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First Senior Staff Meeting under Takahashi (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Dec 20th, 2021 @ 2:19pm by Captain Maho Takahashi & Commander Keisuke Takahashi 'K.T.' & Commander Elisabeth Churchill & Commander Ichika Misono & Lieutenant Commander Brandon Pratt & Lieutenant Adélie Anders PhD & Lieutenant JG Jane Sinclair & Lieutenant Alisha Reno
Edited on on Thu Dec 23rd, 2021 @ 2:55am

1,053 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Handling the Fallout
Location: Conference Room, Deck 1
Timeline: After 'First Senior Staff Meeting under Takahashi (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek Myogi:

“Looking forward to it,” Jane said, returning the wide smile. “Is 1930 still good?”

“You bet it is!” Alisha’s eyes lit up at how eager Jane was looking about the upcoming dinner… Or was it a date? Not for the first time Alisha wished she’d been born a Betazoid and had the ability to feel others’ emotions, but alas, “I’ll be there on time, right on the tick!”

Adélie was not known for arriving to things early. Still, he was surprised when he arrived to this meeting at all. The half-Vulcan took the closest empty seat, too caught up in thinking about a math problem from this morning to take much notice of anybody else.

And now, the continuation:

Maho waited a few extra minutes, then made note of the senior staff not present and whom would need to be sent highlights from the meeting on a PADD before standing up and clearing her throat loudly to get the attention of the gathered senior staff and for them to quiet down.

"Alright, I think that's long enough of a wait, so we're going to get started a couple folks short." She muttered once the decibel level in the room dropped. "First off, I'd like to start off by wishing you all a good morning. Now, since I stand before an almost completely new senior staff, I think its fair that I catch you up on the events of these past few days, as well as discuss our newest orders which we have received."

To a degree, Alisha already knew what was coming, but she still had her PADD out to take notes. She did wonder where Maho was going to go with the briefing, what all would be told, if anything would be withheld, if Alistair would get back to her by text with any new information on the whereabouts of the ship they were looking for while they were in the meeting. Until then, ears and eyes were open.

"Now, for those unaware, we were given a simple task by Starfleet: Assist the Romulans in understanding Federation Law and lead a separate front in the prosecution of Captain Taiga Aisaka of the USS Tokyo." Maho explained. "In this front, we failed; which in on itself would be no big deal. However, Starfleet, whom had recruited us for this task, turned their backs on us afterwards, accusing us of collaborating with the Tal Shiar and taking extreme measures against this ship as a consequence. Even I have suffered from these measures, and have been demoted back to Commander while a jury deliberates on my involvement. Unfortunately, we shall be long gone by the time a verdict is reached."

Maho pressed a few buttons on the table and up flickered the holographic image of a Nebula class starship.

"Because we have bigger fish to fry;" Maho explained, gesturing towards the hologram. "This is the USS Nikko, and as of recent, it, its captain, and crew have gone AWOL, reportedly harassing Klingon shipping. Something the Klingons aren't taking too kindly to, and are threatening war if Commander Seiji Iwaki, who commands the Nikko, is not apprehended and brought to justice. Our orders are to locate the Nikko, which was most recently spotted in the Y'Tem sector, and arrest Commander Iwaki."

The Chief Security Officer's lip curled. 'We have credible intelligence that they've gone rogue?' he asked quietly.

"Intelligence reports indicate that the Nikko's transponder was inexplicably disengaged on Stardate 72087, shortly before Commander Iwaki was to be arraigned to stand trial," Commander Misono responded, pulling up the case file she had gone to the trouble of compiling and forwarding it to Satt and Alisha's PaDDs. "Given the circumstances leading up to the transponder's deactivation, we have credible reason to suspect this was a deliberate act of desertion."

"Indeed." Maho added, having read the report which had been forwarded to her by Commander Misono. "Starfleet has asked me to help lead the prosecution for Commander Iwaki. However, I have refused, because while Iwaki doesn't seem very smart, Captain Aisaka seemed rather unassuming at first as well. However, the power of hindsight is strong. Besides, with the jury still out, I may not be in command long enough to see this mission through."

Narrowing his eyes, Satt asked gently, 'if the ship's CO may not be in command long enough for the Myogi to fulfill her mission, even only in part because of your own refusal to prosecute, why send us at all?'

"Because the alternative is war with the Klingon Empire." Maho explained. "However, I have faith that I will be found not guilty; because the facts don't lie:"

Maho turned to Ichika.

"Commander Misono;" She said. "I understand that you wanted to provide an update on the shuttlebay situation?"

Commander Misono nodded before turning to address the gathered assembly of their senior staff.

"As I'm sure you've all been made aware in some capacity, it would appear that a disgruntled crew member made off with our stock of tools and spare parts for shuttle repair and maintenance. The Command Staff has been working closely with Lieutenants Pratt and Sinclair to take stock of what's been stolen and how we can set about procuring the necessary replacements before we get underway."

“Engineering has been following with interest. We support any methods that are viable and attainable.” Brandon had gestured, offering. He took a drink from his silver mug of coffee.

"However," Commander Misono continued, "Lieutenant Sinclair has brought to our attention that two particular items of interest-- those being the small-scale warp coil relaminator and the warp field stress simulator-- are too big for our industrial replicators; as such, we will be making a brief stopover at Utopia Planetia to take delivery of the necessary equipment before setting off for Y'Tem."

"Glad we were able to source those components," Jane said, smiling. "Lieutenant Pratt has offered to make use of the engineering replicators to replace as much of the rest as we can."

"And lastly," Ichika continued, turning her attention to Alisha. "We've had Intelligence cross-referencing our personnel archives and determining who would've had access to the shuttle bay equipment and when. Any potential leads, Lieutenant?"

To be continued...


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