fastest, heavily armed and quite frankly bad-ass class of Starship Starfleet has ever built." Ririchiyo said to them. "This ship has been designed to protect The Federation for the next hundred years. It's here to kick ass and it already knows your name so just leaves you on the sidewalk. Basically this is a battlecruiser which can run circles around anything in the whole quadrant."
Ririchiyo took a breath. "Let me make this easier to understand..." Ririchiyo said as she held her hand upto her face and rested her chin between her thumb and forefinger. "If the Kaga is an old Mark One Constitution Class, the equivalent class to that would make the Yokai a Sovereign Class 2390 refit. Does that spell it our a bit better?"
The Kaga's bridge staff frowned as if they had just been insulted.
"You know, Shirakiin; for being so much better than me that you were kicking ass and taking names while I was still in diapers, you still fall into the trappings of the arrogant captains my age who are quick to dismiss vessels like those of Task Force Jomo as second rate trash the moment a new toy comes along." Koko commented. "In fact, I'm sure you were alive when the Cheyenne class was new... Who did you put down then? The Ambassador class?"
"I'd never put down an Ambassador class." Ririchiyo replied. "My first command was an Ambassador. A damn fine ship for her time." She paused for a few moments. "Anyways. I'm on an urgent mission here. We only stopped to lend you a hand, but if you're going to chase down the Elachi, make sure you've got bigger torpedo tubes. Those bastards don't play fair. If you don't believe me go read the report on what happened to the Tokyo, Armitage and Oceania." She told her. "The Cheyenne is a good ship, but compared to what's out here these days, she's not exactly a class to be wary of." Ririchiyo paused once again for a few seconds. "Stay safe out there and watch your back. Sometimes the biggest and most dangerous enemies are closer than you think." With that the viewscreen switched back to the view of the Yokai which was now starting to bank away from the Kaga.
Koko sighed.
"Break off and set a return course to Rheuys." She ordered as she began collecting the phasers that moments ago she was handing out. "I have some letters of condolences to the families of the fighters we just lost to write."
"Actually..." The officer at tactical said. "All fighters are returning. It seems that once the Yokai took out the first Elachi vessel it freed them of the dampening field. They're requesting permission to land."
"Grant them priority landing." Koko ordered, visually relieved that the fighters were okay. "Clear any fighters still on the deck."
"Subspace distortion is still there." Alisha reported as the sensors finished her ordered sweep of where the Elachi had vanished into their own subset of space, "Did we want to leave it there and set up a trap if they use it to try to get the jump on us again, or seal it? A tachyon beam tuned to the tear can close it. Won't stop them from coming back, just inconvenience them for a bit."
"Considering we still know very little about the Elachi, sealing the distortion might not be a wise idea." Koko said. "I'm sure our Rheuysian friends will have plenty of ideas on how to booby trap it."
A Mission Post By
Captain Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi
Captain Koko Kaga
Commanding Officer
USS Kaga
Captain Ririchiyo Shirakiin
Commanding Officer
USS Yokai
Lieutenant Dakota Meadows
Squadron Leader
USS Kaga
Lieutenant Pippa Williams
Fighter Pilot
USS Kaga
Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Deputy Air Boss
USS Myogi
Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Squadron Leader
USS Myogi
Lieutenant JG Mia Amaro
Fighter Pilot
USS Myogi