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Touring the Facilities, Part 7 : Medical (backpost)

Posted on Fri Apr 5th, 2024 @ 9:33pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Lieutenant EMH MK. V 'Shizuka' & Commander Victor Delling MD & Lieutenant Commander Kurumi Ebisuzawa & Lieutenant Commander Brennyn Scott M.D. & Captain Taiga Aisaka
Edited on on Sat Apr 6th, 2024 @ 12:34am

1,634 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Junichi Koyama
Location: Sickbay, Deck 7
Timeline: Backpost

The next stop on the tour route was Sickbay. Maho had been advised when they left that there was a small, but contained outbreak of LSRV, so this part of the tour would double as Maho checking up on the status of the outbreak.

"Our sickbay might not be the newest or most advanced in the fleet, but it gets the job done." Maho explained. "Everything from a scraped knee to a lost limb gets treated here."

"Have you not had a refit yet?" Taiga asked. "I would reccomend you put in a request to Starfleet Medical. Get your equipment up to date, the new EMH programs blow the old ones out of the water."

"Our Mark V EMH has an... Irrational fear of replacement." Maho explained. "So, when we've gotten our equipment updated in the past, the EMH was left alone. And I must say, you should never doubt the resolve of a Mark V to learn new equipment. She's done a fantastic job of it, and we've really had no need to replace her as a result."

"Plus, I expect after a bit more therapy, the EMH will be feeling much better," Bree replied with a smile.

"Isnt it just a hologram?" Taiga asked. "Has it shown any intention of consciousness?"

Maho shook her head sadly.

"I can't believe I belong to the same generation of brats like you who are quick to forget the lessons individuals such as Voyager's Doctor have taught us." She muttered. "If you don't believe EMHs are sentient, why don't you ask our EMH yourself? Computer, activate Emergency Medical Hologram."

Within seconds, the Myogi's Mark V EMH materialized, the hologram's model being that of a well-endowed blonde woman in a teal Starfleet uniform. Currently, she held two rank pips on her chest, but she was capable of updating her rank as the situation called for it.

"Please state the nature of the Medical Emergency." The EMH said.

The holograms appearance combined with a sharply toned alarm from the direction of the chiefs office. Victor strode out of the back fastening his collar with one hand, the other holding a PADD that was shrieking an alarm. A blue surgical cap was still on his head and he bore a thunderous look on his face. "Just who the hell?".

"May I be of assistance, Doctor?" The EMH asked, turning to face Victor.

He let the PADD he was holding scream it's alarm for a moment longer before his eyes settled on the Captains. His irr didn't leave but there was a subtle change in his expression. "Computer, End EMH alarm and end emergency status. Stand down activated PADDs for Emergency Personnel. Authorization DellingV5517".

"Erm..." Taiga said. "I'm a little confused. What just happened?"

"Me too." Maho said. "I don't remember the activation of the EMH tripping an alarm?"

"In light of the recent events, security and I have been going through ways of better ensuring the safety of the crew. There is never a reason that an EMH should be active with a doctor on duty, So, if it is, that indicates that the doctor on duty is overwhelmed and needs help or something is going on outside of normal operations. An alarm is sounded on my console wherever I am in the ship and in the quarters of the incoming shift of relief physicians. ".

"I see." Maho said. "I apologize for tripping any alarms, doctor; I was only going to give Captain Aisaka a demonstration of our EMH while we waited for yourself or Doctor Scott to show us around sickbay. Namely to demonstrate that just because a program is old doesn't mean it should be discarded as trash."

Bree knew nothing of the EMH. She was embarrassed in fact that she didn't know and resolved to do a better job of getting to know Victor and his protocols. For now, however, this was his domain.

Taiga crossed her arms. "No offense, but that sounds stupid." She said simply. "The EMH can be used as an extra pair of hands in an emergency."

Nothing Bree ever heard after the words, ' no offense ' turned out to anything but offensive, and this was no exception. "In emergency situations, all resources are important, but in situation in which as far as we know there is no emergency or other reason to call upon the EMH, I can see why the senior medical staff wants to ensure no one is shirking responsibility," Bree offered diplomatically.

"So you're worried about people using the EMH to slack off, is basically what you're saying?" Taiga asked.

"If a physician on duty, activates the EMH as an extra set of hands, no such alarm is activated. The purpose of the alarm, is to ensure that should an emergency arise, the appropriate staff are notified as we do have a full compliment of doctors."

"Besides, I was just in my office doing an inventory. I am both on duty and available, there is no need for the EMH to be active so therefore I was summoned. "

"I see." Maho said. "Well, since you're here and available, would either of you two care to show us around sickbay? I understand there is a contained outbreak of LRSV, so I understand if you wish to steer us clear of those beds."

"I have all the victims isolating in a ICU bay 4, just for containment's sake. The ICU bays will not be part of the tour, as those patients do not need the added stress of a command inspection" Victors voice was firm, from that he would not be swayed.

"Understood." Maho nodded. "Let's begin, shall we?"

Victor wondered if he said no he didn't care to, just how much trouble he'd get in. He imagined the captain would not take it kindly, as that seemed to be the theme recently. He was grateful that at least the patients he had, were not I'm going to be on display for this whatever this was.

It didn't take an expert in behavior to recognize Victor's discomfort, but Bree didn't feel it was her place to take the lead on offering the tour. After all, Victor was the chief medical officer. Instead, she offered, " i'd be happy to tagalong and provide information on the counseling facilities. They're not quite as exciting, but maintaining the psychological well-being of the crew is an integral part of seeing to the overall well-being of the crew."

"Well, Commanders, if a tour is that much of an inconvenience for you, I'm sure our EMH will be able to do so." Maho said, turning to the EMH.

Victor took a step backwards from them and drew himself up to his full height. Only the clenching of his jaw had prevented it from falling open at the sheer rudeness the captain had just displayed to him....again. His ears burned, and he barely held back the retort he'd wanted to verbalize . "I am certain that she could, however tour guide falls well outside of her job description. Computer, deactivate EMH and reset alarm parameters."

The EMH merely shot the organic doctor a disapproving look as it vanished.

"Well," Bree replied as diplomatically as she could muster, "It looks like it's the four of us. Where shall we go first?"

"We'll start with the waiting area, as it seems to have been overlooked in their entry. We've recently expanded it, so that should there be a need for care while the primary beds are full, that we can provide ease and comfort while someone waits." Victor stated in a monotone, zero enthusiasm at all in his voice. "The botany department has been very helpful in propagating us air purification plants, to make the space more comfortable."

Scott made a mental note to talk to Victor after this…awkwardness was over. She didn't particularly enjoy being put on display for the higher ups either, but she did take pride in her work and could at least make an effort. "I have found similar success in offering aromatherapy in the counseling offices," Bree offered, hoping to change the mood somewhat.

"There is also a station with tea, that Dr. Erebos and one of the science officers helps keep stocked. It's freshly dried and quite lovely." he said as he opened a door into a currently empty waiting room. A blanket was strewn over one chair, so it was clear the room had been in use recently. "Would any of you like tea?"

"Sure, I could go for a nice cup of Chai right about now." Maho said.

"Anyone else?"

"Yes, please," Scott requested. She figured having something to drink would give her something to do to cover any awkwardness.

He scooped the appropriate leaves into a ball, and poured hot water over it. The red tea eddied out of the holes, making idle lovely patterns in the water. He counted off the appropriate time in his head and pulled it out. "Sweetener? Milk?"

"Best stick to milk, Doctor." Maho responded.

Bree smiled. She wasn't about to bring up the Captain's condition in this conversation, but the thought of a new baby would always be some thing to bring her joy. "So, have all of you enjoyed your other tours as well?"

Victor made two more cups of the chai, in the Indian subcontinental style and then handed one to Bree, before taking a sip of his own. He was quite fond of the blend, and drank it often. The question Brennyn had asked hung in the air unanswered and he allowed his gaze to flicker between the others. "Come, the new surgical suite should be cleaned post-op by now."

Without stopping to wait and see if they were following, Victor led them from the new waiting area, deeper into sickbay.


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