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Karen's Titanic Christmas Party!

Posted on Sun Jan 23rd, 2022 @ 5:15am by Lieutenant Karen Kujo 'Union Jane' & Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Edited on on Fri Feb 11th, 2022 @ 6:06am

2,406 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Christmas Vacation
Location: USS Myogi (NCC-65918), Holodeck 1
Timeline: December 24, 2045 Hours

Shortly before 2100 hours on Christmas Eve, an anonymous note was slipped under Lieutenant Commander Churchill's door. the sender was anonymous, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who it was from:

"Meet me in Holodeck 1 by 2130 tonight, or Mia and I are telling everyone that you were masturbating in public!


Elisabeth at first hesitated to go, especially since the note stank of Karen plotting to rape her. However, Elisabeth decided to go through with it anyway, because if Karen and mia did rape her, she would then have just cause to have them thrown off the ship. She just hoped Commander Takahashi would understand why she had to suddenly cancel the first class White Star Line Christmas dinner she had been planning for weeks to have with them. But as far as Elisabeth was concerned, she had some rapists to smoke off the Myogi.

Elisabeth arrived at Holodeck One a few minutes before Karen's deadline to sniff out the trap that she suspected had been set for her. However, when Elisabeth consulted the Holodeck controls, she was surprised to find her own Royal Mail Ship Titanic program running.

Surely, she couldn't be so stupid so as to turn the Titanic into a sex dungeon... Elisabeth thought to herself.

"I must say, Churchill: You've really outdone yourself." Came a familiar voice.

Elisabeth looked up from the control panel to spot Maho and Keisuke approaching, both dressed in period-accurate Edwardian clothing.

"C-Commanders;" Elisabeth stammered, snapping to attention. "What are you doing here?"

"We received a message stating that the Christmas Party was instead going to be on Holodeck One;" Keisuke explained. "Looked like your handwriting, so we figured you wanted to show off one of your programs to us."

"That... Wasn't me..." Elisabeth responded.

"Well, if you didn't send it..." Maho said. "...Who did?"

"That's what I was down here to find out." Elisabeth said. "Though I must say, I'm glad you're here; makes me think dubious intent is less likely if whoever sent those messages was stupid enough to invite you along, too."

Maho chuckled: One of the rare instances of her doing so.

"Well, if they do try anything funny, it'll be nothing short of career suicide for them." She said. "You have my backing as Commanding Officer, Churchill: I've never tolerated harassment, and I certainly don't intend to start now."

Elisabeth smiled.

"Thank you, captain." She said.

The trio turned and entered the holodeck, walking through the door and onto Titanic's grand staircase, which had been tastefully decorated for the holidays. The atmosphere in the staircase was lively, as hologram passengers from all three classes walked about, chatting and making merry with one another. To the side from the staircase, a group of Third Class passengers had formed an impromptu band, and were leading a group of First Class passengers in a Gaelic dance.

"I can't believe it..." Elisabeth muttered, dumbfounded by the accuracy of the festivities going on around the three of them.

Of course, Elisabeth had experimented with creating special Holiday parameters for her Titanic program, but gave it up, as she felt she couldn't do it justice, and had instead written them into her Olympic program, as there was more historical information available on holiday festivities held on that ship. Clearly, whoever had done this had drawn inspiration from her work on the Olympic program.

"Ah, Lieutenant Commander Churchill! Glad to see you could join us this evening!"

A tall, well-dressed Italian drew up to the trio, a reservation list tucked firmly under his arm. If Elisabeth remembered her history correctly, the man was most likely supposed to be Gaspare Antonio Pietro Gatti, a businessman and restaurateur who independently ran the À La Carte Restaurant on board.

Turning his attention over to Maho and Keisuke, Mr. Gatti bowed his head respectfully. "Commanders Takahashi; it is likewise an pleasure that you were able to make it; if the three of you would be so kind as to follow me, the Captain has already gone to the trouble of reserving a table for tonight's guests of honor."

"Of course:" Elisabeth responded, giving the customary 1912 bow expected of women of the day, with Maho following her example. "Lead the way."

Mr. Gatti proceeded to lead the three of them down a flight of stairs and around the back, proceeding past the waiting area and into the main dining venue.

"Right this way, please," he beckoned, leading Elisabeth and the Takahashis through a labyrinth of patrons and waitstaff as they made their way over to a table in the back, where Elisabeth was surprised to find most of the senior staff already seated.

"Commanders, if I might make the acquaintance," Mr. Gatti began as he drew up a chair and gestured for Maho to be seated. "I would like to introduce you to our guests tonight; Mr. Joseph Ismay, the managing director for the White Star Line; Mr. Charles Lightoller, Second Officer; and Mr. Edward John Smith, retried naval officer and former Commanding Officer of several White Star Vessels."

"Truly a pleasure to be in your company, Commander Takahashi," Officer Lightoller expressed flatteringly as he got down on one knee and kissed Maho's hand.

"You want to get a fat lip, buddy?" Keisuke asked. "Keep talking!"

"Down, Keisuke!" Maho responded. "Sorry, Mr. Lightoller; my husband is very protective of his territory!"

"No disrespect intended, Commander," Officer Lightoller chuckled as stood up and playfully patted Keisuke on the shoulder. "Just a polite courtesy is all."

"Now, if you folks will excuse me for a moment," Mr. Gatti expressed, bowing his head politely. "I'll be back with the Captain in just a moment."

And with a sharp turn of his heel, he was off to retrieve the Captain-- whomever that was supposed to be.

"Lieutenant Commander Churchill; what an honor it is to have you back:" Mr. Smith spoke, breaking the stalemate as to who should speak first. "Good to see you're keeping on like Winston before you."

"Cap- I mean, Mr. Smith;" Elisabeth nodded in kind. "It is good to be in your company again; though it's a shame you're not the one in charge."

"Yeah, well; the Maiden Voyage was the last bit of excitement that I needed." Smith responded. "And I especially don't need any more iceberg scares like the one we had back then. If it weren't for Mr. Murdoch's quick thinking, who knows what might have happened."

"Pardon me for the delay, ladies and gentlemen," a familiar voice called out from behind them. "I'm afraid that ice warnings kept me held up on the bridge, so I was preoccupied with attending to the affair."

Oh, God no; she didn't...

Turning, Elisabeth watched in abject horror as Lieutenant Kujo, donned up in a period-correct White Star Line Officer's uniform, sauntered her way over to the table.

"So full of yourself, you probably don't even realize how ridiculous you look in that uniform." Elisabeth muttered aloud. "Not to mention horrible historical inaccuracy..."

"Hey, be nice to White Star's first female captain, will you?" Smith interjected. "Honestly, I would have expected women being given the right to vote before becoming captain of a steamship."

"Thank you, Mr. Smith," Karen expressed, shooting Elisabeth a smug, shit-eating grin as she took her seat.

"So," Karen continued, turning her attention over to Maho and Keisuke. "Commanders Takahashi; I hear you recently welcomed your first child? How's that been treating you?"

"Oh, yes!" Officer Lightoller replied, leaning forward with keen interest. "Do tell, Commanders; I'd been meaning to ask about it earlier!"

"Well, in short; bye-bye, good nights' sleeps." Maho responded. "Well, at least for me, anyway; Keisuke here, he can pretty much sleep through a hurricane."

Officer Lightoller chuckled at that remark. "Though it might not be my business to say, have you considered hiring a nursemaid? Sylvia and I recently had our third child, and we both swear by their services."

"Not sure if you mean a nanny, but yes, we've hired one." Keisuke responded. "It's been-" Keisuke was suddenly kicked under the table my Maho.

"They've been, dear!" Maho said.

"Right, sorry; they've been helpful when they can," Keisuke continued. "But sometimes baby just wants mommy and won't settle down until Maho's holding her."

"I feel your pain, Commander," Officer Lightoller expressed. "Can't begin to tell you how many times the nursemaid has had to interrupt us because Roger or Trevor or even Mavis were yearning for Sylvia's affection."

"Pardon the intrusion, Ladies and Gentlemen," Mr. Gatti interceded as he drew up to the table, accompanied by a small troupe of caterers. "But now that the Captain is seated, I believe it somewhat appropriate that we kick off the evening's festivities." He paused, briefly turning to Karen for approval. "You would concur, Captain?"

"But of course," Karen nodded courteously.

Mr. Gatti motioned to the caterers to begin laying out the silverware before turning his attention back to the guests. "Tonight's exclusive five-course dinner shall comprise of caviar, green turtle soup, golden crown asparagus, roast stuffed goose, and Mince Pie-- hot or cold, as per the guest's discretion. Drinks tonight shall be sourced by Châteaux Latour 1890."

"A fine vintage for wine," Mr. Smith keenly observed as a waiter fastened his napkin. "I hear that the Bordeaux vineyards were marked by a cold spring that year, but were miraculously saved by good weather in September."

Several courses into the 5-course meal, Elisabeth couldn't help but notice that Karen was using her utensils in a historically accurate manner as well as actually going through them instead of using the same set over and over for every course. That, and she also appeared to be demonstrating some more proper dining etiquette, including chewing with her mouth closed and keeping her elbows off the table, and when she did speak, it wasn't with food in her mouth, nor was sexual innuendo anywhere in the conversation.

But then again, something was telling Elisabeth that this was all an act; that she was only pretending to be a proper Victorian to impress her. However, Elisabeth decided to keep her hunch to herself.

However, somewhere between the Asparagus and the stuffed goose, Karen leaned over and gently nudged Elisabeth with her elbow to get her attention.

"Well?" she whispered with a smug look on her face. "I think you owe me an apology, Churchill."

"An apology for what?" Elisabeth whispered back. "I'm truly sorry if anything I've said has offended you; I was merely pointing out how you'd fail to be a prim and proper Victorian woman: If you truly wanted to impress me, Kujo; you'd keep up this behaviour after tonight, and stop hanging around that fallen woman."

A smug grin crossed Elisabeth's face, as she knew she was basically daring Karen to keep up the charade after tonight instead of falling back into her old ways as she predictably would:

"You mean Lieutenant Amaro?" Karen smirked, reaching over and having a sip of her wine. "Sorry to disappoint, but I had no say in her recruitment. And besides, isn't it the responsibility of a Squadron Leader to strike up some candor with her subordinates? You never know when it might come in handy during a firefight."

"Regardless, demonstrations of change don't impress me:" Elisabeth responded, having a sip of her wine."Especially if I can predict that the individual giving such demonstrations will just slip back into their old ways as soon as the demonstration is over: If you truly wanted to win my favour (which, let's be honest, is probably the whole reason you hijacked our Christmas celebrations), you'd start implementing some of the mannerisms I've seen of you tonight into your daily routine; and who knows? You quality of life might just improve because of it."

"As if you're one to talk about manners, Churchill," Karen laughed. "Especially considering you're the one who decided to Jill off in public."

"That's a lie, and you know it, Kujo!" Elisabeth responded.

Thankfully, no one at the table appeared to be listening in on their conversation- not even Maho, thank heavens.

"What you may fail to realize is that you and I are cut from the same cloth, Churchill," Karen explained, dismissing Elisabeth's accusations. "My father worked just as hard as any of your parents did to get where they are today; and so what if I'm a little lax with certain mannerisms like eating with my mouth open? I'm not a perfect lady, and neither are you. So in the future, what's say you live a little and don't tell me how to live my life? It's the 24th century, not the 19th."

"Tell you what? I'll agree to that, on the condition that you don't tell me I have to abide by your filthy habits." Elisabeth proposed. "If you respect my life choices, I can just as easily respect yours."

"I can certainly agree to that," Karen nodded. "But while I'm still thinking about it..."

She leaned over, her breath tickling the hairs on Elisabeth's neck.

"When we're done with this little engagement, what's say we steal back to the Captain's Cabin for Round 2? I've got this suite booked all night, and I just so happen to be wearing a certain pair of skivvies that I happen to know you have a certain fondness for..."

"Nice try, Kujo:" Elisabeth responded, pushing Karen off her. "Maybe some other time...

Posting by (In order of appearance):

Lieutenant Commander Elisabeth Churchill
Chief Diplomatic Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)

Gaspare Antonio Pietro Gatti

Joseph Bruce Ismay

Charles Herbert Lightoller, DSC & Bar, RD, RNR

Edward John Smith, RD & RNR

Lieutenant Karen Kujo
Nightkids Squadron Leader, USS Myogi (NCC-65918)


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