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Hostile Nikko Takeover (Part 2)

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 1:47am by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Seiji Iwaki 'Hawk' & Lieutenant Commander Tristana & Lieutenant Terrence "Terry" Johnston & Commander Ichika Misono & Commander Victor Delling MD & Master Chief Petty Officer William Pitsenbarger & Petty Officer 3rd Class Shingen Miyazawa & Petty Officer 3rd Class Kiyohira Kabuto & Petty Officer 2nd Class Mai Ichihara
Edited on on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 1:48am

2,232 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Trade Troubles
Location: USS Nikko, various
Timeline: After 'Hostile Nikko Takeover (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

=A="Johnston to Misono and Tristana:"=A= Came Terry's voice over Ichika and Tristana's coms. =A="Hope your missions are going better than mine is? These fellas are really dug in, and they've got us outflanked. I could really use some backup if youse guys could spare it!"=A=

=A="Acknowledged, Johnston:"=A= Tristana responded, turning to her team. "Frederico, Lombardo, you're with me guarding the computer core. The rest of you, make for main engineering, double time!"

And now, the continuation:

=A=Copy that, Lieutenant,=A= Ichika responded. =A=Pitsenbarger, Silika, and I will be making our way towards your position shortly. Misono out.=A=

With a sigh, Ichika shifted her attention over towards her remaining team members.

"Let's make sure that those officers we stunned are restrained and transported to the Myogi's brig before we move in to help Lieutenant Johnston," she ordered, pointing towards the guards who were still lying unconscious in front of the armory. "Wouldn't want one of them waking up and alerting Commander Iwaki as to our position."

"Aye, aye sir." replied William. "One thing first." With that he pulled out two strange looking devices. "Medical securing devices to prevent anyone from entering a quarantine site made by Medical Command, Security hates these things because even they cannot override them, nor can Command section." William said with a smile. "Guaranteed to prevent anyone other than our medical staff from entering the Armory, unless one of our Medical staff overrides the security codes."

As Chief Pitsenbarger was explaining the devices Crewman Silika began placing restraints on the unconscious guards from the Armory. "Pardon me Chief but I have never heard of such devices." she said as she quickly went over each individual security guard and swept them for weapons and other devices before securing them. "Chief this one appears injured, possible broken jaw from the looks of it."

Chief Pitsenbarger chuckled, "Yes, I most likely broke his jaw when I butt stroked him in the chin. I'll fix him in a second. As for these devices, medical command doesn't like to advertise them. Sir, there are some flash bangs in the Armory and fresh charge packs for our weapons, do you want to grab some before we head out, and before I seal the Armory?" asked William.

"I have a sneaking suspicion we're going to need all we can get, so let's grab what we can," Ichika nodded.

William chuckled at Commander Ichika's comment "How many boarding action's you been involved with Commander?" he asked as he finished scanning and then injecting a sleeping solution in the unconscious guards, he also tagged the one with a broken jaw, and ensured the airway was clear, he then placed a transporter transponder on the patient. =^= Myogi, Chief Pitsenbarger, one green non-critical casualty broken jaw and swollen groin region, he is to be considered a hostile Nikko security. Patient has been sedated with 5 cc's of Kayolane. Transport to sickbay triage and notify security. Relay all to sickbay and security. Out. =^= William then tapped his combadge again =^= Myogi several unconscious Nikko security forces ready for transport to the brig, all are restrained both physically and chemically with 5 cc's of Kayolane, inform security and have one medical personnel standby to further assess. Out. =^= With that he turned "Well Sir, I believe we are going to be going down the rabbit hole best arm up. As my friends in the Marines say, the fun is about to begin." He then entered the Armory and started to stock up on flash bang gernades and energy packs.

Crewman Petra went into the Armory and began grabbing as many flash bang grenades as she could carry and several fresh energy packs "Sir are you sure we are going to need all this? she inquired. "It feels like we are arming ourselves to go against Jem'Hadar instead of fellow Starfleet." Chief Pitsenbarger chuckled "Crewman if you haven't noticed our 'friends' are not playing by Queensberry Rules here."

"Alright, let's get a move on," Ichika ordered as she grabbed a couple of stun grenades off the wall and attached them to her belt. "No telling how long Lieutenant Johnston's going to be able to hold the line down there, so time's of the essence."

William picked up his med pack and slung it onto his shoulders with a grunt. Damn I swear I am getting to old for this he thought. "Okay Sir, lead the way and I'll take the middle, with crewman Petra bringing up the rear." he suggested. He mentally prepared himself for yet more combat, how many firefights and ship boardings have I been in over my career he thought. As he and the others stepped out of the Armory, he placed the isolation locks on the door =^= Set to voice command of Senior Enlisted and Officers of the USS Myogi's medical staff. This area is declared a Priority One Medical Isolation incident. =^= The computer chirped, and a small blue level ten force field appeared, sealing the entrance to the Armory.

Crewman Petra grabbed her phaser rifle then had a thought "Sir, chief wouldn't it be advisable to approach the upper engineering section from one of their Jefferies tubes. Then we could drop a few flashbangs into the engineering upper decks drop down and safely subdue the rest of the engineering section?" she inquired, hoping her suggestion was not too foolish.

Just as crewman Petra finished her inquiry, three Nikko security guards came rushing down the corridor "Quick we need to gather more flash bangs and energy clips from the armory." one was saying to the others as the came rushing down the corridor. They pulled up short upon seeing the Myogi trio.

"Damn!" Ichika hissed. "Cover me, you two!"

Eyeballing a small fusebox just behind the trio of guards, Ichika hoisted her phaser rifle and fired off a well-placed shot. The panel immediately erupted in a shower of sparks, allowing Ichika just enough time to dodge-roll out of the line of fire and allow William to take over.

"NOW!" she ordered before the security guards could regain their bearings.

William immediately fired his phaser rifle upon hearing Commander Misono at the three Nikko security guards as he moved for cover down the hall. He hit the lead individual. He got behind the corner of the original corridor they had first used to assault the armory and provided covering fire for the commander and crewman Petra.

Petra took a second before she responded, she had been in the process of attaching another flash bang to her belt when she decided to throw it at the Nikko crew instead, "grenade, outgoing" she screamed as she ran back towards where the chief was and took up a firing position. The corridor was immediately lite up in a brilliant flash and a roar of unimaginable sound.

William closed his eye and covered his ears upon hearing Petra scream "grenade, outgoing." damn rookies he thought, as he braced for the explosion. Even with his eyes closed tight his retinas still sensed the flash from the grenades and left red, blotchy spots. His ears began ringing from the explosion. He felt a body trip over him and knew it was most likely Crewman Petra. He opened his eyes and could see blotchy red spots but overall, he was oriented and thus turned the corner and began firing at the two remaining crewman, putting them down. "All clear, sound off on your status." he hollered, to be heard from his fellow shipmates.

"Let's make sure they won't be getting back up to sound the alarm," Ichika ordered. "After which, we'll head down to engineering and render aid to Lieutenant Johnston."

Main Engineering

Terry's team had been successfully held at the entrance to main engineering by the Nikko's engineering staff. It was easier for phasers to be fired out of engineering than into engineering, as the blasts ran the risk of hitting the warp core. Terry had two brave guys who managed to force their way inside that were pinned down, and there without Commander Misono's reinforcements, there was little he could do to relieve them.

Terry had diverted Tristana's guys to sweep the upper levels of Engineering in an attempt to reduce the number of combatants in engineering. Terry could only hope that Commander Misono would get there in time.

“They’ll be here, sir.” This was Petty Officer Shingen Miyazawa, one of Terry’s two. He was counting on the upper deck being cleared quickly — Kabuto would come through; Nephrite always did — or First Officer Misono showing up soon.

Outside main engineering’s upper level, Petty Officer Kiyohira Kabuto, on the signal of his superior officer, used a manual override to open the door barely eight centimetres. He tossed in a Starfleet Security issue flashbang and turned away, shielding his ears as best he could with his shoulder. The loud noise and bright light would disorient anyone in the room — any human at least — without damaging the engineering infrastructure. Once the grenade had gone off, he opened the door the rest of the way, permitting the rest of the team access. I’m coming, Jadeite, buddy.

Ensign Mark Humphrey, the squad leader appointed by Tristana to lead the relief mission to Terry's group, was first through the door, phaser rifle in hand. Humphrey was a master of close quarters combat, perhaps that had been why Tristana had trusted him to lead the mission. He knew that it was a high priority to not hit the warp core or anything remotely central to the Nikko's operation, especially if the mission was to have the Nikko drive away from this. As such, wide beam phasers were not an option, and they would have to focus on neutralizing their targets one by one. Taking aim at his first victim, a skinny Bolian man evidently dazed by the flash bang which Petty Officer Kabuto had thrown, and seemed confused that a phaser rifle was trained on him before the Bolian man fell when he was hit by Humphrey's stun blast. The Bolian man hadn't even hit the deck when Humphrey trained his sight on his next target, a Trill woman, striking her down in a similar manner.

The flashbang and subsequent eruption of phaser fire on the upper levels had accomplished their purpose; as engineers who had been previously bombarding Terry at the entrance moved to climb ladders and attempt to retake the upper levels from this new pincer movement, and as such, Terry was able to more easily push through this weakened defense and reach the Engineering table, where his guys had been pinned down. Upon reaching the table, Terry crouched down to avoid the reduced, yet still lethal phaser fire coming his way to check on his charges:

"Are you fellas okay?" He asked. "Either one of you hurt?"

"Glancing blow to the upper arm." Lieutenant JG Gilbert Humphrey, Mark Humphrey's older brother, reported. "Hurts like a motherfucker, but I'll live."

"Lemme be the judge of that, Lieutenant;" Terry said, scanning Gilbert's injury with a tricorder. The reading showed that the phaser blast Gilbert had taken to his left forearm was indeed a glancing blow, and his injury was not life-threatening.

After determining that Gilbert was okay, Terry turned to Petty Officer Miyazawa. "What about you?" He asked.

“Fine here, sir,” answered Shingen, happy to be alive, but chuffed at needing to be rescued (and not being rescued by Tristana herself).

“‘Course he’s fine,” added Kiyohara, having checked the far side of the engine room for any more bogeys. “The only one allowed to kill him is me.”

"You know, I'm not wrong when I say I see Markie and myself in you two." Gilbert chuckled as he stood up using his good arm and shooting an engineer he noticed in his periphery starting to get up.

At that moment, Mark arrived at the engineering table, having completed his sweep of the upper levels.

"Upper levels are clear," He reported. "And you know I hate that name, Gil."

"Yeah, yeah," Gilbert responded. "You know, you'll still always be Markie to me."

"Now, now, Gentlemen; there's no need to argue." Terry said, now standing up himself and tapping his combadge: =A="Johnston to Myogi, Main Engineering is secure."=A=


"Sir, we're being hailed by the Myogi." The Vulcan XO informed Iwaki.

"On screen." Seiji ordered.

Maho's image was promptly displayed on the Nikko's viewscreen.

"Well, Commander;" Maho said. "I see that my forces are now in complete control of your ship, and I suggest that you yield."

Seiji chuckled.

"I do not yield to barefoot and pregnant losers like you." He said. "You want me? Come and get me."

Seiji turned to his XO.

"End transmission." He ordered.

The Nikko's viewscreen changed back to the view of the Myogi in the distance.

=A="Myogi to away teams:"=A= Maho said. =A="Looks like you'll need to perform an extraction."=A=

=A=Copy that, Myogi,=A= Ichika replied. =A=Tristana, Johnston, have your teams reconvene at my position.=A=

=A="Yes, ma'am:"=A= Terry and Tristana responded in unison.

To be continued...


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