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Flashback: Trivia Night

Posted on Thu Dec 30th, 2021 @ 4:28am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston & Tanaka Miyahara

1,238 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Forward Lounge "Five Forward", Deck 7
Timeline: Late 2394

In the weeks following Nakazato's departure, Keisuke had seriously mulled over what his best friend had told him:

"Don't hesitate, man: Make her yours. Seriously, the best decision I ever made was making Sayuki mine."

Since then, Keisuke had found a good engagement ring, which he had ordered express-delivered to the Myogi. When it had arrived, Keisuke had met with Miyahara to discuss how he wanted to propose to Maho: Sure, he could have gone with the "Holodeck proposals" that seemed to be popular among Starfleet officers, but Keisuke wanted to do something a little more unique: He wanted the crew present to share in his moment, and wanted Miyahara's help in organizing a trivia night for the crew in Five Forward. Miyahara was happy to be of assistance, and would get the word out about trivia night taking place in Five Forward; though obviously, Keisuke's plan of proposing to Maho would be left out.

It was evident to Keisuke that Science was not Maho's strong suit, as she often sent him to deal with matters relating to the Science department. So, at a later date, when word had gotten out courtesy of Miyahara that there would be a trivia night held in Five Forward, Keisuke met with the Chief of Science to explain his true intent for Trivia Night, and had spent several hours coming up with really hard Science related questions to really fry Maho's brain as a ruse.

At last, trivia night finally rolled around; and the crew poured into Five Forward for a chance to get to know each other and how the other departments worked. Of course, Miyahara had told Keisuke that, to play it up, he wouldn't get around to his and Maho's set for a while, so he was free to mingle with the crew while he waited.

During the trivia set between Tristana, the Chief of Security, and Johnston; a JG from Engineering; which was comical enough in that Johnston was seemingly unable to take his eyes of Tristana's chest, Keisuke found Maho sitting by herself at a table, watching the comedy unfold.

"Hello there, Beautiful:" He said in his usual charming voice as he slid into a vacant seat at the table. "So, how are you enjoying trivia night?"

"It's been great fun." Maho responded, giving Keisuke a smile. "We should do this more often:"

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it:" Keisuke said. "It's just a little something the Admiral and I cooked up as a team-building exercise."

"Well, hey; you're getting no complaints out of me." Maho said. "Especially with the comedy gold that's happening right now..." She gestured to Tristana and Johnston. "Plus, it never hurts to gain some insight into what your fellow crew do for a living."

"I'd say so;" Keiskue said, turning to glance at Tristana and Johnston. "But, I suppose you can't control who Miyahara pairs you up with... Say, did anyone mention to you how beautiful you look tonight?"

"Oh, Keisuke, stop it;" Maho responded, blushing. "You know it's just my standard duty uniform!"

"You make the red look good; you really do." Keisuke said. "Certainly a lot better than I could ever hope to pull off:"

"Modest much?" Maho asked. "Because I'd beg to differ. You don't necessarily look bad in red yourself."

"I know, but you can really make it look sexy." Keisuke said.

Before Keisuke had a chance to continue talking, applause arose, indicating that Tristana and Johnston had finished their set:

"Looks like they're done:" Keisuke observed. "I wonder who Miyahara's going to pick next:"

When the applause subsided, Miyahara spoke:

"Thank you, again; Lieutenants Tristana and Johnston for a rather... Interesting round of trivia." He said. "So, for our next round... Why don't we have the two officers with the most important jobs on the ship, aside from myself, go next? Captain Nishizumi and Lieutenant Commander Takahashi."

"Huh, looks like he's decided to pair us up for this next round." Keisuke said, the surprise in his voice boiling down to Miyahara's decision to have them go next rather than his being paired with Maho. "Well, I hope you've got some good questions for me:"

Maho and Keisuke got up from the table and made their way to the area where Tristana and Johnston had been standing only moments prior.

"Ah, there you two are:" Miyahara said. "Right, I'm pretty sure you've seen enough rounds to know the rules, but I'll repeat: The round will consist of 6 questions, 3 to be asked by each person in alternating order. Best two out of three wins; though don't take that aspect too seriously, as this is all in the name of fun. Keisuke; why don't you start things off?"

"Okay, Admiral:" Keisuke said, turning to face Maho, and pulling out his PADD with the questions he had come up with, though he knew he would only be asking one of the questions off the PADD. "Name three types of viral infections transmitted through the air."

Maho blinked twice, confounded that Keisuke was coming at her with a Science trivia question out of the gate.

"Um... Um... Um..." She stammered.

"Ask her another question, Takahashi:" Miyahara said. "Something you know she'll be able to answer."

Right on cue: Keisuke thought.

"Alright;" Keisuke said.

Setting the PADD aside, Keisuke reached into his pocket. When he pulled the ring case from his pocket, he dropped down on one knee; presenting the ring case in one hand and opening it with the other, to reveal the ring nestled inside.

"Will you marry me?"

Maho's hands flew to her lips as her heart fluttered. The words had no sooner left Keisuke's mouth when the whole lounge erupted in applause. Maho stood rooted in place in shock as everyone gathered clapped on. As the applause began to subside, Maho had her answer:

"Yes; YES!" She squealed, leaping into Keisuke's arms as the applause intensified upon hearing Maho's answer.

As they embraced, Maho planted a kiss on Keisuke's cheek, a gesture which he returned.

"I knew you'd get that one:" Keisuke said.

Once they had finished the embrace, and Keisuke went to slide the ring onto Maho's finger, Miyahara turned to face the enthusiastic ovation; of which a fresh round brewed up as Keisuke slid the ring onto Maho's finger.

"SHOW US THE RING!" Someone shouted.

Upon hearing the call, Maho raised her hand, with the ring on it, as some began chanting things, from 'ring' to Keisuke and Maho's names, and Maho turned in a manner to make sure everyone gathered had a chance to see the ring.

"Now," Miyahara began as the applause began to subside in earnest. "I don't know about any of you, but I don't think we need to go any further with this round of trivia; what do you two think?"

"I don't think so, Admiral." Maho responded. Keisuke nodded in agreement.

"Right; ladies and gentlemen; give it up once again for Captain Nishizumi and Lieutenant Commander Takahashi!" Miyahara said, extending an arm in Maho and Keisuke's direction as they went to go sit down, and a fresh round of applause started.

Posting by

Admiral Tanaka Miyahara
Commanding Officer

Captain Maho Nishizumi
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer

Lieutenant Tristana
Chief Security Officer

Lieutenant JG Terrence "Terry" Johnston
Engineering Officer


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